Chapter 26

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The Show Goes On

"The best confidence builder is experience."

Three months later:

The battle for Ringo Vinda was hard. Republic forces are locked in heated combat with the droid armada on a massive space station that encircles the entire planet. Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, valiantly led his men against the onslaught, which had lasted several rotations with neither side gaining any ground. Aided by the twin sister Jedi Masters Tiplee and Tiplar, the Republic now mounts a desperate offensive to break the deadlock.

"Push forward!" Anakin ordered loudly over the sounds of blaster fire. Ahsoka grunted at his side, cursing as another blast almost cut across her shoulder. Kriffing hell, this was getting out of hand. She could feel the weight of tiredness from the men dragging heavily on their shoulders, and the end of this battle seemed more and more out of reach.

"Stay on my left," Tup noticed a droid, hoping Fives would listen and take the damned thing out. But Fives was distracted elsewhere with other droids. "Watch out!" Tup dived for his brother, pushing him out of the line of fire from the stray droid, shooting the damn thing as they landed with a heavy thump.

"Thanks, brother," Fives breathed, the weariness seeping into his tone. "I owe you one."

Trying to make light of their situation, Tup smirked beneath his helmet, wincing just a bit from that snag at the back of his mind - he ignored it - holding a hand out for Fives to take. "You owe me a lot more than one."

"Yeah yeah," Fives sighed, getting up and ready.

And so the battle went on, and everyone was grunting as more and more commando droids seemed to pop up from nowhere. Even with four Jedi on this crusade, this battle seemed to get nowhere. But never the less, there wasn't any space or time to sit and worry.

A holotransmitter blinked, and Anakin swore again. Who was looking for him now of all times? They were in the middle of a battle. "Ahsoka, cover me!"

"On it, Master," Ahsoka moved to the front of the group, taking over Anakin's place in these metal hallways. A part of the ship they were fighting on shook a bit, most likely hit by whatever was happening outside. Anakin retreated to the back of his men, answering the small holotransmitter just in time. It was Master Windu.

"Master Windu," Anakin greeted, surprise heavy in his tone and raising his eyebrows. "I'm a little busy now for Counc-"

"No need to talk, Skywalker. We know you are in the middle of a battle," Windu cut him off, a hand waving as if to dismiss someone. "We were passing your sector when we were alerted of the battle and here to bring our support. Expect us shortly to board the ship you are on. We're bringing a light show."

"We- what-" But the transmission ended, and Anakin was left standing, mouth hanging open. Well... okay. He wasn't going to turn down extra support. His old, prideful side would have argued that the Council had little faith in him for sending the extra help, but that part had been squished long ago. He just wanted his men to make it out of this mission alive successfully - whether that meant taking a knock on his pride as a General or not.

And who was the 'we' Windu talked about? He didn't have a Padawan. Unless it was another Jedi travelling with him and his Clone commando.

Anakin rushed to his Padawan's aid, relieving her of some of the heavy fire. "We're expecting backup very soon."

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