Chapter 21

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Monday morning George was back at his college. He took in a deep breath to get himself to focus. He fortunately hasn't had any erotic dreams since that kinky night, but he still has not recovered from it.

Whenever Dream would message or call him, he would keep his answers short and to the point, trying to always seem like he was in a hurry to do something, so they could end the call early.

Avoiding the Hermes/Zeus here though, would be next to impossible, so instead he decided to act like nothing happened.

Like he didn't dream that the blonde had fucked him and called him baby, that he was not extremely turned on by the blindfold and handcuffs, and that in his desperate need for release, he did not call Dream, daddy.

George slumped over the steering wheel of his car and groaned, It's no use, I can't stop thinking about it. How on earth am I suppose to act normal around the guy?

Just then he heard someone tap on his window. George shot up and turned to see a grinning Dream waiting for him outside his car. George shot him a weak smile, and stepped out of the vehicle.

"You okay?" Dream asked.

"Yeah, why?" George responded as they walked towards the building.

"Your face is kind of flustered."

George's hands flew to his cheek, they were indeed warm to the touch. Damn it, had I been blushing this whole time.

"Are you not feeling well?" Dream asked, placing a gentle hand on George's forehead to check his temperature. The brunette felt sparks fly through his body from that simple touch, and quickly pulled away.

"No I'm fine, just haven't slept well recently."

Dream nodded then took George's hand in his, "Is this okay," the blonde asked bashfully.

George pushed down the need to kiss the guy for being so cute, and simply nodded.

Why are the urges stronger than usual? George wondered.

The couple walked hand in hand through the hallway. George ignored the judgmental stares that he was receiving, while Dream shot everyone death glares, reminding them to mind their own business.

The pair soon found their friends standing in front of an empty classroom. Bad and Karl seemed to be debating about something, while Skeppy and Sapnap looked over them affectionately.

"Hey guys, good morning." Bad greeted when he saw George and Dream.

"Good morning," Dream greeted back, and the group fell into a comfortable conversation.

George felt shivers run down his spine every time that Dream spoke. His voice was making him heat up for some reason, and his breathing became increasingly ragged.

"George are you okay?" Karl asked, when he noticed how red the Athena/Aphrodite was.

"Hmmm... oh yeah, sorry I need to go to the restroom." With a nod he excused himself, and rushed into the nearest one that he could find.

He looked into the mirror and was scared by what he saw. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes hazy, and he felt sweaty. He looked like he had just been thoroughly fucked.

Just then his phone rang, so he ran into a stall to avoid being seen in this state before answering it.

"Hello? Mum?" George got out between pants.

"George...are you okay?" his mum asked carefully.

George felt his body starting to hurt, and the pain was getting increasingly worse.

"No..." he sobbed out.

"Honey...explain to me how you're feeling right now?"

"It's hot, and my body hurts...I'm sweating and I can't seem to calm down," he explained.

"George are you at your college right now?" she asked in a worried tone.


"Okay George, I need you to find a place where no one can get to you okay?" She instructed. She sounded like she was running.

"I'm in one of the toilet stalls..." he whispered.

"Good, just stay there...I'm on my way." she said.

"Mum? What's happening to me?" George asked, getting increasingly scared.

"Your powers are going berserk George. It should pass in a couple of hours, but right now I need to get you to your bedroom where you will be safe." She explained, he could hear her getting into a car and speeding away.

"Mum, I'm scared..." George continued to sob.

"It's okay George just make sure that no one can get to you." she explained, before she hanged up.

George sighed, he would just have to wait here and hope for the best. Just then he heard the door of the restroom get kicked open, "George where are you?" Dream's voice rang out, causing his body to form goose bumps.


Dream knew that something was up with George, but decided to give the guy his space. He distracted himself by engaging in conversation with the group, but he couldn't help but hear a nagging voice in his brain telling him to find George.

"Bad? What's wrong?" Skeppy suddenly asked, bringing Dream's focus to the Athena.

Bad was panting, clenching his fist right above his heart, and had his head lowered.

"It's so hot in here..." He breathed out.

"No it's not, are you okay?" Skeppy asked again, tilting the Athena's chin up gently.

Skeppy's breath hitched in his throat when he saw Bad's face, his eyes seemed to be glazed over and his face was getting redder by the minute.

"Geppy..." Bad muttered out as he wrapped his arms around the stunned Hermes, and pulled him closer till their faces were merely inches apart.

"Kiss me..." he begged in a seductive tone, causing the Hermes to blush.

"Karl? What are you doing?" Sapnap spoke up next, and Dream turned his attention to them.

Karl had a playful but lustful look on his face, as he trailed his hands sensually over the Hephaestus' chest. He giggled when he saw Sapnap look at him bashfully.

"What's wrong Sapnap, don't you want me?" he asked in the same seductive tone that Bad was using.

Dream suddenly knew what was going on, and when he saw his friends were about to give in to the needy Athenas, he slapped them both on the back of their heads.

They quickly shot him a death glare, but Dream returned it with the same intensity that made them back down.

"They're not thinking straight, something must be happening to George." Dream told them. The blonde glanced around the hallway and saw the other students were also getting flustered.

I need to find George before things get out of hand, Dream thought.

"I'm gonna look for George, try to stay in control till I get back." Dream told his friends.

By this time, Bad and Karl were giving their partners a suggestive look, and were begging for their affection in a needy voice. When their hands started traveling down their partners' chest, Sapnap and Skeppy quickly grabbed onto their wrist to prevent their hands from going any lower.

"Hurry Dream!" Sapnap and Skeppy yelled, their voices strained for they knew that they might not be able to hold back for long. Especially when George's Aphrodite powers were starting to take effect on their brains.

Using his Hermes speed, Dream quickly made it to the restroom that he had seen George go into.

"George where are you?"

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