Chapter 4

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" you threw your drinks at them!" George said in surprise. He was now back at his apartment, and on a call with Karl and Bad.

"I kind of feel bad for doing that..." Bad muttered out.

George was actually proud of the guy. He expected this from Karl, but for Bad to actually do something like that was out of character for the muffin.

"Oh hush..." Karl spoke up, "they deserved it."

George giggled, "Man, I wish I was there to take a picture."

"But what happens now? They might come after us again, and we don't even know what they plan to do with us." Bad stated.

"Probably beat the fuck out of us," Karl replied.

"Language," Bad reminded.

"Well they are a proud bunch after all. We just need to stick together and stay in public places. That way, things won't get out of control." George said.

The conversation soon shifted towards their assignments, and after an hour more of chatting they wished each other good night. George climbed into his bed, determined to get even an hour of sleep. Hopefully his dreams won't be too wild tonight.

The next morning he woke up to the usual morning wood, but was actually thankful that he managed to sleep a bit longer than usual. After eating a decent breakfast he made a few more preparations, before heading out to his car.


Dream leaned against the wall, scanning the students who came and left. Anyone of them could be the Aphrodite, he thought. He had already made a list last night, on who were the likely candidates based on appearance.

He suddenly felt a presence heading his way, and dodged at the last second as the basketball flew over his head.

The ball bounced back to the man who had thrown it.

"Don't you have anything better to do Techno?" Dream asked in a deadpan voice.

Techno ignored the question, "I heard that you're going after the Aphrodite too," he said.

Dream rolled his eyes. Of course Techno had his eyes on the Aphrodite too. Techno had made it a goal in life to beat Dream in everything. Dream, being the competitive person that he is, always did his best to end up on top.

"As a matter of fact I am. Though, what makes you think that they would want a war freak like you," Dream quipped.

Techno remained calm, which is rare for an Ares to do.

"I have my own ways to charm a person Dream, besides I already have a lead." He responded.

Dream quirked an eyebrow at the man, a bit intrigued by what he had to say. The Ares noticed this and flashed him a smirk.

"I noticed that the incidents have been occurring during a specific time frame. So we can conclude that the Aphrodite has classes during those times. It helps narrow down the list a bit, if we look through the schedules." Techno proudly declared.

Dream was impressed but tried not to show it. "You've done your homework, something I would expect from an Athena."

Techno was one of the rare cases where a person had two types. He had an Athena mother and an Ares father, both were serving in the military. It was a surprising couple, since Ares and Athena don't usually mix.

Their conversation was cut short when Wilbur, Techno's twin brother, suddenly walked up to them.

"Hey guys, I hope you aren't getting into trouble again." Wilbur stated, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Nothing of the sort Wil, we were just talking about who would catch the Aphrodite first." His brother stated. Wilbur was an Athena as well, and also the complete opposite of his twin.

"Why don't you join us on the hunt Wil, it's been a while since I saw you flirting around." Dream said.

Wilbur smiled at him then shook his head, "No thanks, I'm quite happy with the current relationship I'm in."

Techno faked a gag, "Eww love, gross."

Wilbur and Dream laughed before Wilbur placed a hand on his brother's back.

"You'll understand it one day when you find the right person for you Techno." Wilbur said.

His eyes suddenly lit up when he saw a girl with auburn hair entering the building. Dream vaguely recognized her. I think her name is Sally, Dream said in his head.

Wilbur quickly excused himself and went to wrap the girl in a hug. The girl giggled and the couple held hands as they walked to their class.

Techno gagged again, making Dream wheeze. He calmed down however when he spotted a certain brunette enter through the door.

George seemed to be nervously searching for someone. His face quickly relaxed as he walked over to Karl and Bad who greeted him cheerfully. Their smiles wavered however as George told them something, The trio glanced at the door, and a look of panic flashed across their faces before they quickly walked towards their classroom.

Dream turned to see what had disturbed them, only to spot Sapnap and Skeppy staring at the trio as they walked away. His two friends spotted him and gave him a sly smile, which he returned. He knew that they didn't do anything to George, after all they had claimed which boy they wanted last night.

I guess it's about time that I made my move, Dream thought to himself, now where do I start?

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