Chapter 2

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Welcome to the Temple.

"The First Step Towards Loyalty Is Trust"

Senators are hardcore. That's what Xena thought while she stood to the side, watching Obi-Wan and Anakin speaking with Senators. They were all stiff and formal. Their eyes are sharp and hidden by a dark veil, hiding (and failing to) the schemes swimming inside. They were able to talk about the death toll on the mission that just ended along with the accommodating costs and how they were still unsure if they are winning or losing, all while making it sound like a pick-nick just went south with a little rain. Their sentences were dwindling and tuning and when you think they are headed right, they give you a left answer while doing a one-eighty in the vertical direction. They spoke with frilly words that danced around between Xena's ears, leaving her very confused and very left out. Judging by the look that Anakin was giving them, he probably felt the same.

They had all just landed on the magnificent Coruscant. The clones went and took the ship towards the barracks, where they will rest up and recoup. Only the two clone Captains and Jedi along with Xena were dropped off at this building. And what a building it was. Huge and tall, it looked like a temple built for the big leaders. And it probably was. Xena didn't know. It felt eerie, standing in front of the temple. It was like a promise to tragedy.

Xena shivered. 

There the Senators met them, a whole group of them from different species, mouths open and arms closed. The two Jedi Masters were the main candidates of their little group that has sacrificed themselves to the jaws of the Senators. (Although Xena would say it is almost all Kenobi doing the talking). Xena just stood a bit to the back along with the two clone captains. (Commander and Captain? Xena didn't know)

Xena did know, however, that there was a young orange girl and a little green man coming toward them. A Togruta. A very familiar feeling Togruta. Both of the approaching figures went to greet the Senators. More pretty words were exchanged with the promises of a meeting later that day to discuss the happenings of the mission. It took a moment for Xena to realize that the little green thing spoke in Basic. The whole time Xena was trying to figure out what language it spoke so she could try and translate. The Togruta kept silent while the others spoke, standing in a stance similar to the one Anakin was in. Once the goodbyes were said, with even more twirls of the tongue, did Xena and the Clone Captains (Commander?) stand closer to the Jedi.

Obi-Wan and Anakin bowed low, their hands held in front of their chests. "Greetings, Master Yoda," they bowed to the green one first, perfectly in sync. The Clones also saluted the thing. Xena did a clumsy imitation of a bow. Yoda was obliviously very important if Jedi Generals bowed to him. They hadn't even bowed this formal to the Senators (Not that Xena would either). Yoda. Xena had heard of him from Luke. He was 'The Master' of the Jedi. The one who trained Luke before he fought against the Emperor and Darth Vader. And he was absolutely crazy. Yes, maybe it was a good thing Xena tried to bow as well. She had to make a good first impression.

Then they turned to the Togruta. "Ahsoka," they greeted her. Ahsoka... Well, slap Xena with a wet fish! The girl was Ahsoka, the Fulcrum! She was so young. They were most likely the same age now, although taking a closer look, Xena would argue she was older by a few years.

Xena had met her once, in the future of course, on accident while hiding from the Empire. She and Ahsoka crossed paths and had spent a few days together in hiding with other refugees. It was Xena's first real encounter with a Jedi. Ahsoka wanted Xena to join her in a small group of Rebels, wanting to train and use Xena's buried powers with the Force. Xena agreed, wanting to use her powers to their full potential. But due to a small mishap during a mission (they were going to blow up a ship that contained a huge cargo of parts for the Death Star) they got separated. Xena was knocked out and woke up to smoke and ashes, lying somewhere in a ditch surrounded by blown-up parts and corpses of stormtroopers, and no Ahsoka.

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