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    Aife could feel her bones aching, and she wanted nothing more than to lay down

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    Aife could feel her bones aching, and she wanted nothing more than to lay down. She had just realized how she had taken the glade for granted. Out here, she felt as if she was never alone, and she never had any room to rest, whereas in those walls, she could make her way around without having to look over her shoulder every few minutes. The group was surrounding a table, all in deep thought as they thought of a solution to their main problem; Minho still being captured.

"No," Thomas scratched at his chin in frustration and denial, "There's gotta be another way." He shook his head. Aife watched as the freckled boy began to pace, and she wet her chapped lips, before glancing over at Gally, who smacked his hand against the table before he began to voice his thoughts.

"Like what? She is our only way in,"

"He's right, Thomas. We need to give it a shot," Aife mused, tilting her head in suggestion. As much as she didn't want to agree with the traitor, he was right. Teresa was going to die either way, and Aife was going to make sure of that

Thomas looked at the girl, his shoulders slumping as he refused to consider once again, "You really think she's gonna help us?" He was right there. After what she did, there was no telling if she would betray them once again. But they needed a solution.

"I don't plan on asking for her permission," Gally spoke before Aife could, waving his arms out carelessly.

Brenda, who was leaning against the table, her head rested on her hand, began to speak, "Am I missing something here, this is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?" Her eyebrows raised In curiosity as she glanced around.

Gally pursed his lips, pointing to the said girl, "I like her," before crossing his arms over his chest.

Brenda glanced at Thomas, "Whats goin' on?" She questioned lowly, her lips falling into a deep frown.

Newt, who had his elbows against the table, was gnawing on his fingernails to keep himself quiet. His eyebrows were furrowed in what looked like frustration and he repeatedly tapped his foot against the ground, "What, are you afraid your little girlfriends gonna get hurt, hm?" Thomas glanced at the blond haired boy, his face held a look of confusion.

Newt took his hand away from his mouth, "This has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho, is it? And everyone can see that,"

Aife stared at the boy in question, and she could see the wild glint in his eye, "Newt. . ."

Thomas turned his body to face the said male, "Newt, what're you talking about?"

"Teresa," Newt spat her name with hatred, and Aife shut her eyes and exhaled slowly In irritation. Thomas momentarily glanced at Aife, before turning back to his blond friend. Newt began to stand up straight, getting in Thomas' face and backing him into a wall.

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