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It wasn't possible. There was no way that he stood here. Right in front of her, his heart still beating in his chest. She couldn't believe it. He looked the same. His freckles coated his face, and his eyebrows were arched, his nose scrunched as the sun glistened on his sweat. 

"Gally..." Thomas muttered. Aife said nothing, she could feel the anger rising in her chest, and she was suddenly aware of the extra eyes on the gladers. The silence was deafening. Before anyone could move, Thomas leapt forward and threw his fist into Gally's jaw, causing his head to snap to the side as he fell onto his back. Thomas chased after him, straddling the traitor before gripping onto his shirt and hovering his fist above his own head, getting ready to send down another blow.

 Unfortunately, just before he could, Newt interfered, grabbing Thomas's balled fist and pushing it down to his side. 

"Thomas, stop, stop. Stop!"

"He killed chuck." Thomas spat, his teeth chattering with anger as he breathed deeply. 

"Yeah, I know. I remember, I was there too. Alright? But I also remember, that he was stung, and half out of his mind," Newt reasoned, his tone low as he spoke to the raven haired boy, who was still dead set on beating the life out of Gally, "Just calm down, alright?" 

At that, Thomas slowly released Gally, pushing himself off of him before stepping back a bit, next to Aife and Frypan, who remained in place. 

Gally stood up, cracking his jaw and pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek before tilting his head, "Kinda had that comin'. Anybody else? Fry? Newt? Aife?" He offered, avoiding eye contact with them as he listed names. 

Aife did nothing, she only stood there, with a look of disbelief on her features. 

"You know this guy?" Jorge questioned in Frypan's ear. The said boy spoke without taking his eyes off Gally. 

"He's an old friend. . ."

"How?" Newt croaked, his tussled hair fell over his forehead as he shook his head, "Ho-how-how is this possible? Wha- we watched you die." His tone was harsh as he spoke. 

"No, you left me to die." Gally corrected, and Aife nearly rolled her eyes as she scoffed lightly, "If we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now." There was a beat of silence before he glanced down at the floor, and back up at them. 

Aife noticed that he was barely making eye contact with her. 

"Minho. . . WCKED has him here." Newt informed, "We're lookin' for a way in." 

Gally paused, "I can help with that." He then moved to turn around, "Follow me."

"We're not goin' anywhere with you." Thomas protested lowly, shaking his head in what looked like disgust. Gally turned back around. 

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