Chapter 19

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Skeppy had never slept so well in his life, but he was a bit confused when he woke up and found out that he wasn't in his room. A splitting head ache ruined his good mood, and he groaned at the pain.

I drank too much yesterday...

"Good morning muffin head," a voice greeted.

Skeppy tried to focus his eyes on the person standing besides the bed, and saw a smiling Bad carrying a tray. He tried to think of a reason why the Athena was there, and came up blank.

"Bad? Where am I? What happened last night?"

"You got super drunk last night, and I didn't know where you lived so I took you here instead." Bad explained, motioning for Skeppy to slowly sit up so that he could eat. "I had to drive your motorcycle though, I hope that's alright?" Skeppy merely nodded before slowly eating the breakfast that Bad brought him.

Skeppy also noticed that he wasn't wearing his own clothes, and asked Bad about this.

"Oh I had to help you change last night, since your clothes smelled like alcohol. They're already washed though, do you want me to grab them?"

Skeppy didn't answer, instead he gently grabbed Bad's chin and pulled it towards him. Bad blushed at how close they were, and directed his gaze elsewhere.

" just helped me change?" Skeppy asked, and Bad nodded.

"Nothing else happened?" Skeppy asked smugly.

"Well we did sleep on the same bed but that's about it," Bad answered innocently.

Skeppy sighed, disappointed that Bad didn't get what he was trying to imply. He then turned his attention back to his meal, while Bad went to grab Skeppy's newly washed clothes.

"Bad! I'm heading to work now!" Karl yelled.

"Okay, take care muffin!" Bad yelled back, before entering his room to give Skeppy his clothes.

Karl was a bit hesitant to leave the pair alone, but decided to trust Skeppy for now. He sighed when he realized that he had forgotten his bike in Sapnap's truck last night. Well not like it matters, it was already trashed by his father's drinking buddies.

When he got to the ground floor, he started to debate on whether he should spend the extra money for a bus ride, or run there and risk being late. Well Jimmy would understand, but he didn't like showing up to work all sweaty.

Just then he heard someone honk at him. He braced himself for another attack, but then he realized that it was just Sapnap.

"I figured you could use a ride, after what happened to your bike." The raven head explained when Karl approached him.

Karl smiled at the man, and got into the passenger's seat, "Thanks, I appreciate it."

When they arrived, Sapnap told Karl that he would be back to pick him up in the afternoon.

"You don't have to do that," Karl argued.

Sapnap reached over and gently took both of Karl's hands in his. He traced his thumbs over the Athena's knuckles, that had a few battle scars from the scuffle yesterday.

"I won't be able to forgive myself if something happened again, so please let me do this." Sapnap begged.

Karl was touched by this action, no one except George and Bad had cared about him like this. He freed one of his hands to cup the Hephaestus' cheek, and Sapnap leaned into the touch.

"Alright then, I'll see you this afternoon." Karl said before opening the car door and stepping out. He waved goodbye before, walking into the building to be greeted with the smirks of his co-workers.

"What?" he asked.

"Who was that Karl?" Jimmy asked still smirking.

Karl blushed but tried to remain calm, "A friend," he answered as he walked over to his desk to start working.

"Just a friend?" Chandler probed.

"Yes, for now at least." Karl answered.

He was instantly swept into a hug by a tearful Chris, "Oh happy day, our boy has finally found someone that he likes!"

"Chris, stop!" Karl said as he pried the man off him. "we aren't official yet, so don't get too excited."

His co-workers shared knowing looks before leaving him to do his work.

Karl let out a sigh, I wonder how Bad's doing?


Bad handed Skeppy a sports drink, as the latter laid down on the couch. He had called Zelk to inform him that he wouldn't be able to work till after lunch, since he didn't want to leave the Hermes alone.

"Hey, I'm sorry that I drank too much and ruined our night." Skeppy apologized.

"You didn't ruin it you muffin head, in fact you were quite entertaining while drunk." Bad reassured him with a smile, as he sat on the other end of the couch.

"I can't really remember what I did though," Skeppy whined.

"Maybe it's best that you don't," Bad said with a giggle.

Skeppy then crawled over to him and plopped his head onto Bad's lap.

"S-Skeppy, what are you doing?" Bad asked, getting a little flustered.

"You don't have work right?" Skeppy inquired, ignoring the question.

"Not until after lunch," the Athena answered.

"Then let me have this, I want to remember this moment with you. I can't remember what happened last night, so let me start making memories with you in it again." Skeppy said before drifting off to sleep.

Bad smiled and gently ran his fingers through the Hermes' dark hair. Maybe, just maybe, it would be worth taking the risk to like this man, Bad thought before he leaned his head back and also drifted off to sleep.

After napping for a couple of hours the pair woke up. They then freshened up, and Skeppy offered to drive Bad to work.

"Thanks Skeppy," Bad said as he got off the motorcycle and removed his helmet.

"Hey Bad?" Skeppy called in a gentle tone, catching the Athena's attention with the man's sudden seriousness.

"Can I have one more memory of you before you go?" The dark haired man asked softly.

"Uhmm... sure what do you want me to do?"

Skeppy reached out and cupped the Athena's face, pulling them closer till their faces were just inches away.

"Not gonna run?" Skeppy asked, still in a gentle tone as he caressed the Athena's cheek's with his thumbs.

Bad didn't say anything, and instead just shook his head a bit. Skeppy smiled then leaned in, Bad closed his eyes waiting for it to happen.

He was surprised when he felt Skeppy's lips on his forehead instead of his lips, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the Hermes smirking at him.

"Ah sorry, were you expecting something else?" Skeppy asked smugly, when he sensed the Athena's disappointment.

"N-No, Of course not," Bad stuttered out, feeling a bit embarrassed that he actually wanted the Hermes to kiss him.

Skeppy chuckled and traced his thumb on Bad's lower lip. He leaned in to whisper in the Athena's ear, "I'm saving that for later."

Skeppy then pulled away, said a quick good bye to the still stunned brunette, and flashed a smirk before he drove away.

When he was out of sight, Bad cupped his flushed cheeks and felt them heat up, That muffin head!

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