Chapter 14

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It's Commander now

"Fear not for the future, weep not for the past."

It was at the end of the seventh day that communications returned. An injured rookie was in charge of checking in on communications, reloading and scanning the computers every minute for a full day.

And when the heavy steps of the droids outside were almost in range of an attack to commence, the red blinker switched to green.

"Communications are back!" The Clone had shouted to the camp, gaining everyone's attention. Commander Cody immediately got to work, calling for backup. Luck was on their side, for it seemed that the entire army of the Seperatists that weren't stationedSeparatistsnet had retreated just before the signals were restored.

The Republic sent in an airstrike, wiping out the droids that were about to crush Ahsoka and the men.

At the moment, Ahsoka was looking out to the miles and miles of fields before her. She was supposed to help carry some of the injured onto a medical ship or maybe start on that report that would be due after all this. But Ahsoka was worried. Somewhere on the sixth day, she had felt Xena's Force-signature burst in energy and recognition, like her presence had just then been filled with the Force without Xena having to pull it towards herself. It was strange, but Ahsoka was happy. Xena felt stronger, and Ahsoka was confident the mission would succeed.

And then it all imploded. Suddenly, the bright light that was Xena fell in on itself, contained in a bubble untouchable by anyone else. It has stayed that way ever since. Secluded and shielded. Untouchable.

A hand met Ahsoka's shoulder, and the comforting presence of her Master was folding over her. "It's going to be alright, Snips."

Ahsoka tore her gaze away from the grasslands, "Shouldn't you be resting, Master?"

"Eh," Anakin shrugged. Much to Ahsoka's relief, he woke up the morning of the seventh day. He must have sensed her worry over Xena, or maybe it was the desperateness of the men that had hung in the air that called to him to become conscious. He hadn't been very focused, going in and out of sleep for a while. But at last, he was finally able to stand, with strict orders from Coric to not move around a lot. Anakin had his arm in a sling and tightly wrapped in bandages and walked much slower than usual.

Ahsoka couldn't bring herself to scold her Master to stay still, not when she knew he was trying to cope with Obi-Wan's declining health. Coric had climbed on a small freighter with other paramedics to bring Obi-Wan to the Resolute, where he could be better treated. They assured Anakin and Ahsoka that he would recover well, but worry still lingered.

"I thought I might bring you the news myself," Anakin said, steering Ahsoka more to the centre of the camp.

Ahsoka frowned at her Master. Typically when news is brought, it isn't good news. "What news?"

"I just finished my end of the report with Master Windu and Admiral Yularen. The Admiral got in contact with Rex and his squad. They were able to get one of the signal towers working, and there weren't any Separatist forces on their end. Plus, all members of their team are making their way here right now. They should be here any moment," Anakin explained. That was when Ahsoka noticed the extra freighter in their camp. Master Windu and some of the 187th battalion were there.

"Shouldn't we go pick them up? It took them seven days to reach the towers," Ahsoka worried. The Force only knew how those poor souls were doing. Plus, Ahsoka could smell the beginnings of another storm coming, her montrals and lekku vibrating at the sound of faraway rain.

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