Chapter 8

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After Miyako, Aunt Eva, and Uncle HIdeyoshi left, the atmosphere eased a bit. I stood by the window, still thinking about Shizuka's whereabouts and if she really is the culprit. I looked at Jamie, who was close to falling asleep. Her asthma attack had taken away all her strength away.

" Isabel? Are you okay?" Dad asked. I nodded.

" Just uneasy about all this. What do you think Dad? What is your theory about all this?" I asked him. He thought for a moment before answering. I already knew what that answer was.

" Flip the chessboard." I chuckled.

" Like you said before, the letter said that we'll all be killed unless we solved a riddle. The thing is, I don't know what that is." I sighed. We were back at square one. 

" Now I feel worse than before." 
" You're the only one Isabel," Aunt Ange said , " We're all worried about this whole thing, but tomorrow it should be better." I know Aunt Ange was just trying to keep the positive side, but it wasn't really working, especially for the younger kids.  

" But Mom, " Anna started, " what if Shizuka-chan really is...?" She didn't even bother to finish that sentence. She already knew that Shizuka wasn't the culprit. She just wanted to be comforted.

" Don't worry big sister, we'll be okay," Hibiki said. I looked at Ami. Poor thing. It was her sixth birthday and she has to suffer with these horrible deaths that are occurring. All I wanted was this to be a dream. 

In the kitchen, the servants were preparing dinner with it being 5:00 p.m. 

" Sayuri, Emiko, go tell Eva-sama, Hideyoshi-sama, and MIyako-sama that dinner will be served shortly," Genji ordered. 

" Yes, Genji-sama."  Both Sayuri and Emiko walked to Eva and Hideyoshi's room first. Sayuri lightly tapped on the door, but there was no answer. 

" Are they asleep?" Emiko asked. 

" Highly not. If so, then it would be a bother to wake them up." Emiko looked down at the ground. She was sure that something was there. She then found a sealed letter on the ground.

" Sayuri..chan.." Sayuri followed Emiko's eyes and they widended.

" It's Kinzo-sama's wax sign." 
" Isn't he dead? Then why does he seal still exist?" Emiko asked, " Are they already?" 
" You go get the cutter and I'll warn Genji-sama," Sayuri said. Emiko nodded and started running through the halls. 

Waiting for dinner to be finished, us kids started drawing or trying something to entertain ourselves. 

" Hey Jamie, do you still write those mystery novels?" Daiki asked. Jamie nodded.

" Did you bring them?" 
" Sorry. I didn't know if you'd be coming or not." 

" Okay, but bring them next time." 

" Mystery novel?" I repeated. 

" Yeah, for a nine year old, Jamie's vocabulary was really impressive." Jamie looked down at the ground. Something seemed to be bothering her.

" Jamie-san?" Angela called her name, with a worried look on her face. Jamie sat up and started walking towards the kitchen. 

" I'm getting water," she told us.Once she was gone, Daiki turned to me.

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