Chapter 16

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When they arrived, Karl mumbled his thanks and stepped out of the vehicle. Pain instantly shot up his leg, making him yelp. Now that he's calm down, the adrenaline that was acting as a pain killer had disappeared.

Sapnap noticed this and immediately got out of the truck, and walked over to Karl.

"I'm fine, really." Karl said as he reached for his bag.

Without a word, Sapnap suddenly picked him up bridal style. Surprised by his actions, and thinking that he would fall, Karl instinctively wrapped his arms around Sapnap's neck. When he realized what he was doing, Karl let go of the raven head, then blushed when he saw the Hephaestus smirk at him.

"Sorry about that," Karl apologized, directing his gaze away from the raven head.

Sapnap moved his hands a bit so he was now holding Karl with only his one arm, that the Athena was sitting on.

With his other hand he brought Karl's hands to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on them, making the poor Athena's face turn even redder. Sapnap then guided Karl's arms  to hook around his neck.

"Hold on tight if you don't want to fall," Sapnap said gently. Karl merely nodded his reply, before dipping his head into the crook of Sapnap's neck to hide his blushing face.

Sapnap smiled and grabbed the stuff that he bought from the store, before heading into the apartment building.

Karl decided not to question why the Hephaestus knew which floor, and which apartment was his, since he already knew what the raven head would say. Sapnap set him down gently when they reached the apartment door, and Karl tried to open it only to find it locked.

"Hmm... that's weird. Bad usually get's off work first." Karl said as he dug through his bag for his keys.

Once the door was open, the brunette invited Sapnap into the small, but cozy apartment. He wanted to thank the Hephaestus for his help by offering a snack or maybe a drink, but Sapnap told Karl to relax on the couch while he borrowed their kitchen.

After a bit of an argument Karl finally agreed. The brunette could hear Sapnap cooking something in the background, and after leaving something to fry on the stove, the raven head joined him on the couch.

From one of the grocery bags, Sapnap pulled out some medicine and bandages. Karl tried to tell Sapnap that he could patch himself up, but the raven head was stubborn, so Karl allowed him to clean up his scratches.

When it was done, Sapnap returned to the kitchen, where he placed some of the food that he cooked onto a plate and served it to Karl.

"I left some food for Bad when he gets home, and the other stuff I bought is in your fridge." Sapnap said as he started to head to the door.

"You're leaving?" Karl asked with a hint of panic in his voice. He immediately regretted saying anything when he saw the Hephaestus smirk at him.

Slowly Sapnap walked back to the couch, and leaned in till he was inches away from Karl's blushing face.

"Why? Miss me already?" Sapnap asked smugly.

"No, I just thought know what never mind, forget it." Karl said, before turning away pouting.

Sapnap's heart clenched when he saw that, and he swooped in to peck the already flushed Athena on his cheek.

Karl's head snapped towards Sapnap in surprise, as he lifted up one hand to touch the cheek that Sapnap had kissed.

He's so cute, Sapnap thought as he stood up to leave.

"Text me if you need anything," he said, leaving a still stunned Karl on the couch.

Karl waited till he heard Sapnap's footsteps fade, before grabbing one of the couch pillows and screaming into it.

Huh, George was right, it does help relive stress, Karl thought as he placed the pillow back in its proper place.

His eyes wandered to his now empty plate, Damn the guy can cook.

He leaned back on the couch, flipping through his phone to see if Bad had message him. When he found none, he headed to the kitchen with his plate to clean up. Karl then placed the extra food on the table with a cover, so Bad could eat it when he arrived.

He suddenly remembered the muffins that Chris had given him, and went to retrieve them from his bag. They were a bit squished but still eatable.

After an hour passed and still no sign of Bad, Karl started to get worried. He was about to go out and look for his friend, when the door of their apartment was kicked open.

Karl quickly went to check what was happening, and his eyes blew open at the sight.

"What happened?"


Dream was having the time of his life at the arcade. George was actually a pretty good opponent, though in the end, Dream had won most of the games.

After gathering their tickets, they headed to a booth to exchange them for a prize. George's eyes settled on a medium size plushie of a white blob, and Dream was quick to notice. Five minutes later the pair were laughing their heads off, as George hugged the blob tightly in his arms.

George's new fashion style perfectly showed off his attractive features. Dream had to force himself not to stare at the brunette's perfect ass, that proved to be quite difficult since the man was wearing tight jeans.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one that found the Aphrodite's new style attractive. Dream had noticed several people in the arcade looking at George lustfully. He was quick to shoot them all death glares as he would pull the brunette closer to him, much to George's confusion and embarrassment.

After a fun dinner at a local diner, Dream drove George back to his apartment.

"I had a lot of fun today Dream, thanks for taking me out." George said with a cheerful smile when the blonde had parked.

"I'm glad you did George, and maybe we can do this again soon?" Dream asked hopeful. George pretended to think about it, making the blonde brace for rejection.

"Of course we can," George replied, and Dream let out a sigh of relief.

"Well I guess I better get going," George said as he reached for the car's handle. Dream gently grabbed his other hand and placed a soft kiss on it, making George blush.

"I'll call you later," Dream said.

George nodded and opened the door, but didn't get out which confused the Hermes/Zeus.

This is the most fun that I've ever had in a while, and I have nothing to give him to show my gratitude.

An idea popped in his head, but he wondered if he should even do it. You know what? Yolo! George said internally before turning and pecking the blonde on the cheek.

He quickly got out of the car, grabbed the blob plushie, and ran up to his room. Leaving a very stunned Dream gawking at what had just happened.

Dream slumped into his seat as his fingers traced his cheek. He then leaned forward and lightly bumped his head on the steering wheel.

Why is he so damn cute, Dream thought before straightening up, and driving away.

Meanwhile, back at his apartment, George had changed and jumped into his bed. The kiss that he gave Dream in the car replayed in his head, making him squish the living daylights out of the blob plushie.

WHY DID I DO THAT! He yelled internally. Sure, they had made out in the bathroom, but that time he was under the influence of his hormonal Aphrodite side. This time he actually chose to do it while his mind was clear, so George couldn't blame the incident on his powers going out of control.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, he repeated over and over as he rolled around his bed. Just then his phone lit up, so he crawled over to it to see who it was.

"Hey Karl, what's up?"

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