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Aife could feel her heart thumping against her chest, and she wasn't afraid to admit that she was nervous

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Aife could feel her heart thumping against her chest, and she wasn't afraid to admit that she was nervous. If they messed this up, there was no way that they'd be able to get Minho back safely. Aife was waiting alone, as she had taken the elevator up before Teresa and the two boys, to make it seem less suspicious. She released a shaky breath as she kept her grip on her machine gun steady, she bit her bottom lip as she heard a high-pitched, DING!

The elevator door had opened, and Aife stood stiff as she noticed Janson standing in the elevator, next to Teresa, Newt and Thomas, even though he wasn't aware of the two boys being closer than he had originally thought. Aife turned away, walking down the hallway and silently hoping it was the correct way as she heard Teresa's heels clipping against the tile. She knew the girl was following her. Thomas was in the back of the line, and just before the elevator door closed, he made a not-so-subtle glance back at Janson, who had remained in the lift, as it wasn't his floor. 

"Aife, Thomas, you've both got to listen to me," Teresa panted as she kept up her pace, she was  now leading them to where they would find Minho, "Getting that Serum won't save Newt. I mean, it might buy him some time but--" She talked about the said boy as if he wasn't right next to her. Her warning was cut short as Newt grabbed her arm, his tone lazy and muffled through his mask. 

"Eh, just ignore her, she trying to get inside your head." Newt waved off. 

Teresa kept going, "You know what's going on out there, people are doing. The world is dying!" She rambled, her loose curls bouncing off her shoulder with every step she took. She glanced at Thomas as they neared a large, glass door. 

"Theres something about your blood that I don't understand."

Thomas ignored her words, "Open it." He demanded. 

Teresa exhaled loudly as she swiped her key card against the scanner, resulting in the glass door sliding open, "Let me run some tests," She shook her head in disbelief, did they really not care? So many lives were being lost, and they were going through all of this trouble just to save one. What was their logic? 

"Teresa, stop it. Were wasting time," Aife murmured, her tone was low as she stepped inside the small room that was protected by glass. 

Teresa followed behind her, "I promise I can protect you. All of you!" At that, Thomas swiftly took off his mask, turning around to face Teresa, getting in her face as his tone grew louder. 

"Oh, yeah? Like you protected Minho?" 

Newt interfered, placing a hand on Thomas' shoulder, "What are you doing?" 

Aife silently agreed with Newt, all that ran through her mind was, he's going to mess this up. She wouldn't let him, she was going to save both Newt and Minho. No matter what. 

"I'm serious, Thomas. We're running out of time, we don't need this right now," Aife's voice was stern as she tightened her grip on her machine gun, but Newt could hear her voice waver. She was getting skittish. Thomas ignored their words, instead, his focus remained on Teresa. 

"How many people are they gonna have to round up, torture, kill?" Thomas spat, "When the hell does it stop?" 

Teresa's eyes were wide as she looked up at the boy, and her lips were parted in shock at his outburst. But, nevertheless, she answered is questions, "It stops when we find a cure." 

Aife reached up and pulled her mask over her head. 

At that, Thomas raised his voice even louder, "There is no goddam cure!" Teresa said nothing, her jaw slack before a chilling voice rang through the air. Janson, the man who had helped practically torture them for years, who locked them in a damn maze and watched them grow up, rounded the corner, a gun in his hands as he squared his shoulders. 

"Don't bother Teresa," Janson narrowed his eyes, "He made his choice long ago." 

Aife inhaled a sharp breath, her eyes narrowing to slits before she dropped her machine gun, stepping around Thomas and allowing her hand to travel to her waste band, where she gripped onto a smaller gun, wrapping her arm around Teresa's neck and putting the weapon to her temple. She could see more masked figures making their way towards them. They began to surround the area. 

"What the hell," Newt muttered, before pointing his machine gun at the man, still glancing at the Aife who tightened her hold around Teresa. 

"Tell your guys to back off, Janson," Aife kept her voice steady as she projected her voice, her head tilted down as she glared at the man through her eyelashes, "Or I'll put a bullet in her head." 

"Tell them to back off!" Thomas then shouted, his voice echoing. 

"Alright, calm down," Janson eased, Aife didn't even hold back the scoff that left her lips, "It's me." He said, as if that would make a difference. Janson could see the fear in Teresa's eyes, but he ignored it, and continued to take subtle steps closer. 

"I've known you longer than you can remember, you're not going to shoot her." At those words, Aife moved her thumb to flick off the safety, still keeping the weapon pressed against her head. 

"Oh, you don't think so?" Aife moved her head closer to Teresa, and she could hear the girl shudder, "Why is that?" 

Janson grimaced, "Okay," he put his hands up in surrender, "Go on, then." his voice was laced with amusement, and he then dropped his arms by his side, leaning into his hip, making him look as though he had challenged her to some sort of dance off or something. 

"Prove me wrong," He grinned, "Shoot. Her." 

Aife stood still, a mean glare on her face before she froze. Janson was still walking closer, and she could feel Teresa shift uncomfortably in her tight grip. She needed to get to Minho. Aife pulled the gun away from Teresa's temple, before pointing it at Janson. It all happened at once. Aife pulled the trigger, and Janson dove out of the way just before it could even graze him.  A bullet zipped through the air as Teresa swiftly shoved Aife off of her, and pushed the three of them back into the glass room. She pulled on a red lever that was mounted on the wall next to them, and the glass slammed shut. 

Aife could see Janson's expression turn furious, before he held his gun up and began firing at the glass. The glass was so thick, that it didn't even shatter, despite the amount of times his bullets pounded on the glass. 

Aife looked at Teresa, who watched the three from the other side of the glass with an unreadable expression. Thomas shook his head, before moving down the hallway that she'd trapped them in, Aife following behind. 

Newt paused, pulling off his mask to reveal his face, and nastily glaring at Janson and Teresa, before he trailed behind. 

Aife gritted her teeth together as the loud alarm system sounded, reaching her ears as they repeatedly chimed. She could only hope that they would make it in time. 

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