Chapter 17

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A Hole in Space

"Everything that can go wrong, will."

"You take care of yourself now, little one," Obi-Wan whispered gently to the Togruta, who was currently half-asleep. "I don't want to hear Anakin complain about your unwillingness to listen to him."

Ahsoka could only grunt an agreement before snuggling further into her bed's blankets. Oh, how she missed this. She was never going to get up from this. Obi-Wan could only chuckle at the girl before stepping out, filling a glass of water to leave at her bedside table.

He'd just returned from a rescue effort, where he'd found himself with a slew of ankle-biters and a fatigued Togruta to deal with. He had firstly escorted the six Jedi younglings to the Halls of Healing to ensure that they were all right after their ordeal. Then he went to check on Ahsoka in place of her Master. Anakin had been assigned as Senator Organa's bodyguard since he couldn't sit still long enough in the Temple while they rested and recovered. He was to arrive soon enough, but Obi-Wan didn't want to take the chance.

But for now, as he went the short distance to his and Xena's quarters, all he wanted to see was his Padawan.

Things had been... alright between them. When Xena's voice returned, she recounted him the bare bones of what she did during her hiatus. She gained the darksaber, was kidnapped by Count Dooku, and taken to Sorenno, where she escaped the same day. There was no explanation for what transpired on Sorenno, and Obi-Wan did not probe. He would respect Xena's privacy, even though it burned him to learn what must have occurred.

At the very least, it appeared that Master Yoda was aware of what had occurred. Xena had spent an entire day with the Grand Master, hidden in the inner sanctum of the Temple, which Obi-Wan didn't frequent. He felt happy that his Padawan seemed to be confining in someone. Obi-Wan had tried asking Yoda for guidance, anything to help Xena open up, and even attempting to persuade Yoda to reveal what she was telling him. Master Yoda just told him to trust the Force, his eyes glinting in eager anticipation. It unnerved Obi-Wan just the slightest.

Obi-Wan did give her a lecture. One of the more brutal ones. He didn't like that at all, especially because he was so impressed with what Xena had accomplished. Xena had taken it as well as she could, grumbling and rolling her eyes, but she apologized nonetheless.

Then there was the matter of their bond, which Obi-Wan had yet to address. He intended to do that, to have that conversation with Xena, but then Ahsoka and the younglings needed to be rescued, calling his attention away towards pirates and children.

Obi-Wan softly exhaled a sigh of relief as he unlocked the doors to his chambers. The comfort of seeing Xena, he believes, will become a constant. He stepped over boots and a water bottle as he approached the crumpled sheets covering a sleeping person, careful to keep his steps light. He knelt beside the bed, careful not to land on her darksaber, and rested his hand on a blanketed shoulder.

"Xena?" Obi-Wan gently shook her and spoke quietly. He felt her presence brighten, then dissolved back into sleep. He drew the blankets away from her face, allowing the little light in the room to pass through her eyelids. "Wake up, my dear."

Xena groaned, squishing her eyes and scrunching her nose, clearly not willing to stir. After much coaxing from Obi-Wan, Xena finally blinked up at her Master. "Mmnn?"

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