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They had been driving for hours. It was now day time, and who knows how far across the scorch they had gotten. The constant twists and turns they took through the mountains could make someone feel sick. Frypan rested his left arm on the wheel as he drove with his knee, glancing over at Thomas, who was in passenger with a map in his hands. He put the map on the dashboard and looked at the view, ignoring Frypans grin as he stared at him. 

Aife and Newt were in the back seat, and none of them had said a word. 

The tires squeaked as they made a sharp turn, passing an old worn down sign that looked as though it had been put up centuries ago. 

MANDATORY INFECTION CHECK                                                                                                                                  2 MILES AHEAD 

They had soon pulled up to what looked like an old dump, worn down cars everywhere, old boxes that had been lathered in dust and dirt. There was a dark car tunnel. The four of them got out of the car, the doors opening with a creak and slamming shut. 

Newt slowly walked forward, his face scrunched up as he shielded his face from the sun with one hand, and placed his other hand on his hip, "You want us to go in there?" He questioned, pointing to the dark tunnel. 

Frypan pursed his lips. 

Aife had come next to Thomas, taking the map out of his hands and glancing down at it as she moved next to Newt. 

"I don't wanna come across as too negative, but I mean, if I was a Crank, this is exactly where I would be." Newt deadpanned, his expression falling into what looked like a grimace. 

Aife could feel the sun beaming on her back, and she felt like she was gonna pass out, "He's right. Theres gotta be a safer way."

Aife wanted nothing more than to make it to Minho, but this?  She didn't wanna risk losing any of them. She couldn't. 

"I don't think we have much of a choice," Thomas leaned over her shoulder to look at the map once more, gnawing on his bottom lip as he grew nervous. Frypan had still remained silent, his gaze moving to the only girl. 

"Alright," Newt looked down at her, "I get shotgun." Aife shook her head before heading to the vehicle as well. She had gotten back in the car, her tongue pushing against her cheek as she glanced to her left, watching as Thomas climbed into the chair next to her. Then Frypan. The tires rubbed against the gravel as they slowly drove forward, the car had began rocking back and forth as they drove over potholes. 

"Fry, turn on the headlights. I can't see Jack," At Aife's words, Frypan complied. 

Newt had turned on his flashlight, pointing it in front of their vehicle and at the rest of the tunnel. There were more abandoned cars, and more containers of who knows what. 

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