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The sound of chatter danced through the air. The gladers had made it somewhat closer to the city, just in the old, worn down town that they could spot from the top of the mountain. Thomas and Aife led the rest against the herd of people, and they seemed to be in a rush. Aife felt a shoulder collied with hers, causing her to hiss, momentarily shutting her eyes before glancing back at the hooded figure. Brenda shook her head, pushing Aife forward to continue. Jorge made his way next to Thomas.

"This place has only gone through hell," He spoke over the voices.

"We just gotta stay together," Thomas replied, glancing at the older man for a moment.

"We are the voice!" Aife furrowed her eyebrows, tilting her head as she quickly paused in her steps, whipping her head around to see a worn down van and men situated on the roof, a megaphone In their grip as they parted the herd of people.

"They want to keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither!" At that announcement, the locals pumped their fists into the air in agreement. The vehicle slowly drove by the gladers, and as it did, Aife glanced at the men that sat on the roof. They all had a mask covering their face, a shotgun in their hand. But one of them was different, he turned his neck to get another glance at them as the car sped up. Aife narrowed her eyes before looking at Frypan, who stood next to her.

His face held a puzzled expression.

"We will take back what is ours!"

Aife could suddenly feel a breeze that wasn't there before, feeling the hair get pushed off of her neck, causing her to pull a face before freezing. She could hear propellors in the distance, making her look up. Her face fell at the sight of bergs surrounding the area.

"Thomas," She muttered.

The chanting of the locals intensified, and they put up signs that demanded entry. Thomas shook his head, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers before nodding his head in the direction of what looked to be a shortcut. It was under a building, and Aife nearly slipped on the mud that was building up underneath her shoes. As they made it out from under the establishment, they all glanced around.

"Thats it. Thats our way out." Thomas announced, slightly laughing in what sounded like disbelief.

This couldn't be it.

This was far too easy.

Yes, Aife wanted nothing more than to free her friend, and at the same time, get revenge on Ava Paige and Janson. But they couldn't do that. Not yet. Thomas was rushing into things, not giving it enough thought. Aife needed it to be absolutely perfect. And this, just wasn't that. She ripped her hand away from his as Jorge moved to catch up with Thomas once more.

"Thomas! This is not what your looking for," The boy ignored the man, "All these people trying to find their way in thinking they're gonna find something they can't!" Jorge shouted.

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