Chapter Sixteen

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Aife could hear the drilling coming from outside the door, the nonstop buzzing caused her heart to thump even faster, if it was possible

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Aife could hear the drilling coming from outside the door, the nonstop buzzing caused her heart to thump even faster, if it was possible. Sparks flew out of the small crack of the door where they were drilling, and her eyes widened as the four slowly stepped away from it. Thomas averted his gaze, standing next to the large window and staring down at the floor.

"Any ideas?" Minho shouted over the drilling. At that, Thomas cleared his throat, turning around with his lips pursed together as he blinked.


Aife looked at Thomas as she moved to stand next to him, looking out the window as well, her lips slightly parting as she slumped her shoulders and released a sigh, already knowing his train of thought. Thomas' eyes didn't trail away from her side profile as her eyes scanned the perimeter.

"What do you think?" He murmured to her.

She noticed there was a small pool just outside the building, though, they were on the seventh floor. He seemed to be waiting for her reaction, and her input. If she had any other options, he would gladly listen.

"Alright," She said. Aife could feel his gaze on the side of her face, and she averted her eyes to meet his brown ones. She couldn't help but allow herself to take in his appearance. His tussled hair, his cheeks were flushed pink, and they held freckles that were painted in the shape of constellations. His eyes held a crazed glint, and they flicked back and forth between hers. Aife blinked, clearing her throat and taking a step back as she suddenly realized their close proximity.

"Alright." Thomas stammered, "Okay, lets get started. We need to use the window." He announced, as if it wasn't clear enough that it was their only option.

At that, the others nodded. The three boys scanned the room before Newt spoke.

"Here," He stepped forward and pointed at a large tank, "This should work. Right?" He glanced behind him for a response.

"Yeah, it's perfect." Aife breathed.

"Alright," Newt motioned for Minho and Thomas to help him pick it up. Grunts filled the room as they struggled to support it over their shoulders, but once it was steady enough they shuffled into the middle of the room.

Aife moved out of the way, standing off to the side to avoid them crashing into her.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Thomas grumbled, his arms felt like they were going limp underneath the weight of the tank. He was going red in the face.

"Yeah," Minho faintly replied back.

"Okay. One. . . two. . . three!" Newt counted them down, and on three, the trio ran forward, launching the tank into the window and watching as the tank shattered the window into thousands of glittering shards. Aife leaned back, her forearm coming up to shield herself away from any flying pieces that could slice her. It was silent for a moment before she moved to stand where the window once was, watching as the tank plummeted down. Once it hit the water, it created a large splash, a booming noise reaching her ears. The tank broke the surface tension.

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