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Liam's pov.

I haven't gone back to Korea in years. In the last four years, I've done well. I've been able to do what I enjoy while also working as the CEO of one of my companies. Seulgi and I have always been friends; he wanted me to do music again, but he had no idea that when I returned to Korea, I'd be producing music and visiting my very own dance studio, the LM studio, and Pete, my manager, was in charge of my studio.

I've been dancing since I had a studio in Korea, and I've also trained some celebrities, including myself, to dance here in the United States. And every time I'm seen with a celebrity, it's assumed that we're dating, but I'm not interested in anyone right now. And I'm not sure whether someone will ever catch my attention since then.

I am quite happy since we will be going to Korea tomorrow. So I dialed Pete, my former manager and now friend, on the phone. "Hello, this is LM," I said over the phone.

"Liam?!! Oh, I haven't heard from you in a long time." Pete stated. "Yeah, yeah, sorry about that, but I'll be in Korea starting tomorrow." I responded. "That's fantastic to hear, Lim. Do you intend on writing music with me again? Are you with us?" On the other end of the telephone, he said. And then there was a lengthy pause...

"Hmmmmm, it's been a while, so I'm guessing......" I said when Pete cut me off "Really!!! I can hardly wait for you to arrive." "Yeah, Pete, I knew you'd be delighted hearing me," I chuckle. I stated. Pete's first words were met with laughter.

"Are you still composing songs for the girl?" I then answered, "Nah, that's how I felt, and I don't just want to focus on singing, but I'll also do modeling," to which Pete exclaimed, "Oh, that's fantastic to hear then." "OK, Pete, I have to go now, bye." He then said, "I'll see you soon." The call has come to an end.

So now it's time for me to unwind and prepare for my travel tomorrow.I'm looking forward to seeing my family tomorrow...

Liam ManobanWhere stories live. Discover now