Chapter 5

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Who will you be loyal to then? The higher or righter?

"He who faces himself finds himself"

Xena was standing beside Rex, watching as he took stock of weaponry. She didn't know what else to do. She didn't want to go back to Krell, nor did she want to sit alone on her bed. She was too anxious to sleep more. Luckily, she has already gotten in at least five hours of sleep. It would have been six had it not been for Hardcase accidentally blowing up the door of a hanger. Xena had been meditating ever since. Then, when Hardcase, Jesse, and Fives went to destroy the supply ship, she joined Rex in case Krell went to him to question the three missing ships.


Speak of the devil.

"My flight officer reports the launch of three starfighters," Krell approached the two. "I thought I ordered those ships lockdown."

"Sorry for the confusion Sir. I authorized the recon of the delta in preparation for your attack on the capital," Rex lied swiftly.

Krell's face darkened. "You took it under your own authority to launch such a reconnaissance?" 

"Yes Sir. I am sure the report will make your strategy more effective," Rex continued to lie, keeping perfect posture and tone. If Xena hadn't known any better, even she would have been fooled.

"I want that report, as soon as they are back," Krell stepped away, not sparing a glance at Xena.

Xena and Rex watched as the General walked away. When Krell disappeared into the control room tower, both of them let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought I was the one to take responsibility?" Xena asked Rex. She was sure she made it clear before she had to take the blame.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean we can keep Krell in the dark for as long as possible. Maybe no one will have to get blamed," Rex replied. It seemed like hopeful thinking, but Rex had to try to protect everyone he could.

"Right...Incoming," Xena spotted two clones approaching the control tower. It was Dogma and Tup. Meaning trouble.

"Hey! Where are you two going?" Rex stopped them before they could enter the tower.

But the two clones just kept on walking.

"I asked you a question, troopers," Rex took an authoritative stance in front of them, forcing the two to stop.

"We are going to speak to the General Sir," Dogma answered, much less convincing than he was trying to be.

"Regarding what?" Rex also caught onto the deceit.

"A... personal matter," Dogma glanced to the side, giving himself away. Xena stepped up next to Rex.

"Why don't you tell me, and I'll report it to the General."

Dogma stared at Xena, caught off guard at the Padawan's boldness. He didn't take her in mind when he wanted to go to Krell. He hadn't expected her to do anything. He expected her to just be a spectator, as she had been during the whole mission.

But Xena was ready to step up.

"On second thought... it's not important," and just like that, Dogma stepped away, Tup following behind him.

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