Chapter 3

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"Honestly, I don't understand what's so special about them," Karl said as they sat down.

"Hmm... I don't know, maybe their fat bank accounts." George joked.

The other two chuckled then Bad spoke up, "I heard that there's a really good cafe nearby, want to stop by after class?"

Karl agreed but George respectfully declined. He promised his little sister that he would pick her up after all. The rest of the day past by in a blur, George waved goodbye to his friends before driving off to pick up Olivia.

Karl and Bad chatted as they walked to the café. There they found a secluded corner and placed their orders down on the table. As they ate, they also helped each other with their assignments, and discussed their thoughts on their lessons.

The door of the café then opened, and in walked Sapnap and Skeppy.. Karl noticed the two pops glancing their way while they ordered, and informed Bad.

Bad peeked over his shoulder and saw Skeppy grinning at him, he quickly turned away and suggested that they leave. After all, ignoring the pops in the hallway this morning probably bruised their giant egos, who knew what they had planned.

The two Athenas quickly packed up their stuff, and were just about to leave their table when their exit was blocked by Sapnap and Skeppy, who slid into the seats beside them. The pops flashed them another charming smile.

"Hi!" They greeted cheerfully.

"Uhmm Hi," Bad replied awkwardly, not because he was embarrassed, but because he was surprised by how bold they were acting.

"What's your name cutie?" Sapnap asked Karl, as he leaned in a bit too close for Karl's comfort.

"I'm sorry but me and my friend have somewhere else to be," Karl answered plainly, as he and Bad stood up and tried to squeeze passed them.

Skeppy stood up and blocked Bad's way, while Sapnap reached up and grabbed onto Karl's hips.

"What's the rush, we haven't even started having fun yet." Sapnap said smugly, his grip tightening.

The Athenas had enough, and after a quick nod towards each other, they dumped their left over coffees over the pops' heads and escaped. Leaving Sapnap and Skeppy frozen in place, as the warm drink seeped into their clothes.


George sat in his car as he waited for Olivia to exit the building. When she finally appeared his eyes lit up when he spotted a boy with her. The boy was fairly decent, and he found it amusing how his sister was acting shy around the guy, and George also notice both of their blushing faces. The boy gave her a slip of paper, then Olivia quickly walked away to George's car. When she opened the door she came face to face with her smirking brother.

"Wh...what?" She stuttered, as she threw her bag to the backseat and hopped in.

"So... when's the date?" he asked as he pulled out.

Olivia stared at him, her eyes wide open in surprise, before she looked out the window in embarrassment, making her brother chuckle.

"Friday..." She answered. "The usual dinner and movie."

"Okay, let's hit the mall really quick then," George said in excitement.

"Why?" Olivia asked.

"Because I've seen your wardrobe, and I know that you need something decent to wear for your date."

Olivia started to object but George was not having any of it. So she allowed him to drag her around the mall. She normally hated shopping, but her brother was good company and made sure to pick clothes that were in her comfort zone.

"I guess it pays to have an Aphrodite for a brother," Olivia admitted, as they loaded the shopping bags into the car.

George laughed, "I sensed that he really likes you, and I think he's a good guy." he said making Olivia grin like an idiot.

"He might change his mind when he sees how creepy your smile is though." He quipped smugly.

Olivia threw one of the bags at him, which he managed to catch before it hit him. He laughed at his sister's irritated face, then made his way to the driver's seat. When they reached home he help her coordinate different outfits, and she put on a mini fashion show for their parents.

"Oh Olivia you look absolutely stunning, I'm sure your date won't be able to take his eyes off you." Their mother gush, before she turned to George.

"Now Georgie, I'm glad that you're helping your sister out, but you need to think about your own love life as well." She said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I just don't feel like dating right now mum," He answered.

His family shared looks before they all sighed.

"Well I have homework to do..." Olivia trailed off as she headed to her room.

"And I have a few papers to go over," His father added as he kissed his wife on the cheek before heading to his bedroom, leaving George alone with his mother.

"I don't want to talk about it right now mum," George quickly pointed out.

"George you know that we're worried about you, being a single Aphrodite for so long does have quite a few negative side effects." She said.

He knew the risks, if he continued to stay abstinent it was possible that his hormones could go out of control, and like an animal in heat, he would jump at any chance to get fucked. This was also why most Aphrodites would flirt or sleep around, they needed to keep their hormones in check. He was probably the first Aphrodite to still be a virgin at his age.

George sighed, "I know mum, but I can take care of myself. Besides, if I avoid having any intimate physical contact with anyone, then there is a chance that it won't happen."

His mother gave him a small smile, "Alright then George, but promise me you'll be careful."

He smiled back then stood up to leave. "I promise."


Dream was having the time of his life, wheezing at his friends as they related what happened in the café. He let them borrow his shower and a clean pair of clothes.

"I don't get it, people usually throw themselves right at us," Sapnap said as he slipped into a new shirt.

"You guys have lost your touch," Dream quipped.

"Then why don't you give it a try, Mister Dream," Skeppy said as he threw himself on the couch.

"They did have another friend with them." Sapnap added.

"I'm more interested in finding the rumored Aphrodite." He answered.

"Hah! You have a better chance of finding a needle in a haystack. There are too many students at our college. Besides, you're gonna have some major competition." Sapnap stated.

"Well I like a good challenge," Dream stated smugly. "By the way, did you manage to get their names?" he asked. His friends shook their heads, and after a bit of poking around their school's website they found them.

"George, Karl, and Badboyhalo, all Athenas." Dream read.

"Dibs on Karl!" Sapnap shouted.

"I got Bad," Skeppy claimed, then he turned to Dream. "What do you say Dream, George would look pretty cute if he dressed up a bit more. You could have fun with him while searching for the Aphrodite."

Dream thought for a moment as he stared at George's picture, "You know what? Count me in."

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