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Gunshots zipped through the air

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Gunshots zipped through the air. Sparks flew from the ceiling, left and right, and the fluttered and  flickered at a rapid pace. Aife ducked her head as the shots were now directed in her direction. They had been waiting outside the door, camping out until it opened, and once it did, thats when they attacked. They had bombarded the four men that were guarding the room, and it had practically left them defenseless. 

Aife shot at the last one, his body falling to the floor as he began to seize. The entire room was silent for a moment. Aife's chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace, her breath fogging up the mask before she pulled it over her head. Her hair was slightly frizzed, and her mouth was agape as she glanced over at Newt's masked figure, who had began to make his way toward the large metal door. It had only a small window that he could look through, which allowed him to confirm that yes. That was the door he needed to open.  

Aife watched as he stood in front of the door, before scanning the detector with a card that he had stolen from the fallen security members, and pulling it open. Inside, were just kids. They sat there, trembling in fear at the sight of Newt-- well, that was, until he pulled off his mask. 

His hair was tussled and stuck to his forehead, his eyes slightly wide, looking as though he had a crazed glint in them. He had a small grin on his face as he waved the kids on, "Come on, let's go." He said, turning away from them and beginning to lead, only when he noticed, they weren't following him. They were scared. Newts voice was now softer, not as rushed as he repeated his words, "Come on," At that, the captive kids quickly stood up and followed him out of their cell. 

Thomas was opening another door right next to Newt, leading the kids out to freedom, "It's okay, you guys are okay. Come on. Let's go." Teresa stood and watched, her arms hung limply at her sides like an idiot as she watched the people be freed. She felt guilt well up in her chest. They were kids. Just like her. She could see the tear stains on their cheeks, and they're red were wide as they glanced around.  

On the floor, there was a man in a uniform, slightly stirring before he felt a hand grip his clothing into a fist, pulling him to sit up straight before putting a gun to his neck. It was Gally. 

"The vault," He gritted his teeth, looking the real guard straight In the eye, "How do I get in." When he did not get an immediate response, and the mans head lolled to the side, he pushed the gun harder into his head, jerking it into the wall, causing him to flinch and grunt. 

"You can't," The man breathed out, his eyes blinking slowly. Gally scowled, before dropping the mans body, causing him to fall on his side before he made his way over to the vault door. Aife moved to the last door, prying it open and watching as the kids inside release a cry of fear, "Hey, you're alright. Come on," She waved for them to follow, slowly luring them out of the room. She now thought about Minho. Where was he being kept?

"Guys," Gally voiced, scrunching his nose and grimacing as if it physically hurt him to speak the words, "This might take some time." 

Aife pursed her lips at Gally's words, shutting her eyes and tilting her head as she pushed her tongue against her cheek before walking over to Thomas, who had watched her with a frown on his face. She stood in front of him, slightly glaring as the words left her mouth, "Thomas, Minho isn't here." 

Thomas froze, turning his head and glancing in one of the rooms that the kids had previously been in, "God," He muttered in frustration. He placed his hands on Aife's shoulders, quickly running them up and down her arms before walking passed her, stepping in front of Teresa who was watching the two. Her blue eyes were wide as he spoke to her lowly, "He's not here, where is he?" 

Teresa looked away from Thomas, her lips parted. Where was he? She didn't know. 

She pushed passed Thomas, her hand finding the mouse to the computer before she began to type away with her free hand. Aife had found her way near Teresa, watching as a photo of Minho popped up on the screen. 

"I- They've moved him to the medical wing. Thomas, thats on the other side of the building," Teresa shook her head. 

"Yeah, well," Aife said and Teresa turned around to see the girl with an impatient expression, "We better get to it." 

Thomas nodded in agreement, "Okay, take me to him, right now." He glanced passed Teresa and at Aife, "Take us."

Newt was quick walk next to them, grabbing his mask that he had placed on the counter, "Im coming with you." 

"Newt, no you're not. You stay here, wait for Gally to get the serum." Thomas immediately shook his head. 

"You guys can't do this alone, and Minho comes first, remember?" Newt retorted. 

Aife spoke up, "Newt, Thomas is right." 

Gally shouted from across the room, his words ripping through his throat, "Just go! We're wasting time. I'll get the serum, we'll meet you out back." He turned back around to face the door. Aife could feel anxiety building up in her chest. She didn't want Newt to die under her watch, she couldn't handle that. Not again. If he had stopped breathing, gone full crank in her hands, she would  be to blame. She didn't move fast enough. She wasn't being smart with her moves. That wasn't fair. It seemed that the bitten boy wasn't taking no for an answer. 

Thomas hesitantly nodded his head, "Alright, let's go." Aife looked at Newt, who had begun to move towards the exit without hesitation. 

She followed him. 

"Hey, greenie!" Gally called out, causing Thomas to turn toward him, "Good luck." The boy said nothing in response, passing the kids that he had just helped free and making his way out the door. 

The sound of drilling was fading from Aife's ears as they had gotten further and further away from Gally. 

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