chapter eighteen

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The five had found a building to hide out In. Unfortunately, it wasn't the most shielded, as the commotion had followed them right outside. Glass spintered all over, flames danced through the night. It was like hell. Aife ducked down as the shouting grew louder, "Thomas!" She howled. The said boy searched for her, his globes falling on her tucked away figure. He dragged himself over to her.

Thomas reached into his waistband, pulling out his walkie talkie, "Th. . Thomas?" static sounded from the device, but Aife could make out that the voice was Brenda.

"We're not gonna make it!" Thomas panted, squeezing his eyes shut as he struggled to breath due to the smoke. Aife reached over, a grimace on her face as she soothingly rubbed his back.

"Wait- what're you talking about?" Aife could hear Brenda's voice come faintly from the radio.

Thomas paused, glancing over at Aife who straightforwardly shook her head, "Just take the others. Get everybody out while you still can." Aife was highly strung. Was this really it? She didn't want it to be. She wasn't ready. She had barely lived, she was only a kid.

"No. . ." Brenda said.

Thomas continued to pant, "Brenda-"

Brenda's voice was now low, "I'm not leaving you guys. Okay? So, forget it. " Aife could hear her voice waver, and she shook her head as she lulled it to the side tiredly. She was too stubborn for her own good. If she lingered, she would be putting all those kids that they had rescued at risk, and it would all be for nothing.

There was silence on both ends, leaving Aife to believe Brenda had abandoned her radio, having had nothing left to say.

"Thomas! We're coming to get you. Our rides here! Meet us at the tunnels." Brenda laughed loudly in disbelief as a loud vehicle boomed from above. Aife froze, straining her ears in order to allow herself to hear Brenda over the sudden commotion on her end. At her words, the heads of the three boys snapped toward the pair in shock.

On the other side of the city, Brenda, Frypan and the kids they've rescued all sprinted to the Berg that had touched down not far away. The vehicle's ramp had lowered, revealing three recognizable figures.

"Vince? Axel?" Frypan questioned, tilting his head in curiosity as the older man raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, its good to see you too." Vince mused to the boy.

"Hey, man." Axel gave a curt nod toward Frypan, to which the boy returned. Axel began to scan the crowd.

"Ha. Yeah, I know," Jorge voiced from behind them, now coming into field of vision. His skin glistened with dampness, and he was panting as if he had just run a marathon, "I picked up some strays." He motioned to Vince and Axel.

"Let's get outta here, alright?" The hispanic man finished.

"We're not done yet. Thomas is still inside," Brenda said, her shoulders slumping halfheartedly as she looked up at the three men, her stare meeting with Axels for a split moment before she looked away. He knew his sister was in there as well, as he hadn't seen her within the crowd that stood in front of him.

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