Chapter 27

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Fallen in love with you... Techno's words echoed in his head, making George's face heat up. He knew that he felt something for the blonde, but could he truly define it as love.

Dream still hadn't let him go, in fact the Hermes' grip only got tighter.

"Dream...?" George breathed out.

"Just a moment more please," Dream begged, as he buried his face in George's neck. The familiar warmth helped the brunette relax. The blonde always had a way of making him feel safe. Even when Dream kissed him out of nowhere in the bathroom that one time, he wasn't frightened by the man.

"He didn't try anything right?" Dream asked.

"Nothing that I couldn't handle," George responded, as he ran his fingers through Dream's hair.

Dream hesitantly pulled away before cupping George cheeks. They then stared at each other, lips merely inches away.

"Fuck, this is harder than I thought." Dream whispered, still not breaking their eye contact.


"I know that I said that I would wait for your answer, but I don't think I can stand it anymore George. Seeing other people chase after you, and actually putting their hands on you, it just pisses me off." Dream continued, pressing their foreheads together.

"What are you doing to me George? How is it that you can break my heart, and put it back together again with just a smile. " Dream then bopped their noses together gently.

"Please George, please tell me how you feel, before I fall in too deep." Dream begged, his voice getting shaky.

George suddenly felt an overwhelming emotion swell up inside him, and covered Dream's hand with his own.

"I do feel something for you Dream, a simple touch from you is enough to make me lose all control. You make me feel emotions that I can't even identify."

They broke away slightly, and George cupped Dream's cheeks. "I've never experienced being in love with someone, so I don't know if what I feel for you is truly love, but all I know is that I want you. I need you Dream..." George trailed off, as he saw Dream's somber face break into a bright smile.

The blonde leaned in to peck the brunette's forehead, "That's good enough for me..." he said against George's skin. "I never thought that I would say this to anyone, but I love you George."

George eyes widened when he heard that. He tried to say something back, but the words wouldn't leave his lips.

"It's okay George, you don't have to say it, not until you're ready." Dream reassured.

"Dream..." George whispered, and the blonde hummed his response.

"Let's go to my place."


Dream nervously sat in the passenger seat of George's car, as the brunette carefully drove back to his place. George had drank a bit at the club, not enough to get him drunk, but he still needed to be careful.

[AN: Don't drink and drive folks, stay safe out there]

The couple had informed Bad and Skeppy that they were leaving, and had planned to tell Karl and Sapnap as well, but when they saw the pair subtly grinding against each other on the dance floor, they decided to just leave. Skeppy assured George that he would make sure that Bad got home safely, as he had no intention of getting wasted that night.

George had stopped at a small diner to order take out, before the pair finally arrived at his apartment. They ate the food as soon as they arrived, then snuggled up on George's couch to watch a movie.

"Favorite color?"

"Blue," George answered, his head on Dream's chest, while the latter played with his hair.

"I guess it was kind of a stupid question to ask, since you're color-blind." Dream said with a sigh.

George giggled then allowed his hands trail up Dream's chest.

How far could we go tonight, George wanted to find out. He felt Dream inhale sharply, as he continued to run his hands down the blonde's clothed chest. He was eventually stopped by the blonde Zeus, who gripped onto his wrist firmly. George then lifted his face, and smiled innocently when he saw Dream's stern expression.

"What do you think you are doing George?" Dream asked.

"Nothing..." George stated as he continued to feign innocence.

Dream let out a sigh. He clipped both of George hands with one hand, then turned over so that they were now spooning.

"Behave yourself George, or you may start something that you might regret."

George glanced back at him, "and if I want to?" he asked.

"No George, you're still figuring out your feelings." Dream stated sternly.

The blonde bit back a moan, when George grounded his ass against his crotch. Dream used his other hand to steady the brunette's hips, and flipped them again, so he was now hovering over the smiling Aphrodite.

"Last warning, George before I lose control and give you what you want."

George giggled and reached up to hook his arms around Dream's neck. "I want this Dream..." he said. Dream still looked skeptic, "Are your powers going berserk again?" he asked.

George shook his head, "No, but they will again someday, so please Dream... I want to do it while I'm still in control."


Spice till the end

Skip if you no likey :)


Dream pulled George up so that the brunette was now in his lap, and the brunette wrapped his legs around Dream's waist. The blonde then kissed George hard, who reciprocated it eagerly. The blonde placed his hands on George's ass, and gave them a little squeeze, causing the Aphrodite to moan into their kiss.

Dream then stood up, with George still in his arms, and carried him to the bedroom. He plopped the brunette down on the bed, then got on top of him and leaned in to reconnect their lips.

When he pulled away, he saw George's flushed face and his eyes clouding over with lust.

"Are you sure about this George?" Dream asked, still unsure.

"Yes, please Dream...I need you," George breathed out.



I'm really blue-balling you guys this week, with my updates for this book and R4U stopping before things get too spicy.

Both of my updates planned for next week will have smut though, so be prepared :)

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