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Jennie's Pov. 

I just finished my work and told my PA that I'll leave the office then I texted my baby that I am on my way to the studio.

When I parked my car I noticed many guards are around the studio which made me curious so as I enter the studio I went to the front desk and ask "Good afternoon, I came to see Ella?" then the lady replies "Good afternoon Ms. Kim, Ella is still in the room you may just enter" then my curiosity hits me which made me ask "May I ask, why is there many guards around the studio?" the lady then chuckled which made me scrunch my face she then say "Someone important visited, thats all I can say Ms. Kim" with that I just nod then went to Ella's room.

As I enter the room I can see Ella dancing happily with a wide smile on her face which made me happy. I was just sitting in the room when Ella notices me, then once the dance class was finished she ran into me with a wide smile. Whats up with this baby why is she very hyper and happy "Mommy! I miss you, thank you for coming" Ella said smiling then I wiped her face then respond "I miss you too baby, why are you very hyper hmm?" I asked her she just shrug then said "Come on, mommy lets go home. I am just very happy today, thank you for everything mommy!" Ella then run towards the exit which made me think. 

My baby is very very happy and hyper today in a good way. I wonder what happened in the studio with that I just shrug my thoughts and went inside the car where Ella is already waiting for me. "Mommy can I play the Lightning song?" Ella asked which made me smile "Of course baby, you can" I said then I remembered that song was made for me by someone I know "Mommy, do you know who the composer of this song is?" My baby asked randomly which made me look at her and respond "We both know each other baby" with that Ella was smiling widely then whispered "Me too mommy, me too".

The car ride was fun Ella was singing during the ride then when we reached our house she then went to her room getting ready for the celebration later which made me think that Ella will be very excited and happy base on how she is right now I can say my baby is very happy. Then I messaged my parents, Jiso and Rose, and gran and pop.

So I guess I'll shower then get ready for the celebration later.

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