Chapter 23

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There's the himbo with the child! Again!

"What is lost is often found."

The Council was soon informed of Obi-Wan and Xena. There wasn't anything dramatic that happened afterwards, only that the rest of the Council will have to take some time and decide what should happen further. Xena was very weary of telling the Council, because telling the Council she was Obi-Wan's daughter meant they all had to know about Xena's time travelling as well and that a little Xena was needed for the operation to potentially save future Xena's legs.

Master Windu hid a smirk behind his robes, a hand sticking out for Plo Koon. Plo Koon paid up.

Xena was so scared that Obi-Wan would be punished, that he would be stripped of his Jedi title and cast out. Another part of her brain, the more calm and logical side, reminded her of Qui-Gon's words. And a big part of Xena truly believed that she and her father loved selflessly and that neither of them would be led to the Dark Side through this bond. Hopefully.

Obi-Wan was removed as Xena's Master.

That was something Xena had been suspecting to happen. Because even before the truth was revealed, some subconscious part of Obi-Wan's spirit recognized Xena as his daughter since day one, which hindered Xena's growth in the Force.

"He's soft on you," Master Windu explained calmly by Xena's side. "His spirit wants to and has always wanted to keep you safe. That, unfortunately, meant he hasn't been as hard on you with your training."

"You knew this." It wasn't a question. Mace Windu was sharp enough to notice. That was why he had offered to train Xena.

Mace Windu nodded. "Yes. Which is why you will be given a new Master for the time being. One that would be able to push you past your limits. To train you not as a Jedi Master... but as a Master of the Force."

Xena had snuck a glance at Windu, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes," Mace answered. "We will cultivate your powers for a much greater purpose than sneakily changing little things."

Xena flushed red, looking away. Okay, sure, she hadn't been using her powers as well as she could. She knew a much more powerful capacity sat waiting at the bottom of her spirit.

"But I can't." Xena worried. "Not anymore. If I use the Force to that extreme... I'll die before I can help change the future."

"Not with my training," Mace Windu said. "Sure, you will still die, but we can elongate the little amount of time left if we retrain the shortcuts you've been using with the Force. And besides..."

Mace looked down, frowning. "... I think somewhere you have already made peace with your death. That was why you were sent to us, and not some other great Jedi of your time, right?"

Xena squeezed her eyes tightly, apologizing to Luke and all his efforts to try and help her with all that time they had spent together. But the moment Fulcrum had told Xena how her life would end, how soon it would be, Xena had already tossed the dream of becoming a Jedi out the window. She had thrown so many things out the window. Promises about the future, Luke's affection, and the dreams of her own family. No, she could not. Xena had settled a long time ago in just doing her best every day as if it was her last. Working to build a better future for others without promising she would be there.

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