Chapter 13

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Zeus was one of the types of the Olympian syndrome, and along with Aphrodite and Hades, it was one of the rarest.

There were cases where strong Zeuses are known to be immune to the powers of the other types. They would remain untouched by a Hephaestus' or a Hestia's flame, waters caused by a Poseidon would go around them, death curses of a Hades would not hurt them, and an Aphrodite's seduction would not affect them.

George just stood there soaking up the new information, and Dream reached down to cupped his face, "Your powers don't affect me George. This desire for you, that I have been experiencing these past few days is genuine, so please..." the blonde then gently took hold of George's hands, and lifted them to his lips. "Give us a chance."

"I...I'll think about it," George replied, adverting his gaze.

"That's good enough for me," Dream said as he backed away to give George space. "But just so you know, I plan on showering you with affection while I wait for your reply," and with that the blonde walked away, leaving George to drown in his thoughts.

George slumped down to the ground and gripped his hair. His body was aching for Dream to hold him, and he had to stop himself from running after the blonde.

What on earth is happening to me?


The week rolled by, George was currently staring at the ceiling while laying down on his bed, having no plans whatsoever for the weekend since both Karl and Bad had work.

Clam, realistic, and composed, George prided himself in becoming the perfect embodiment of these ideas. He locked away his emotional side, and showed it only for special friends and family. Love was out of the question. It didn't matter that he was an Aphrodite, he would be the first one ever to work a job that had nothing to do with his looks, or seduction skills.

Yet the minute this blonde, green eyed man, comes into his life, all his plans come crashing to the ground. He envisions dates, a wedding, and perhaps even starting a family someday by adopting a kid or two.

George grabs his extra pillow and screams into it.

What is the matter with me! I need to to think about this calmly and rationally.

Just then he hears a knock at the door. Confused, he shuffles out of his room to answer it. A bouquet of blue flowers is suddenly shoved to his face, the second that he opens the door.

"Surprise! Do you like them?" the source of his confusion asks.

"I don't really like flowers Dream, I can't appreciate their beauty" George answered.

"I know, it's because of your color blindness right? I took that into account, which is why I chose the one color that stands out for you." Dream said excitedly.

George quirks an eyebrow at him, "How did you know that I was colorblind, and why do you know where I live?" he asked.

Dream merely smiles, "I have my sources," comes the answer as the blonde looks at him expectantly.

George sighs, "If you think that I'm gonna let you in after you have practically confessed to stalking me, then you're are severely wrong."

Dream pouted, "Aww come on Georgie, just for a little while. So I can rest while you change."

"First of all don't call me that, and second, change?" he asked.

"Yup, you and I are going on a little date to the arcade, since you love gaming so much."

"How did you- you know what, I'm not even going to finish that question." George sighed before he continued. "And if I remember correctly, I told you that I would still think about your proposal." The brunette said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"And I told you," Dream started, as he step forward to rest his hand on George's cheek, making the brunette blush. "That I would shower you with affection until you made your decision, but it's currently the weekend, and I don't think I can wait till Monday to start."

"You're not going to leave until I say yes, are you?" George asked, and Dream just flashed him a smile.

Grudgingly, George opened his door wider to let Dream in. He left the man in his small living room, while he headed to the kitchen to place the flowers in water. His mother had given him a small flower vase as a housewarming present, he never thought that he would get to use it though.

After this was done, he head to his room and closed the door. He then slid down his door as gay panic took over his heart.

What am I going to do? He's in my living room. Hell, what am I even going to wear?

He rampaged through his closet, trying to see which outfit suited him best, only to face palm later. Why am I getting all worked up, it's just a trip to the arcade. With that he settled with a simple yet decent outfit, he decided to leave his glasses behind since they were only a fashion accessory.

Dream had taken the liberty of flipping through George's TV while waiting. When he heard the brunette finally leave his room, he turned his head and his jaw dropped.

"Do I look that awful?" George asked shyly, wondering why he felt so self-conscious all of a sudden.

"N-no it's not that... it just..." Dream stuttered out as he athletically jumped over the couch, and headed straight to George to fully take in his look.

George's face heated up even more when he felt the man's stare on him, and directed his gaze to the ground.

Dream rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Aha, sorry it's just... it's my first time seeing you dress casual, instead of your signature geek chic."

George giggled at the comment. "Well believe it or not, the only reason I dress like that is so I won't draw attention to myself. Though it seems like all my efforts went to waste, since I was still able to catch your attention." George said while heading to the door, with the Hermes/Zeus following him like a puppy.

After locking everything up, Dream drove to the nearest arcade.

"Just because I like you George, doesn't mean that I'll take it easy on you." Dream pointed out as they entered.

The brunette blushed but managed to flash him a smile, causing the blonde's heart to skip a beat.

"Good, it's been a while since I had a good challenge."

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