Chapter 5

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When George arrived at his college, he couldn't help but feel like someone was watching him. He looked around the parking lot, and his heart started beating erratically when he spotted Sapnap and Skeppy a few meters away from him.

The pops were trying to be subtle about it, but George could tell that they were staring at him. He locked his car and headed towards the college building.

His heart rate quickened even more when he heard them following him. George remembered the conversation that he had with Bad and Karl last night. Were they really going to drag him somewhere, and beat him up or something?

When he entered the building, he quickly searched for his two friends. They had promised to stick together to avoid getting picked off. When he spotted Karl and Bad he quickly informed them of the situation, and as if to confirm his suspicions the two pops now stood by the entrance, and were watching them.

The Athenas quickly walked away, but George glanced back to see the two pops smile towards someone. He followed their gaze till his eyes landed on Dream, and he saw the blonde return his friends' smile.

Okay, they are definitely planning something... George thought. He turned his attention back to his friends walking in front of him. They would still glance back every once in a while to check if the pops were still following.

I need to protect them, George decided, but how?


"Now I know you guys did nothing to him, but I don't appreciate you scaring my prey like that," Dream told Skeppy and Sapnap smugly.

After seeing the Athenas run off, he had excused himself from Techno and met up with his two friends for a chat.

"We didn't mean too..." Skeppy pointed out.

"Since his friends are avoiding us like the plague, we figured that by following him we could find out where they were." Sapnap said.

"Well next time try not to frighten the poor guy, that is my job after all." Dream stated.

His two friends smirked at him, "Yeah yeah we get it, but I'm surprised that you're okay with having him. I mean he's okay and all, but among the three he pales in comparison." Sapnap pointed out.

"I think the guy just needs a makeover. If he didn't wear such baggy or nerdy clothes all the time, I bet he would be pretty popular." Dream said.

"Yeah it's kind of weird for him to dress like that considering his mom and all." Skeppy pointed out.

The other two looked at him in confusion.

"What? You guys didn't know? His mom is one of the top models right now." Skeppy said pulling out his phone to search up a few pictures.

Dream was taken back a bit. George seemed to have gotten quite a few features from his mom.

"Damn! Is she an Aphrodite?" Sapnap asked.

"She is actually," Skeppy stated.

"An Aphrodite huh?" Dream pondered.

His friends could guess what he was thinking. "Just because his mom is one, doesn't mean that he is. After all, you're suppose to register your type and he is registered only as an Athena." Skeppy pointed out.

Dream hummed, "I guess you're right."

"Anyway let's get to class, then we can try to find ways to get their attention." Sapnap stated, the others agreed and then they walked off to their respective classrooms.


George splashed some cool water on his face. The day is almost over George, hang in there, he silently cheered for himself.

He had managed to stay awake in all his classes, and decided to join his friends at the cafe that they went to yesterday. But he excused himself to head to the restroom first.

George let out a sigh, throughout the day he could feel the three pops stares on them. After checking himself in the mirror one last time, he placed on his thick glasses then headed out.

"He sure is taking his time," Karl stated. They were leaning on the wall nearby that had a clear view of the restroom, so they would be able to help if any of the pops showed up.

"Let's just be patient, he was quite shaken up this morning after all." Bad pointed out.

Karl nodded, Damn those pops! If I could, I would punch them all in the gut.

"We finally found you," two voices whispered in their ears. Their heads whipped to their sides and they came face to face with Sapnap and Skeppy.

The two Athenas pressed closer to each other for comfort.

"That was quite rude of you to leave so suddenly yesterday." Sapnap stated feigning a hurt tone.

"The coffee you dumped on us also stained our clothes. Luckily it wasn't hot enough to burn us." Skeppy added as he stepped a little closer to Bad.

Karl immediately got in front of Bad, much to Skeppy's annoyance.

"Shame, I was hoping that we caused a bit more of damage." Karl stated, putting up a brave front.

Sapnap looked at him with great interest, and in a swift movement he pulled Karl towards his chest, making the latter yelp in surprise.

"Karl!" Bad called only to be stopped by Skeppy. "Look just leave us alone." Bad mumbled out.

The two Athenas were then pressed up against the wall and cornered by the two pops, who were smirking mischievously.

"Hey there's a fight breaking out," a voice spoke up from behind them.

The pops turned their heads to see who it was, which was just enough time for the Athenas to make their escape.

Sapnap and Skeppy were seething with anger. They continued to look for the source of the voice, only to spot George all alone. They menacingly stomped over to him, and pressed him up against the wall.

"You let them escape again!" Sapnap yelled, as he punched the wall making George flinch.

"Back off Sapnap, that one's mine." A voice suddenly spoke.

They turned to see Dream making his way towards them. George tensed up when Dream put his hands on the wall, effectively caging him in.

"That was nice of you to save your friends, but who's gonna save you now?" Dream whispered, gently using his knee to separate George's legs. Dream smirked when he heard George take in a sharp breath.

George could feel his hormones starting to spiral out of control. Having the hot blonde so close to him, and his knee gently touching his crotch was turning him on.

Damn Aphrodite, if I don't do something... Just then a thought flashed through his head.

I hope this works.

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