Chapter 23

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"I am so sorry about what happened yesterday," George apologized to Karl and Bad, as the trio walked down the hall.

Both he and Dream got into trouble for not registering their secondary type, and for using their powers recklessly. They got off lightly though, with only a small fine and a warning since the incident was out of their control.

"Don't worry about it you muffin head, nothing bad happened anyway." Bad assured.

"I'm surprise that Skeppy and Sapnap were able to hold back, with you guys throwing yourselves at them," George said with a giggle.

His two friends blushed but smiled, "Yeah, Dream knocked some sense into them, literally." Karl answered.

As they walked, George could feel the dirty and lustful looks directed at him. People were openly showing their disgust for him, after what happened yesterday. George continued to ignore them as usual, but when the pops showed up people quickly turned their attention elsewhere.

"You feeling better George?" Sapnap asked kindly.

"Yup, sorry about yesterday though. I gave you guys a hard time." George said.

"No worries man, in fact we should thank you for showing us a whole new side to these two." Skeppy said, as he and Sapnap motioned towards a blushing Karl and Bad.

"Ge-George we're gonna be late," Karl muttered out. Trying to drag his friend away, before more embarrassing things were brought up.

George and the pops shared a laugh, before he allowed his friends to drag him away.

"We'll see you guys later!" Dream called after them, and the Athenas gave him a nod before rushing towards their classroom.

"Think fast Killian!" someone yelled.

Dream spun around just in time to catch a ball, that was threateningly close to hitting him on the head.

"What's got you in such a foul mood Techno?" Skeppy asked smugly.

"Oh nothing," Techno replied, while retrieving the ball from an annoyed Dream. "Just thought that I would congratulate my dear friend for beating me to the Aphrodite."

Sapnap scoffed, "really now? That's new," he said.

"Think what you want Sapnap, but I know when I've lost, and I'm willing to admit it." Techno stated.

"I'm throwing a party at my uncle's club this weekend to kick off the break. You guys should come and bring your dates as well. It will be your chance to show them off." Techno suggested.

"Thanks for the invite, but we'll have to run it by them first," Dream answered.

"Of course of course, hope I see you guys there," Techno said before leaving.

"As much as I would love to spend time with Karl, I don't think he'll like the idea," Sapnap pointed out, after Techno was out of sight.

"We'll just ask them, if they don't want to, then how about going on a group date this weekend?" Dream suggested. His friends agreed, and decided to inform the Athenas of their plans when they would meet up later.


"Okay try this, and this, and oh this too," George said as he handed the clothes over to a hesitant Bad.

"I don't know George, do you really think I can pull this off?" Bad asked, holding up the black leather jacket, that George had asked him to try on.

"Trust me on this Bad, Skeppy won't be able to take his eyes off you." George insisted.

"Even if he was wearing the most mismatched outfit, Skeppy still wouldn't take his eyes off him," Karl quipped, as he scanned the price tags of the clothes on display then cringed. Why was everything so expensive?

"Just so you know, you're next Karl," George reminded.

Karl looked at him in horror, "No...NO, Absolutely not happening!" he yelled.

"Relax Karl, I have the perfect look for you," George grinned evilly, as he gently pushed Bad into a changing room, so the guy could try on his outfit.

They had agreed to go to Techno's party with the Pops. Karl and Bad had asked George if they could borrow a few clothes to wear, since they didn't have anything fancy in their wardrobe.

But instead of simply lending them a shirt, George had insisted on buying a whole new outfit, his treat of course.

"Come on Karl, just try it on," George said as he handed Karl a dark purple button down shirt.

"George! This is too fancy, I won't look good in it." Karl complained as he pushed the shirt back to George.

"You dare to question an Aphrodite's sense of fashion," George asked smugly with a raised eyebrow.

"No, but I question the author's," he replied.

[AN: Well sorry that I still have an awful taste in clothes, and yes I broke the fourth wall :)]

Just then the curtain of Bad's dressing room got pushed aside. Karl's jaw dropped open, while George gave the Athena an approving smile. Bad was wearing a red T-shirt, with a black leather jacket, and black jeans.

"Wow Bad, you look bad," Karl said without thinking.

Bad gave him a confused look, and Karl cleared his throat to rephrase his sentence.

"I mean you look like an actual bad boy," Karl corrected himself.

Bad beamed at the term, "Really?"

"Yup, I knew that the style would suit you." George said before turning to Karl. "Now will you just trust me and put it on."

Karl let out a sigh, then snatched the shirt from him, before heading into the changing room.

"Oh and these too," George said throwing a pair of dark pants over the curtain.

After a minute or two, Karl grumpily exited the changing room. George smiled, then rolled his friend's sleeves up to the elbows, before letting Karl check his reflection.

"So..." George started, waiting for feedback.

"I like it," Karl said as he tuned around to check all angles.

"Great, let's get this clothes to the counter." George said. His friends changed back to their normal clothes, while George paid.

"You didn't have to do this George..." Bad said.

"Nonsense, what kind of friend would I be, if I didn't help my friends look their best for a date." George stated.

"But what about you George? You didn't get anything." Karl pointed out.

"Oh don't worry, I already have the perfect outfit waiting at home." he reassured.

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