Chapter 4

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What is a Clone...Really?

"Embrace Others For Their Differences, For That Makes You Whole"

Green and blue. Blue and green. Those were the only things Xena could see. Flashes of green and blue flew past her. Everything else was dark. If she focused hard, Xena could see some men in the distance, but that was only in parts where the mist wasn't so heavy. At least she could still see her Master. Obi-Wan was standing in front of her to the left, lightsaber swinging in the air to block oncoming blaster shots. Xena just stayed behind. That was her job.

To claim the shadowy world of Umbara, she and her Master, along with Anakin and another Jedi Masters, Pong Krell and Tiin, had pushed through the blockade to fight here on the surface. Masters Krell and Tiin were supporting Obi-Wan's troops here in the south while Anakin and his men will come in from the north. Xena thought that was a bit unfair. They were split up unevenly, with almost four Jedi on their side while only Anakin was on the other. Of course, they were taking the heavy hits, seeing as they were trying to conquer the capital city directly, where Anakin only had to take out the reinforcements. And technically, Xena wasn't fighting in the front lines. She was back up.

A cannon blast landed next to Xena, clones flying and screaming. Obi-Wan shouted, worried about his Padawan's safety. This was a lot more dangerous than what he thought it would be. He was skeptical about letting Xena come on the mission, she had only been a Padawan for a month now, still new and untrained for this head-on battle. He knew Xena had experience in war, he knew she had handled herself in situations like this in the past. But this time she didn't need to focus on escaping the battle as she had in the past, now she had to engage in it. 

Obi-Wan was worried.

When Anakin was still his Padawan, they weren't in a war. Obi-Wan didn't need to worry about Anakin being shot down due to a small miscalculation, to getting captured and tortured for information. He was always with Anakin, like a shadow never leaving its owner. If something happened, Obi-Wan could drop everything and be by his side.

Now, Obi-Wan couldn't do that. He couldn't just rush to Xena's side in the middle of the battle. She had to rely on herself to survive, and Obi-Wan had to trust his teachings were enough, not that it was in his opinion. Obi-Wan started to understand Anakin's stress with the safety of Ashoka's safety. It was completely different anxiety.

Krell came up to Obi-Wan's side. "Anakin has been called back. The Chancellor has ordered him back to Coruscant. I will move to the north and command his troops in his stead," Krell shouted over the noise of blasters, his voice booming in Obi-Wan's ear.

Well, that was certainly unexpected. Obi-Wan almost wanted to tell Krell not to, to let Anakin stay and fight. But he could not defy the Chancellor.

Obi-Wan glanced at Xena. She was crouching behind a fallen tree, lightsaber ignited but held laxly behind her back. Acting as back-up here was only making her a target.

"Take Xena with you," Obi-Wan ordered Krell. "She will aid you in taking out the reinforcements."

"I can not, she will only be a burden. A mere padawan will only-"

"That is an order," Obi-Wan didn't like using his position in the Jedi Council, but he couldn't let Xena stay here. She would be safer in taking out the reinforcements. Pong Krell was a formidable Jedi, skilled and strong. Xena would be safe with him.

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