Chapter 1

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Where am I?

"A Single Chance Is A Galaxy Of Hope"

The ship was shaking. Parts went flying off into the empty void of space. Millions of buttons flickered. Somewhere a siren sounded off, but all Xena heard was the white noise ringing in her ear. She was laying on the floor. She stared down the empty hallway.

She lay there, eyes blown wide to help absorb as much light as was available. She waited until her vision stopped swimming around. Her mind kept doing backflips inside her skull. It swelled and weight her down, pinning her head to the cold metal floor beneath her. The still-warm food packet lay in front of her. She was meant to bring it to him so that they can have dinner together before landing on another weird planet she didn't like. 

Where was he? She waited for him to come and help her. He always helped her. He took care of her. The thought that he isn't going to come made her throat close up, each swallow thick with pain. Tears started to flow down her round cheeks. She felt scared. Why did she feel scared? It's just the ship having a small malfunction. No reason to be afraid. That's what he always says.

Then the door slipped open. It wasn't him. This was a stranger. Her fear increased tenfold with each step this stranger took towards her, slow and menacing.

It was covered in a black suit, a big dark cape flowing out behind it, making it seem larger than what is considered normal. Its face was hidden behind a mask as dark as the rest of its outfit. No matter how long she looked, she could not see its eyes. That's bad. He always taught her to read eyes. Eyes tell you who is the enemy.

Her body trembled. She had to stand up. It was coming closer. She wanted to stand up and run away.

Shaking, she slowly stood up. Putting on a brave face, she faced it. She refused to look scared, despite knowing her body was betraying her mind. It stood there. Looking at her. Waiting on her to make a move. Fight or flight. That is the question it asked. She would give her answer.

She waited. She was brave, but not brave enough to start a fight she would lose. She was scared, but not scared enough to run away like a coward. She was too proud. Fight or flight. Forward or backward. Brave or coward. The two sides of the brain battled each other. All while she remained stoic and still, only slightly shivering, but she would let it think it was of the cold, not her fear. She just had to wait until he came. He always came. Every time. He always came to help her. Yes... No... Wait... She was panicking. Bad. Very bad.

It stepped closer. She was okay. It grabbed a weapon. She was less okay. Her heart pounded in her chest. At least it was still beating.

Then it spoke, and all her bravery was washed away.


Xena woke up with a start. She could feel her heart beating just as wildly as it did back then. She took a moment to collect herself. That was then. This is now. She is here. She could feel the mattress beneath her, bending and morphing itself into her mold. The blankets kept her warm against the cold outside.

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