Chapter 9

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Dream stood still, unable to control the smile that crept onto his face. He felt relief and joy in his heart. His mood was ruined though when he noticed George's eyes darting everywhere in fear. Dream could hear the crowd's mummers, many of them judging him. He felt anger build in his chest, and step forward to protect George from the judgmental looks of the crowd.

His heart dropped when George stepped away from him. Dream could only watch as the brunette dashed away from the scene, followed closely by his two friends.

"Dream..." Sapnap's voice caught his attention. Sapnap motioned to the corner with his head.

Dream's heart rate spiked when he saw Technoblade in the corner, eyeing the the still running brunette, his face unreadable. He glanced around to see many of the men also staring lustfully at George.

Dream's initial possessiveness, soon turned into a genuine need to help George. Sapnap and Skeppy, sensing their friend's resolve, placed a supportive hand on his back. Dream shot them a grateful smile, then the trio followed after George and his friends.


George didn't know how, but he eventually made it out to his car. George leaned against his car door, his body shaking as he slumped down to the floor. He tried to regulate his breathing to bite back the sobs that threatened to spill from his mouth, while his hands ran through his short hair in an effort to calm down.

He felt a pair of hands cover his own and glanced up to see Bad looking at him with worry, behind him was an equally concerned Karl. George tried to apologize for not telling them that he was an Aphrodite, but no words came out.

"Shhhh, it's okay you little muffin," Bad said before holding George tight, Karl then came forward to join in the hug.

After George had calmed down significantly, he got into the backseat of his car with Bad still holding him, while Karl took the keys and drove them to George's parents. When they arrived, Karl quickly explained the situation to his family and they were brought inside. Currently George was being cuddled by his mum and sister, with a warm cup of tea in his lap.

"Oh George, I'm so sorry," his mother said, and his sister tightened her hold on him.

"College is gonna be hell for me now," George tried to say in a cheerful tone, but it come out as a sob.

"Not if we have anything to say about it," Bad stated seriously.

George looked up to see Karl and Bad smiling at him, "From now on we're not leaving your side. No matter where you go we will follow," Karl said.

"Consider us as your very own personal bodyguards," Bad said giving George a salute. This made the Aphrodite chuckle.

"Thanks guys," George said returning their smiles.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad... George thought.

Oh boy was he wrong...

"Hey cutie, want to come over to my place later?" A rough voice spoke up from behind George.

George continued to ignore the guy, dodging and weaving through the crowd of students as the man continued to follow him.

"Hey, I'm talking to you Aphrodite!" the man yelled.

I know! I'm just choosing to ignore your horny ass! George desperately wanted to scream back, but didn't.

This was the 3rd guy to approach him today, and it wasn't even noon time yet. There was one waiting for him in the parking lot, and another at the entrance of the building. He had manage to escape the previous two, but this third guy was being very persistent.

Suddenly he was roughly pushed up against the wall by the brute. George looked at him with anger flaring in his eyes, but the creep merely scoffed.

"You're feisty, I like that," he said as he started to lean in.

Instantly Karl appeared from behind, and whacked the guy on the head with his book.

The jerk knelt on the ground in pain, clutching the back of his head where Karl had hit him. Bad soon appeared and grabbed George's hand, then he pulled him away from the creep. The three of them calmly walked over to their classroom, unaware that they were being watched by three other men in the shadows.

"Dude...your guy isn't your everyday Athena," Skeppy told Sapnap.

Sapnap looked genuinely impressed by how Karl handled the situation, meanwhile Dream was fuming besides them. Had Karl and Bad not shown up, he would have decked the guy.

When they followed George out yesterday they had witnessed his breakdown. So they all decided to give the guy and his friends some space. It was hard for Dream though, whenever he saw someone look at George in a perverted way he was ready to throw hands.

Dream sighed to relieve some of the anger he felt. For now he would have to settle with being in the shadows.

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