Chapter 10

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When I opened my eyes, I didn't think I was on earth anymore. Everything was hazy. I only wanted everything to be a dream. Like Daiki said, I never really liked Jamie at all, but her death makes me sad.

The world became clear and my parents were looking down at me with relieved looks on their faces.

" What happened?" I asked.

" You collapse from a fever," Dad said as he put his hand on my forehead. " It seems to have gone down a little, but you shouldn't push yourself so hard." I groaned as I sat up and looked around.

There seemed to be less people than usual. Either more people died or I didn't remember a single thing from before.

" Where's everybody? Wasn't Aunt Jessica and Aunt Ange here before?" I asked. Daiki grunted.

" We couldn't find them after you passed out. They said they went to explore the mansion for anything wrong and then they never came back."

" But the mansion isn't that big where they could take a long time!" I exclaimed. Daiki nodded.

" That's what got us all so worried." I stood up and tried to keep my balance.

" Where's Jason and Ami? They must be worried sick about Aunt Jessica." Daiki pointed over to the couch where Ami's arms were tightly wrapped around Jason's torso. Jason didn't even look alive. His eyes were dead, but his body was still moving.

" He's been like this for a while now. Wouldn't move earlier, even Ami starting to worry about him." As Ami was trying to make him feel better Jason just nodded slowly, barley showing life.

" Have you guys checked to see them?" I asked. Dad nodded.

" No sign of them anywhere. They couldn't have gone into the forest out there. You can hardly find anything outside, along with the storm happening."

" Then, we have to look harder! They have to be here somewhere!"

" It's no use. Where could they have gone? The boat isn't here, they're not in the mansion, and they can't be in the forest!" Daiki argued.

" There's the ocean, isn't there?" I questioned.

" Don't think they committed suicide!" Daiki shouted. Ami then let out a piercing scream to block out Daiki's words. Jason didn't even flinch when she screamed. Were his ears out of commission?

" Whatever! I'm leaving!"

" Wait, Isabel onee-chan!" Anna called, but I already ran out of the room. I didn't know where I would be running to, but I needed to get out of that room. I don't wanna hear anymore. I just wanted everything to be a dream. I wanted to be home again.

I opened my eyes. I was then in the rose garden. The rose petals were scattered on the ground, some were even crushed from when we were running to the garden shed this morning. That was this morning right? Then why did everything go wrong in a matter of hours.

" Who the hell are you?!" I shouted in the darkness. " And why are you killing my family members?! You self-centered bastard! Why couldn't you have done something else instead of committing crimes?!"

My face was ice cold and I couldn't feel my fingers. My hair was sticking to my face and my clothes had become wet. All I wanted was my family members back.

" Why don't you kill me and leave the others alone?!" I shouted once more. Then, I heard something in the trees. There wasn't a noise a minute ago when I was yelling. Do they really want to kill me or something? I laughed.

" Go ahead and kill me! This world is stupid and you're gonna kill all of us anyway!" Then it happened. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I started to get tired once again. I wasn't like this a second ago. I then felt something cold and wet drip on my hand. I looked down and found blood, coming from my stomach.

I had been shot. I started to cough up blood from the wound. This was painful. Now I know how the people who were killed felt, but I didn't feel anything like they did.

My family was killed in various ways while I was killed with a bullet in my stomach. My knees gave out and I fell to the ground with a thud. I also heard footsteps and someone calling my name, but it all sounded like an echo. Someone also picked up my body, but I couldn't feel anything. My eye lids started to get heavy. I then went into deep sleep, never to wake up again.


I know, it's kinda a bad ending. Isabel doesn't die like how the others did, I wanted to give her a not-so peaceful death. As for the shooter, you won't know who they are until later on in the story.

For the others, they of course died like how it goes in the original story line.

See you next time!

Sakura456, out!


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