Chapter 3

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The Master's new Padawan.

"The Young Are Often Underestimated"

"You need to focus on your footing Xena," Obi-Wan reminded, standing on a higher platform that Xena attempted to jump while sparring with her Master. During what would have been a successful landing, Xena's balance tumbled and as a result, she was now lying on her back. Xena would have used the Force to just carry her further, pulling her towards her Master instead of landing at all. But Obi-Wan forbade Xena from doing that when she pulled that stunt in one of the first spars they had.

'You must not use the Force for your own benefit, young one. That is not the Jedi way,' he had told her. Yeah right, as if trying to avoid injury was not necessary for battle.

"Maybe we should take a break if you are not feeling up to it?" Obi-Wan voiced, clearly knowing what he was doing. He knew Xena will react the exact opposite of what his words suggested. Much like Anakin, the girl does not like to be underestimated.

As an answer, Xena ignited her lightsaber as she stood up. She tried to hold a steady grip, as she lifted the lightsaber, and pointed it at her Master, ready to challenge him. As soon as Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber, Xena jumped again. Although her balance was still off from normal, she worked with her unbalance to jump at an angle to land perfectly on the platform. She had done it many times before while fighting with the Rebels.

Xena ran towards Obi-Wan, staying on the low side to ground her balance more. Their lightsabers clashed, blue meeting green in a great flash. In the training room, only the buzz of the lightsabers and padding of moving feet could be heard.

It has now been two weeks since Xena came to the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan was called back from the battlefield to get Xena the proper introduction to the Jedi world, leaving his men in Anakin and Cody's care for the time being. On the few occasions he had been called away, Master Yoda had overseen some of Xena's training. Obi-Wan was pleased to say that his new student was capable of a lot more than they may have thought. She was already well versed in some of the Jedi philosophy. When it came to wielding the Force, Obi-Wan would say she was almost a Master at it. Her control and force sense was her strong point.

But her mind was still a problem. Obi-Wan taught Xena the many ways to use the Force when it came to matters of the mind, herself, and others. Xena raised an eyebrow when Obi-Wan explained how to use Force-manipulation to trick a weak mind, placing thoughts in their head to get out of a sticky situation. She threw him his own words, "I thought one must not use the Force for their benefit. That we must rely on our abilities?"

"Well, there are exceptions, much like everything in life," Obi-Wan had said. Xena had simply shrugged and continued to ask other questions about the Force. Like where it came from, how it chooses whom will wield it, and how it affects the body. Obi-Wan and Xena sat into the late hours of the morning, with the company of tea and berries.

On the third day of the start of Xena's life as a Padawan, did Obi-Wan first suggest a spar? Xena was given a green lightsaber, and yes, Xena immediately went into a rant as to why it was a bad idea. Xena knew she was horrible with a lightsaber, even after training almost a year with Luke and Ahsoka, and couldn't help but feel insecure when Obi-Wan led her to a training room. Xena was terrified that Obi-Wan would see just how bad she was and claim she was not fit to be a Jedi. What Jedi can not fight with a lightsaber? Even younglings seemed to do better than her. And although Xena did not voice it aloud, she was terrified Obi-Wan will give her back to the council. No matter how much common sense told her that Obi-Wan was too patient and good to just abandon her, she couldn't help but ask until when?

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