Chapter 24

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George hummed, as he looked over the several outfits that he had laid out for the party tomorrow night. He wasn't lying when he said that he already had an outfit, in fact he had several, now the problem was...which one?

He was snapped out of this very important mental debate, when someone knocked on his door.

"Coming!" he yelled, and opened the door to see a smirking Dream.

"You didn't have to tell me that," the blonde stated smugly.

"Oh shut up," George replied semi-annoyed, while giving Dream a playful punch.

"Go get dressed mister, I'm taking you out on a date." Dream said as he walked in, and plopped himself onto the couch.

George quickly walked back to his room and grabbed a T-shirt, a grey hoodie, and some jeans. Dream made sure to compliment his outfit before they headed down to his car.

"So where are you taking me, and don't pull the 'it's a surprise' cliché," George warned.

Dream wheezed a bit before pulling out of the parking lot, "It's gonna be a surprise for both of us actually." He then smiled when the Athena looked at him with a confused look.

Dream first stopped at a small diner, and after ordering some food he pulled out a pen, a pad of blue sticky notes, and a small blue plastic jar. He then handed the items to a still very confused George.

"I want you to write down places you want to go to, or activities that you want to do on those sticky notes. Then when you're done, roll them up and place them into the jar. Every time we go out, we'll pick one date idea out from your jar and one from mine." Dream said as he pulled out a matching jar, but his was green and already had several rolled up green sticky notes.

"This way I can ensure that we both have fun," Dream finished with a smile.

George couldn't help but smile back, he's so sweet and thoughtful. While waiting for their food, George started to scribble down a few ideas.

"No peaking Dream..." George reminded the blonde, when he caught the Hermes stretching his neck, hoping to sneak a peak.

"Okay okay," Dream said, sounding a bit defeated.

George had just finished rolling up his last date idea when their food arrived. Once they were done eating, they headed back to Dream's car and switched jars. They each grabbed one sticky note, before returning the jars to their proper owner.

"Let's do your idea first," Dream suggested and George nodded in agreement.

Dream slowly unfolded the small blue paper in his hands, before his lips tugged into a smile, "The Aquarium it is."


"Look at all these Achilles tangs!" George semi yelled, as he jogged up to cylinder shaped tank that was in the middle of a large room, filled with different marine life.

Dream smiled fondly at the Athena, as the brunette excitedly told him interesting facts about each species that they saw.

Somehow, George ended up holding onto Dream's hand, as he dragged the blonde to different exhibits. The Zeus was extremely grateful that the brunette was much to distracted by the fish to notice.

"This is so cute," George cooed as he cuddled a dolphin plushie, that he found as they were wandering around the souvenir shop.

"You like dolphins?" Dream asked, internally gushing at how adorable George looked hugging the stuff animal. I want to snap a picture so bad...

"Yup, they're my favorite marine animal. Though they do have a dark side..." George trailed off as he looked up to meet Dream's eyes. "Did you know that males actually attack females during mating season, they also sometimes kill for fun, and are one of the horninest animals on the planet."

Dream eyes widened from the suddenly flow of information. The blonde's view of the seemingly playful creatures had just instantly changed. George giggled when he saw Dream's reaction, "but I still love them all the same," the brunette ended.

"Well that settles it then," Dream said as he yanked the plushie out of George's hands, making the Aphrodite whine in protest.

"I'm buying it for you..." Dream stated as he walked over to the cashier.

"You didn't have to," George said, when they had both returned to the car.

"but I did, aren't I good boyfriend material?" Dream teased.

"Shut up and drive Dream," George mumbled, turning his head away to hide the goofy grin that was threatening to form on his face.

"but I don't know which idea you picked," Dream stated.

George dug into his pocket to fish out the small green paper. He then unfurled it to show the Hermes/Zeus. A grin formed on the blonde's face, "Oh this is gonna be fun..."


"Looking a little shaky there cutie...need a hand?" Dream offered smugly as he skated backwards, trying his best to not laugh as George struggled against the ice.

George shot him a death glare, "When I catch you..." he threatened.

"Considering how bad you are at ice-skating sweetheart, I have nothing to worry about," Dream said as he turned around and skated towards the middle. Leaving George, who was clinging to the railings at the edge of the ice skating rink.

How hard can it be? George thought as he slowly pushed off the wall. He suddenly felt like he was going to slip, and started swing his arms around to gain balance.

"George," Dream wheezed when he saw the sight.

"Dream, help me!" George whined as he struggled to keep his balance.

"Okay, but I want a kiss in return," Dream stated teasingly, making sure to kept enough space between them, so George couldn't reach out and grab him.

George blushed, "You know what? Forget it, I'll figure this out by myself." he said, getting slightly annoyed by the cheeky Hermes.

"Suit yourself then," Dream shrugged, before returning back to the center of the rink to preform a few loops and jumps.

Show off, George said in his head.

The Aphrodite eventually managed to steady himself, and smiled proudly at his achievement. He tried to take one step, but ended up falling ass first onto the ice with a yelp. George shut his eyes, as he rubbed his back to easy the pain.

"You alright there?"

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