Chapter 29

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Still Smut in the beginning

feel free to skip !!!


George woke up feeling a bit sore, but he didn't mind. A smile formed on his lips when he remembered what happened last night. He felt Dream's hand running through his short brown hair, and sighed in contentment.

"Good morning Sunshine," Dream whispered, placing a kiss on the top of George's head, and the latter hummed his response.

"You feeling sore?" Dream asked, his voice laced with concern.

"No" George lied. Dream's hand ran down his bare back, and the Zeus applied just enough pressure to make him wince.

"The truth George," Dream commanded, as he nuzzled his face into the brunette's hair.

"Okay yes it hurts, but I'm fine Dream." George reassured.

Dream didn't look convince, so he carried George to the bathroom they showered together. He tried to focus on the task at hand, but found it hard when the brunette seemed insistent for something to happen in the shower. George giggled as he trailed his hands down the blonde's chest, and flashed him a smirk when he saw the blonde's shaft standing proudly.

He lowered himself onto his knees and took Dream into his mouth. Dream moaned and gripped onto George's brown hair, as the latter bobbed his head up and down. Dream eventually pulled him up, and pressed him against the shower wall.

George instantly hooked his legs around Dream's waist, and held onto the man's shoulders. "Just remember that you asked for this," Dream said and George gave him a nod.

The blonde than entered the brunette and soon the shower was filled with sounds of their moans, and skin slapping against skin. When they both reached their climax, they shared one last kiss, before washing themselves again and drying off.

George had a collection of baggy clothes, so he lent Dream some, then the couple headed out to make breakfast.


Smut is over

It is now safe to continue! :)


Dream smiled when he saw George dance around the kitchen, while throwing some ingredients into the pot. A song played loudly on the radio, and the couple were singing their lungs out to it.

They both settled in their seats once the food was ready, and ate in relative silence. Dream's breath hitched when he felt George's foot trail up and down his leg sensually.

Dream looked up to see the Aphrodite smiling innocently at him. How does he have this much stamina, or is it because he's an Aphrodite? He wondered.

"No George, I want to go out today." Dream said firmly, as he gently stopped George's foot from going any further.

"Okay, what did you have in mind?" George asked in disappointment.

Dream went into the bedroom and brought out their small bottles of date ideas. He exchanged them, and they both reached in to pick one. But Dream's face paled a bit when he read the first one...


"We could pick another date idea you know," George reminded the Zeus, who was trying his best to appear brave.

"No George, if you want to ride a roller coaster for our date, then we will ride a roller coaster for our date," he said with determination.

His brave front disappeared however, when they were being strapped into the cart. George could sense the blonde's fear, and tried to think of a number of ways to distract the man. Just then a idea popped into his mind.

Dream wrung his hands nervously, while waiting for the ride to start. Suddenly he felt George's hand on his lap, and at first the blonde thought of it as a comforting gesture. His heart started to speed up however, when George start to rub his thighs in a sensual manner, while subtly tracing over his groin.

He looked over to see the Aphrodite smirking at him, and felt his ears heat up. He didn't even realized that the ride had started, till George removed his hand and they plummeted down.

George had to help Dream off the ride, and the two sat on a bench so that the blonde could regain his composure. Once Dream felt strong enough to walk, they went around visiting the various attractions in the park, before settling down in a café for a quick snack.

"So which idea did you pick?" Dream asked.

"Visiting a bookstore, which I'm surprised you even put it in there. It doesn't seem like your cup of tea." George pointed out.

"But you like books don't you?" Dream stated, as he rested his chin in the palm of his hand, and looked fondly at George.

"Well yes..."

"Then I'll gladly drag you to every book store in town," Dream replied.

George smiled, and after paying the couple left the café. They were heading back to their car, when Dream felt George tug on his shirt. The blonde glanced back to see that the brunette was pointing at something with a smile.

Dream looked over to see Karl and Sapnap lining up at an ice cream stand. The Athena excitedly grabbed his cone, as the Hephaestus paid for it. Sapnap then stooped down, to carry the Athena on his back. Giggling, Karl took the offer, and as they continued on their date, Karl would offer Sapnap some of his ice cream.

Dream and George watched the couple proudly, before heading their way.


"Give this book a chance Dream, you may like it." Bad said cheerfully, as he handed the book to the blonde.

"Thanks Bad," Dream responded with a smile.

"Dream, do you want to try this game when we get home?" George asked, holding up the game for the Zeus to check.

"Sure, but that might have to wait for later. I have something special planned for the both of us after this." Dream answered, hooking his arm around the Aphrodite's waist.

The Aphrodite gave him a little peck on the cheek, before they headed to the cashier to make their purchase. Just then the bell by the door rang, and in walked a very excited Skeppy, who was quick to wrap Bad in a hug.

"Hey Dream, Hey George, you guys on a date?" Skeppy asked.

"Yup, and you?" Dream replied proudly, as he held George's hand tight.

"I'm taking Bad out for his lunch break." He said, tightening his hold on the Athena in front of him.

"Okay then, you two have fun," George said as he and Dream left the store with their purchases, just as Bad's co-workers stared to tease him.

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