Chapter 22

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I just need a little someone.

"You hold onto friends by keeping your heart a little softer than your head."

Rex did not go with the men to get Barriss. He couldn't, even if he wanted to. It was like his feet were moulded here, his legs numb, and face stuck in a trance to look through the glass separating him from Xena.

She had settled now. The new ventilator worked its magic, pumping oxygen gently into Xena's lungs. The working one that is. Master Al Sher was still inside with one other healer, monitoring the readings now for almost ten minutes straight. It seems that even they are wary of Xena's fluctuating state.

Rex comm blinked - Barriss was found and captured. A breath of relief, and it finally felt like the Captain could loosen the tenseness in his shoulders.

"Captain Rex."

It took a solid second for Rex to recognize the voice, his heels clicking and salute ready. "Senator Amidala."

Padme made a motion to tell Rex to be at ease, offering the soldier the smallest of smiles. But even then, it felt strained, the corner of Padme's eye-catching on the figure opposite the glass window.

"It's alright, Captain. I'm just here to visit," Padme explained.

Oh. Rex felt even more in the way now. There was no reason for him to technically be here, and it seemed as if more important people were arriving, more deserving of Xena's limited visiting hours. It was only a matter of time before the Duchess came, and then Xena would be rolling into an operation that would most likely spread over several hours. Rex clenched his fist, forcing his feet to step away.

"Please," Padme stopped him as soon as Rex moved back from the window. "Stay... I don't want to be alone here."

Nodding, Rex took a waiting stance beside Padme, feet apart and hands behind his back. Maybe she meant it less formal - but Rex's mind was not working at its total capacity right now.

"I read the list of the injured," Padme said, filling the silence between the sounds of machines inside. "It was published an hour ago - for the families of those involved in the accident. That is where I saw Xena was injured.... I just didn't think it was this bad."

Rex just kept listening, unsure if it was his place to speak to the Senator. Padme decided his participation in the conversation moments later.

"Do you know what is wrong with her? I don't want to disturb the healers?" She asked.

Now Rex had to answer. "There are some minor injuries, but the two big ones are her lungs and spine. The right side of her ribcage was hit by parts of a ship, splintering her ribs, which punctured the lung. That would be fixed with proper rest. Her spine... is more of a problem. Hopefully, some form of a transplant from the Duchess will save her from paralysis."

Padme frowned at the news, lips pulling into a thin line. "I see... Have you been here the whole time?"

Now Rex was definitely flushing - thank the Force for a helmet. He cleared his throat. "Only a while, Mam. I've just been making sure the terrorist won't try and hurt her again."

"Again?" Padme looked even more worried, breaking her gaze away from Xena to look at Rex as if to make sure the man wasn't joking. If only. "You mean she's been targeted?"

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