Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Fɪᴠᴇ

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Aife could feel chills run down her arms as they watched the beasts limp toward them, releasing inhumane growls. Their eyes were wide as they panted heavily, and they slowly began to back away from the car that laid upside-down.

"Guys, we gotta go!"

At that, they turned around and broke into a sprint. Gunshots rang out through the tunnels as Frypan continued to pull the trigger at the Cranks in an attempt to kill them, just as he had done with the previous one.

"Frypan, come on!" The dark-skinned boy listened to Aife's orders, turning around and running along with them as he finally came to terms with the fact that there were to many to fight off. Their arms swung by their sides, and their feet smacked against the rubble.

"Keep going!"

And so the did, for as far as they could before they were forced to come to a stop.

"Whoa, whoa," Thomas muttered, holding his arm out to slow down his friends. Not far off into the distance, they could see the figures of even more Cranks headed toward them. Now, they were trapped.

"Fry, you got em'?" Thomas questioned the boy, to which he nodded and began to fire his shot gun at the monsters. The brunette boy didn't question him.

"This way!" Thomas shouted. He turned around to come face to face with more Cranks, "Other way, other way!" He changed his mind as he rambled over and over. Frypan felt his heard drop to his stomach as he could no longer fire the shotgun.

"Im out!"

Newt groaned as he tried to come up with a solution, and Thomas cursed loudly and wet his dry lips. They formed a tight circle as they stood in place, as if almost ready to accept their fate, but before the Cranks could get a hold of them, an engine was heard.

Headlights of a vehicle came into view as the tires kicked up dust whilst speeding forward, causing the Cranks to get knocked out of the way as they got rammed from behind. The car came to a stop directly in front of them, and in the drivers seat was Jorge.

Brenda was in the passengers. She stood on top of her seat, her torso now sticking out of the open roof, "Come on, get in!" She shouted, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she turned and aimed her pistol at the Cranks, then began to fire.

Aife and the boys moved into action quickly, pulling themselves up into the car without hesitation and watching as Brenda shouted at Jorge to stomp on the pedal once again. The man complied, speeding through the herd of Cranks and out to safety.

Aife's chest rose and fell, sweat glistening across her skin as she pushed her tongue against her cheek. She was seated in between Thomas and Newt, and Frypan was in the back.

When they exited the tunnel, Jorge pursed his lips before a somewhat amused smile fell across his lips, "Im impressed. You kids almost lasted the whole day."

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