Chapter 31

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"Those who enforce the law must obey the law."

Xena's blood didn't chill once the words washed over her. The intimidation fell flat. There, splattered on the ground, were Sidious' words. You've just welcomed your own death. The words held no meaning in bold bloody speckles as they blended with the blood of sort-of-but-not-really-innocents.

Xena shrugged. She had welcomed her own death the day she first killed one of those beasts in the Unknown Regions for her survival. She already invited the first touch on death when she swore to murder every one of those stupid Storm Troopers and anyone who stood under the Empire's flag. At first, she dreaded it. She dreaded the day her organs stopped working, her blood stilled, and her body whooshed away into nothingness.

But then she grew up, got over it, and fell through time.

Sidious did not like her complete carelessness.

The Force tingled with warnings, but Xena had grown so numb now that she didn't know how her body stood upright. She felt it all coming up slowly. Cold and creepy, it spread from her gut like rotten food.

The Hall was cleared when the final specks of blood settled onto dusty tiles, turning the washy white pink before it all muddled in a bloody mud brown. The Clones - the brave boys they are - still stood behind Xena. But there was this thrum of panic tickling all over their spirits, and instead of feeling their eyes on Sidious, Xena could feel it on her back.

"Did you see what she did?"

Xena could hear the barely there whisper behind her back, crystal clear as if she was standing right beside them. It felt the same as it had back on the Rebellion cruise ships. When Luke and Xena would stand on the bridge of a New Republic vessel, waiting and watching as their fighters fell against the last remnants of The Empire. The way it slowly crept up on Xena and Luke just how much different people from the outside could see their power.

It was when Luke and Xena accidentally catapulted a rebel who woke them from a nightmare across the room. When the rebels believed the Force was their weapon to kill. When smiles turned into whispers as they watched Xena and Luke suck Empire ships out of the sky. When pats on the back turned into empty hangars and running mandatory, the dining hall cleared out when the Jedi stepped in. For Luke, the wide-eyed expression of fear and desperation on his old friends' faces made him hate the Jedi.

There was a reason Luke and Xena retreated alone to Yavin. Why he cultivated his own way of being a Jedi instead of listening to Ahsoka. It was because of the stares and feelings Xena felt behind her at the moment.

That needed to change. The Clones only added to the weight of responsibility Xena felt for their safety and her own sanity. It was time for her to take charge and protect them, even if it meant confronting the source of her unease head-on and alone.

"Rex," Xena said, still not taking her eyes off Sidious. "Let the men out. The Resolute and Lux's ship should be gone before the Separatists arrive."

One nod and the order was given and carried. Eagerly, the boys walked backwards, never turning their back on a still-standing Sidious, but a hurry in their steps was enough for Xena to know they did not mind getting away from either Jedi or Sith. But Rex stood still. Xena knew that Rex's loyalty was admirable, but it would be nothing more than a hindrance if Sidious decided to lash out.

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