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In a galaxy far, far away...

When Anakin and Obi-Wan got the news from Rex that he found a Jedi that was not only lost and appeared out of nowhere, fought against the Clones, got captured and refused to cooperate, but also challenged Grevious with a small battalion with two tanks and won - to say they were surprised was an understatement.

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Xena nodded, keeping eye contact as she did. Her nose flared a bit, brows furrowing just enough to not turn into a scowl. "So that is all you are? Bags of flesh following orders from whatever authoritative figure stands in front of them no matter what? Because you are things and not living?"

The silence that followed was deadly. It cut through all the chatter and nice play.

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Then Xena thought of the two of them together. A strange combination. A Senator and a Jedi. Xena would have thought it impossible if she did not have her parents as living proof.

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But the sight of flame that engulfed Xena, like the sun was her soul and spilling out recklessly from her body, made him believe that only a higher being was capable of this. It spilt and flooded them all, lighting up their skin with brilliance. Rex had to close his eyes, and still, all he could see was light. Feel the heat. Feel the vibrancy and beautiful destruction. The Force that fed and built and grew. And Xena was at the center of it all, holding it all within herself, not letting anything touch the men.

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"Ah, but you should." And then there was danger. The veil of calmness separated just a bit for a foreboding feeling to enter Xena's presence. It rumbled. Xena wanted to hide.

But then the rumble stopped, and Xena felt calm again. And it was strange because it felt like someone else was now also living in her body. Warm and friendly, an old soul that always stayed calm.

Dooku's eyes widened just a bit, just enough for Xena to see her own feeling of confusion echo. And then the veil is back, calm and in control.

"I apologize," Dooku stood up. "It is not my intention to intimidate you."

A bell rang somewhere in the back of Xena's mind, 'paedophile'. She tried to ignore it, focusing on the echo of Luke she saw in the Sith. And how deeply disturbing that connection was.

"I..." Xena started. "I am here to stop the war. To stop the Sith from taking over."

A flicker, and he asked, "And do you think you are succeeding?"

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Xena just had to give one last step - just one. She looked into the long corridor at men in blue and white ready to jump to help - so far away still.

Obi-Wan could scream if it meant getting to Xena any faster. Just a little more, a little more. Next to him, a Clone jumped forwards, a fierce gusto pushing him further ahead.

Another step and Xena just had to run forwards. Right towards a man with kind blue eyes that screamed home - safety. And-

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*  *  *

Anakin didn't try to fight back. He held up his lightsaber, his grip loose. Obi-Wan would have lectured him if he had seen. Anakin used his lightsaber to absorb the lightning thrown his way. It crackled and sang. It went everywhere, destroying all. He could feel some of it burning his body. The cry of pain joined the pain of the tears that had already passed down his face. It was too much. He didn't know what to do. What to think. A monster? Him?

And the saddest part was, some part of him believed her. He has felt it before. The pull to the Darkside. Many times before. What is worse, he had given in to those urges one too many times as well. When Ashoka was almost killed. When his men were in danger. When Obi-Wan was injured. He has felt the anger he saw in Xena's memories. But for him to... the Jedi... Ashoka... Obi-Wan... His wife, dead and forgotten in the future, he will create.

Anakin cried. He had never felt as much remorse. It suffocated him. He wanted it to end.

"I won't let you kill the future of this world, Anakin! Too many have suffered; too many have had to live in fear and pain for you to live. I won't let it happen. And if that makes me like you, an evil bastard that chose their selfishness above the wellbeing of others-" Xena pushed him again. Anakin's back hit the wall, a crack sounding through the rubble.

"- then so be it! I have made peace with what I am. I am chosen to complete what you have failed." Xena rushed forwards, grabbing at the abandoned lightsaber next to Anakin. Anakin, still caught in the mercy of his own mind's torture, just watched as Xena came closer, the blue of the lightsaber reflecting green in the yellow of her eyes. Yellow eyes that seem much too similar to those he has seen in the memories that Xena carries, memories that Anakin still has to live through. In the distance, Xena heard the echo of Luke's scream. To stop. To go forwards? Luke rarely raised his voice. Not even in arguments. The echo of Anakin's name leaving Luke's lungs did not sound right in such a tone. Not in the echo of a lost boy looking for his father. Not when his love for his father would stretch across time itself.

Anakin did not fight when Xena was in front of him, her blade raised and ready to strike. She was crying, a tortured look twisting her face as if she was the one stepping across death's door. Anakin did not look away as the blade came down. He had to watch. He had to watch the broken soul throw away the last remnants of hope in front of him. It was the least he could do. Let her see the light leave his eyes after he had snuffed out so much brightness in her life.

Anakin could feel the heat of the blade. Something moved behind them.

Xena wanted it all to end. And she was going to finish it. Right here and now. Damned her future. Damn to Leia and her chance to exist. Damn to Han, let him be frozen in carbon forever. Damn to Luke, may he never go through the pain of living. Damn to all, let her be alone for all eternity, away from the people she loved. A traitor of the Jedi, a disappointment of a daughter, a mistaken Sith to be judged and cast into the pits of Hell. It was all a sacrifice for the better of the galaxy. What are a few unfortunate souls burning in Hell to ensure peace for everyone else?


AN! Hey everyone! So this is just a small intro to the story I'm planning. Hopefully, all of you would enjoy this. I do not own anything in the Star Wars universe (unfortunately). All I own are the characters I create to carry the story's narrative.

The storyline will mostly be based on Clone Wars from around season 4 and a bit of Revenge of the Sith. I'm not sure how the timelines in Clone Wars go, but I will try to stick to writing my story as close to reality as in the Star Wars Universe. The ages of Luke and Xena will be a bit younger to fit in my story (such is the greatness of fan fiction). There may be facts or names that I get wrong because I am not as wise as Master Yoda. So then I will rely on you guys to inform me when I do get something wrong so that I can edit and improve so everyone can enjoy it more.

For those struggling to pronounce my OC's name, Xena, it is 'Zee-nah'.

This is a mighty long story - currently over 250k words - so be prepared.

And that is my A/N. Enjoy this book and may the force be with you!

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