chapter nineteen

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It was so overwhelming

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It was so overwhelming. Not just the fact that they were running out of time. But everything. The fact that they were so young, and this much pressure had been put on them at such a young age. At this point, Aife was beginning to wonder if she should be questioning her sanity. No teen should have had to see what she has. It was horrifying. If someone were to ask, she wouldn't even deny the fact that she were terrified at this moment. Not only for herself, but for her best friend who was currently dying in her arms. It almost physically pained her, to see him so weak, and yet so strong. It wasn't him, necessarily that was strong. It was who he was becoming. Rather, what he was becoming.

Occasionally, Aife would feel angry. If they had taken a different path, would this still be happening? This shouldn't be his fate. It shouldn't be anyones fate. But it was. This was their reality, and there was absolutely nothing they could do to alter it.

Aife tried to avoid the deep, penetrating pain within her bones. She was hobbling, finding it hard to walk steadily as she had to support another body that wasn't hers. She gritted her teeth, using all her strength to not collapse onto her knees right where she was and pull her legs into her chest. She desperately was in seek of comfort, something she felt as though she never had.

Maybe she did, at one point, but she just didn't remember.

In her mind, she was isolated. Trapped within her own skin. It was like she was calling for help, screaming even, but nothing was coming out. She was being held captive. For ever and ever, until her abductor deemed it acceptable to let her go, and allow her to walk freely amongst those that had made it this far.

It was like an itch she couldn't scratch.

She felt so alone at times like these, and she allowed herself to feel like such. Because in actuality, someone always had it worse. No matter how much hell she was going through.

Aife grew even more stressed and disturbed as she heard Newt suck in a sharp breath, feeling him become weak in the knees once again. She was suddenly reminded of how much he was struggling. Not her. She parted her chapped lips, blowing air through them as she mumbled.

"We're almost there, Newt. Just hang on, please." She choked out the end, her voice cracking as her lips trembled, tears blurring her vision. She was losing it. She tried so hard to keep it together, but she just couldn't. They had yet to hear back from Minho and Gally. Who knows where they could be.

"We got it. We got it. . ." She heard Thomas mutter on the other side of Newt. Aife screwed her blue eyes shut, maybe in an attempt to seek consolation? Who knows at this point. She didn't bother saying anything else. Newt groaned lowly, sounding pained as it came from the back of his throat. He was barely able to form any words, and his eyes were nearly black. Aife couldn't imagine the pain he must've been in. It was probably excruciating.

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