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Aife's heart was racing at a million miles per hour. Well, thats what it felt like at least. Her breathing was steadying as the booming sound of propellers boomed through the sky. They had stolen the Berg, and from above, they could see WCKED soldiers shooting at the others, who were trying to rescue Minho from the train. That meant they had to hurry, but thankfully, the soldiers had horrible aim. 

"Alright, boys!" Jorge shouted, his pearly teeth on full display as he played the role of captain, "We're here," At that, Frypan and Brenda ran to the back of the ship, twisting the large handle and lowering a grappling hook as they hovered over their friends. Aife remained where she was, a small grin on her face as she hovered over Jorge's shoulder. 

Brenda watched as Thomas jumped, gripping on to the hook and attaching it to the train, with the help of Newt and Axel, who had managed to climb on the side latter to avoid being left behind. 

"Vince, get up here!" Newt screamed. On the side of the train, he stood, pushed up against the tin as he dodged the bullets that were reflecting off of the vehicle. His teeth gritted as his chest heaved. 

He didn't move until the train compartment began to levitate. 

"Now Vince!" Thomas yelled, and at that, the said man complied, leaping onto the latter and gripping harshly to avoid falling to his death as they flew higher and higher. Thomas cheered in victory, pumping his fist In the air and letting out a cry of laughter. Brenda watched him, also letting out a laugh of relief as they had finally retrieved their friend. 

Aife allowed a grin to tug at her lips, showing her teeth as she let out a quiet cackle. She placed her hands on Jorges shoulders and shook his body as the man let out a loud yell. 


They continued to fly away from the scene until they had truly made it to safety, and once they landed on the ground, next to a beach that had washed up compartments, they moved quickly. Prying the train compartment that they had captured open, and pulling themselves inside. 

Thomas stepped in first, Aife close behind him, with Newt following. It was silent. All that could be heard was their sneakers echoing against the tin. 

"Aris," Thomas breathed as he rushed to the thin boys side, he looked a mess. Ugly dark circles rested underneath his eyes, and sweat glistened across his forehead. His mouth was agape as he looked at his rescuers in disbelief, "Are you guys okay?" 

Sonya sat next to Aris, her back straight as she looked at Thomas and nodded, "Yeah, were fine," Her hair was tied back into a fishtail, but she had chunks that had escaped the braid, and fell into frame of her face. She couldn't fight the smile that grew on her face. 

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