chapter twenty one

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It was quiet as Thomas and Aife made their way to the main building

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It was quiet as Thomas and Aife made their way to the main building. The same place where Ava Paige did her work. Where she held her friend captive, and most likely tortured him during his stay there. Deep down, some part of Thomas felt as though he should be letting Aife confront Ava alone, but he knew, this was a task for the both of them to complete. Aife could feel a bubbling sensation of nerves in her abdomen, feeling the dread wash over her.

They soon stood in front of the building, a weapon in both of their grip. Before either of them could move into the establishment, Aife felt Thomas' calloused fingers graze her free hand, and she quickly turned around, her eyebrows drawn together as she stared down at their hands. She felt her stomach twist with an odd feeling, and her eyes lifted to meet his. He watched her intently, seeing her flushed, tear stained cheeks in the florescence, and her bloodshot eyes flick back and forth between his. It made him even more nervous than he already was, if that was even possible.

"Listen, I just wanted to say thank you. For coming through all this way."

"Thomas-" He cut her off. 

"Let me finish." He muttered, "For risking so much for not only me, but the rest of em', too. I mean, y-you've been through so much and now its finally gonna be over. So, thank you. For not giving up on any of us." He stammered through, pursing his lips as he continued to meet her eyes 

Aife said nothing, swallowing before hesitantly stepping forward and bringing her hands to his face. 

His skin felt soft, and she rubbed her calloused thumbs back and forth against his fair cheeks, before she leaned up, and hovered over his cheek, just next to the corner of his lips. She paused for a moment, before taking in a small breath. He could feel his skin cooling at her actions, but it immediately grew hot as he felt her lips press against his cheek. When she pulled away, he noticed that he was barely breathing. 

Reaching for the gun in her waistband, she cocked it into place, before slowly putting it in Thomas' grasp. He watched as her fingers wrapped his own around the weapon. 

"Let's get going." Was all she said, before she reached for the door handle and pulled it open. Hearing it swing free, she could feel her stomach twist up in nervousness. She was extremely anxious to get this over with. She could hear Thomas' footsteps behind her, and it made her feel slightly better, knowing that he was with her. She was sure that Thomas could hear her heart pulsing from her chest. 

As they rounded a corner, Aife could feel her jaw tighten at the sight of the blonde haired woman, standing there perfectly still, her arms loose by her sides as she gazed out of the window, and at the falling city. Aife stepped aside, her fingers wrapping around Thomas' arm as she guided him forward, allowing him to now step beside her. 

Thomas pointed the gun at Ava Paige as she turned her head to stare at the two of them. 

She didn't even seem phased by their presence, she already knew they were going to come after Teresa's announcement. Aife could see the gun shaking in Thomas' trembling hand. Neither of them said anything, Aife couldn't think of anything to say,  which was odd. She like she had been waiting for this moment her whole life. 

"Is it true?" Thomas croaked out, his voice weak and unsteady. After Ava didn't answer, Thomas was more stern, "Newt. Could I have saved him?"

 At his words, Aife's eyes fell to the ground, the silence was making her uncomfortable. 

"You could save us all." Ava replied. 

For some reason, Aife felt herself wanting to scoff. Those words. She felt as though she had been hearing that her whole life. Everyone that she ever loved, has been put through hell, all because of this woman. Thomas took in a sharp breath, and Aife's eyes flew to his hand as she watched his grip on the gun loosen. It fell to the floor, echoing with a could clatter. Thomas lowered his head. 

Ava said nothing, and neither did Aife. But the blonde woman took hesitant steps toward the two, and Aife straightened her posture as she mustered a glare. 

"Stay away from him." She spat out as Ava glanced at her. The woman's expression barely changed as she halted her movements. 

"I'm sorry." The woman said, Aife couldn't tell if she was being genuine. She didn't seem to have any motives, which was so confusing. Then, Ava's face twisted into what Aife thought was sincerity.

"It's okay," She whispered. 

"Just leave the others alone." Thomas said, his voice wavering. 

Ava nodded her head at him, her eyes not leaving his, "I promise. . .  I will-"


 Her sentence was cut as a sharp pop whizzed through the air, Aife flinched at the abrupt sound, her eyes growing wide. 

"Oh," Aife croaked, her voice falling into a whimper as Ava slowly blinked, her lips slightly parting. Ava let out a small grunt as the crimson blood stained her white blouse, she lost her footing, and stumbled forward into Thomas, who didn't bother to hold her up as she helplessly slid to the floor. 

As soon as her body hit the ground, Aife was well aware of the footsteps that heard them. She whipped her head up, spotting Janson with his gun pointed at Thomas. She didnt know what to do, and she wasn't stupid enough to make a run for the gun that Thomas had dropped on the ground. She wasn't quick enough. 

Janson was right in front of them, and he paused as a smirk grew across his lips, before throwing himself forward into Thomas, pressing the gun against his chest. Aife wasn't sure as to why he did it, but when she saw Thomas stumble, and his hand fly to his neck, she was now aware that he was injected. 

She didn't hesitate before grabbing the gun in Jansons grip and twisting his arm down by his side, only to get injected in the neck herself. It affected her rather quick, it wasn't long before she  felt lightheaded and dizzy. Feeling the control of her body leave her, the temporary unconsciousness came over her, and before she knew it, she stumbled to the ground. She felt a burning sensation underneath her skin, almost like her blood was turning into fire. 

She was so confused, seeing Janson stand over her with a gun in his hands. 

"Thomas. . ." She groaned. Janson shook his head. 

"No, Thomas. You should've run while you had the chance." Aife could hear the teasing tone in his voice, and her head lulled to the side. 

The last thing she saw was Ava Paige's limp, blood covered body before everything went black. 


im sorrryyyyyyy this took so long I have writers block 

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