Chapter 26

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The club was fancy, with tons of space for dancing, along with several booths, and private rooms. The bar even served an assortment of food along, with unique drinks. Technoblade and Wilbur's uncle sure knew the necessities of a good party. But then again, the guy was a Dionysus so it was expected. Currently the man was in the corner chatting with his nephews, and held a bottle in his hand. His nephews secretly hoped that their uncle would stay in control tonight.

Meanwhile Dream, Skeppy, and Sapnap were sitting in one of the booths at the club, waiting for their dates to show up. They had suggested picking the Athenas up, but George said he would drive them himself.

"Do you think that they're okay?" Dream asked his friends. He was dressed in a black t-shirt with a dark green blazer.

"Maybe we should check in on them," Sapnap suggested. He was wearing a black shirt too, with a white jacket.

"I just did, Bad said that they're only a few minutes away." Skeppy responded, the Hermes was wearing a blue shirt and jeans.

"Hey guys, sorry we took so long," George suddenly spoke up from behind them.

The pops turned their heads, and their eyes widened when they saw what their dates were wearing. George was in all black, with a dark blue jean jacket to complete his look.

"So what do you think of their new looks?" George asked cheerfully, as he placed his arms around the shoulders of both of his friends, who were feeling a bit shy.

"You guys look incredible," Dream answered for his stunned friends. He couldn't blame them though, he reacted the same way when he saw George dress casually for their arcade date.

The Athenas beamed at the compliment, and slid down to sit besides their respective partners. The pops had ordered ahead of time, so it didn't take long for their drinks to arrive. After chatting for a while, the pops dragged their dates out to the dance floor. The Athenas were a bit awkward at first, but the pops were great dance partners, and helped them get into the beat.

After a few dances, Dream suggested on ordering more drinks and the rest agreed. While Dream went to order, Bad, George, and Skeppy headed back to their booth to wait. Sapnap and Karl however, decided to stay on the dance floor.

"Dream's sure taking his time," Bad pointed out after a while.

"I'll go see if he needs help," George offered, as he disappeared into the crowd. A few minutes later Dream arrived with their drinks, and a few more snacks in hand.

"Hey where's George?" Skeppy asked.

Dream quirked an eyebrow in confusion, "what do you mean?" he asked.

"You were taking so long, so he decided to see if you needed help," Skeppy explained.

"You guys must have missed each other..." Bad said.

Dream scanned the crowd, hoping to spot the brunette, I have a bad feeling about this.


Meanwhile, George was cautiously following a guy who he recognized as Technoblade. Though he wasn't close with Dream before, he was aware of the rivalry the pair had. Which is why he was very suspicions of the man, when he came up to him saying that Dream was waiting in one of the club's private rooms.

"He's in here," Techno stated, motioning to a door.

George stared at the door then turned to Techno with a smirk, "Do you really think that I'm that dumb?" he asked.

The Ares looked at him confused, George then continued. "I may be an Aphrodite Mister Blade, but I am also an Athena. I know exactly what you're trying to do."

Techno's once innocent demeanor shifted into a mischievous one. "I expected as much. You've got beauty and brains, I like that."

George scoffed and turned to leave, "Well if you don't mind, I'll be heading back to my friends."

"There's one last thing that you're missing, in order to become the perfect partner for me." Techno stated calmly, as George faced him again.

"And that's brawn..." before George could react, Techno had pushed him to the wall and was staring at him lustfully. George threw punches but both of his fist were quickly caught by the Ares, and pinned to the wall.

"Not bad..." He said with a smirk. Techno then shifted his position so he was now able to hold both of George's wrist with one hand, and caress George's cheek with the other.

George remained stoic, as he fearlessly stared into the Ares' eyes. "I suggest you stop here Techno, before something bad happens." he said. He was prepared to kick the man in the groin, if it came down to it.

Techno huffed in response, before letting go of George and backing up. "I was wondering why Dream was attracted to you, even before he knew that you were an Aphrodite. Now I have my answer."

"What are you talking about?" George asked, still eyeing the man cautiously.

"Dream's always been the type to play around, never one for commitment. That all changed when he met you." Techno stated in his monotone voice. "He may not know it yet, but he's already fallen in love with you. Now I must ask... are you truly ready to give him your heart?"

"Why do you care?" George asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Dream and I may be rivals, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about the guy. If things don't work out between you two, I know that he would be crushed, and I would rather not see him like that."

George stayed silent, as he tried to think about what Techno was saying. The Athena/Ares sighed before speaking again, "If you're not ready for a serious relationship, then please break it to him gently. Finding a good rival is hard, and I will find no satisfaction in beating him while he's suffering from a broken heart."

"George!" Dream's voice rang clear as he rushed to embrace the Aphrodite, before shooting death glares at Techno.

"Whoa, calm down Dream. I'm not going to steal him from you." He said, holding his hands up in surrender. Dream looked unconvinced and continued to glare, so Techno slowly backed away.

"It was nice speaking to you Aphrodite, do think about what I said." The Ares said before leaving the two alone.

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