Chapter 6

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The Father

"Belief is not a matter of choice, but of conviction."

TW: Slight warning, there will be hinting at SH, not the action itself. But yeah, just a warning.

Mandalore. A planet that birthed and mothered the Mandalorians, a fearsome warrior people who cared more for their sons than fathers.

They wear distinctive armor made from Beskar and fight with anything able to hurt their enemy. Powerful and headstrong. Words that strike fear into the galaxy. Which was why Xena's mother, Duchess Satine Kryze, forced the Mandalorians to live in domed cities across the inhospitable planet. Those who refused the pacifistic retreat into the city were exiled to the moon Concordia. Satine, oblivious to the danger of the future, remained neutral during the Clone Wars.

On the moon Concordia, Death Watch was born. But he never grew into a man strong enough to take power back. Death Watch only made it to be a little boy, trusting the cloaked man with the candy in hand. Soon, the New Mandalorians were overthrown by half of Death Watch, led not by a Mandalorian, but a Sith Lord.

That was what her protector told her. While Xena was a child, surviving on scraps on some unknown terrestrial planet, she felt the pain of loss rip through her chest. She thought she was dying until she thought of her mother, and the pain only increased. Her protector soon started investigating the matter and confirmed that yes, Xena's mother was dead.

She had nightmares. Many and many of them. Of the red and black man with horns like demons of the unknown. His soul bleeding and tainting Xena's. She does not remember much of that time. Just yellow eyes and a pit of bitterness formed in her heart.


That was its name.

Then Xena had to run. The Galactic Empire was ruling, and Jedi were getting killed. When they passed some smugglers, Xena heard the news. Mandalore was bombed, turning the planet to glass. It was the Great Purge of Mandalore, and millions of Xena's people were killed.

The surviving Mandalorians scattered across the galaxy. Most were bounty hunters, putting their skills in fighting to good use. Others became weapon makers. Some were even workers in mines or farms, but those were rare.

But Xena just kept on running, her hand held tightly in her protector's. The Empire was after young force-users. And Xena had to be safe.

But then they caught her.

On their way to meet with another Mandalorian, an Emperial ship caught up to them. They were sold out. That was what her protector whispered. Xena had to hide in a closet. When she ran, they were shot. She fell.

Some nights, Xena could still hear as her protector ran to save her. As he roared and struck at Vader. How for a moment, Xena had believed that they will win. Vader had swung at her protector, and red met red and-

"The Republic recognizes the tragedy of war, but there is nothing we can change that has already occurred."

Oh yeah, this meeting was still going on.

"Say it aloud before this gathering," The green woman spoke, a Separatist wanting to argue with Padme's statement, "As a representative of Chancellor Palpatine, that you declare, without reservation, the Separatist state legitimate!"

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