Chapter 24

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      It seemed like hours as I watched my family death's being replayed over and over again. I would rather be dead than watch this. Bernkastel watched me as I hung my head. 

" It's interesting to see that you haven't broke yet." 

" What do you mean?" 

" Your father always snapped at certain things. I guess that's what you inherited from him, but you also have Beato's golden hair." She examined my hair and nodded. " Of course, you would have red streaks in it as well." 

" I did that myself," I muttered. It was during my rebellious stage. I had wanted to dye my hair completely, but my parents would have noticed. For years, Daiki was the only one who noticed. Bernkastel smiled at me. 

" Are you thinking of your brother? In that case, how about I replay his death scene for you?" 

" No, that's enough!" I covered my ears, but that didn't stop me from hearing my brother scream as he was being beaten. It seemed when it came to people who were closer to me, they were tortured the most. Suddenly, someone removed my hands from my eyes. I looked up to see Kaede with a girl who looked around her teenage years. 

" Kaede? What are you doing?" Bernkastel asked. 

" I brought someone here. Says that she's related to this family." I looked at the girl more clearly. Her black hair stopped at her shoulders, and her electric blue eyes could have blinded someone. When she looked at me, her eyes widened and turned away quickly. Kaede glared at her before returning her gaze to Bernkastel. " However, that might be the spell talking." 

" Spell?" I repeated. 

" I put her under a spell. If she says anything unrelated to this game, she will be removed." 

" I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means." Kaede shook her head disappointingly and looked at the girl. " Can you do such a thing?" The girl looked up and nodded. Her bright eyes now became dull. It almost reminded me of Jamie in some way. With a snap, a chair appeared next to me. 

" Sit down and we'll start another game," Bernkastel said. That moment the screen turned on, with the same scene once again. 


 If there was one thing about this time I hated, it was seeing that moody girl's face once more. Jamie walked through the garden, acting like she didn't hear us calling her. Once Angela tapped her shoulder, that's when she looked up and acted like nothing was wrong. Daiki must have noticed my attitude by lightly elbowing my shoulder. He could hit me all he wants, I wasn't about to change my attitude for this girl. 

Daiki grinned once Jamie turned to us. " It's good to see you again Jamie. How long has it been now? A year or two?" 

" Yes," she answered, tightening the hold on her notebook. " You came when Ami was around two or three. She's turning five tomorrow, so please make sure you treat her right." 

" Speaking of Ami, where is she?" Jimmy asked. 

" Most likely running around the mansion, getting away from my mother as that she wouldn't have to do her hair," she replied. Her expression didn't change as she spoke to us. My cousins and Mari ran over to her and gave her a tight hug. I was sure she couldn't breathe for a second. When they released her, Mari looked up at her with her bright blue eyes, asking her a multiple questions as once. 

" Mari, leave Jamie alone for now!" a voice called in the distance. At the top of the stairs, Jason walked down with his hands in his pockets. From the last time I saw him, he was shorter than me and wasn't as slim as before. He almost looked like a twig. Mari pouted and walked to the mansion, saying that she was gonna find Ami. 

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