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Aife grimaced as a foul stench hit her nose, and she curled her top lip. They were in what seemed to be a sewer, only a flashlight lighting their path. Aife had slipped multiple times already, resulting in her getting nearly ankle deep in the sludge.

"Ugh," Newt voiced, glancing down at the waste that flowed below him.

"Yeah, this is great," Thomas followed, his tone flat as Gally held his arm out, signaling for them to pause. He reached to his left, his fingers curling around a large lever before pulling. Then, a string of lights lit the tunnel, slightly easing Aife's worry about what hid in front of them.

"Alright, stay with me. We got a ways to go," Gally promptly informed the three, before leading them down the tunnel once more. It felt like years that they ventured through the muck, and Aife had somewhat grown used to the smell. Not sure if thats a good thing. Gally's movements came to a halt, just in front of a ladder.

He turned to face the gladers, pursing his lips before gripping onto the stair, pulling himself up first so he could get the manhole cover out of the way. Once he did, he glanced down at them from above.

"Come on," He urged, to which they followed.

The boys allowed Aife to climb first, them following directly after.

Once they all stood, he covered their way in once again, and they were in what looked to be a closed shop of sorts. Gally whipped his hands on his trousers before walking over to the large door, cracking it ever so slightly so he could peek, and decide if the coast was clear. Once deemed it was, he nodded his head lightly, pushing the door open and expecting them to follow. Which he did.

They quickly blended in with the crowd, and Aife took notice that some civilians wore masks, to cover their nose and mouth. Was it really this bad? Gally made yet another sharp turn, leading them up a staircase that led to a platform, so they could get a better viewpoint, just for a moment. Now, Aife could really see what they were looking at. Dozens of buildings, so close together. The city was illuminated by the lights, that came from the windows. It was beautiful.

"This is a long way from the glade," Newt said ironically.

"Yeah," Aife said lowly, her lips curving into a grin, "No kidding,"

That smile was quickly replaced with a frown, as an automatic voice echoed throughout the city, "You have Fifteen Minutes, till mandatory curfew. Please, be home, in orderly fashion. Remember, this if for your safety, Thank you, for your cooperation,"

Gally glanced down at his shoes, shoving his fists into the pocket of his hoodie before wetting his chapped lips, looking at the three, "Yeah, we better get off these streets," His gaze hesitantly shifted over to Aife.

"And I know it's hard but, act like you've seen it before."

At that, he led them down the stairs once more. Aife noticed that the streets had cleared fairly quickly after the curfew announcement. They crouched down slightly, quickly running across the street before the three guys pressed themselves up against a glass window. Aife frowned, as she stood in font of them.

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