Chapter 19

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Everything else was a blur. After 'I' told Ami to make it out alive, more killings took place after that. Angela, died from falling down the stairs, Jimmy died from chocking, and finally, Hideki died from a knife that stabbed him in the heart. Since the blade was next to him, they all guessed that he committed suicide. Daiki had amused that Angela missed a step before falling to her death, but Jimmy was a different matter. They began to think Hideki had something to do with his murder, before killing himself. 

As these thoughts went through my head, a hand brought up my chin to look them in the eye.
" Given up have we?" Bernkastel asked, before dropping my chin. " I have to say, you weren't a fun opponent after all. I wonder if your parents thought the same thing?" 

" Please...Don't speak about them." 

She smiled before getting herself a cup of tea. " Do you want anything?" she asked. When I didn't respond, she cackled. " Of course you don't want anything. Your mind has blocked out everything that just happened. The murder of your cousins, innocent children, your grandparents, but most of all...younger brother." 

" Don't speak about him," I said. Daiki's death was the only thing that stuck in my mind. It looked as if he was tortured by the killer. His body was covered in bruises, but his stomach was wide open with his insides spilling out. His face was identified, but there were dry tears on his cheeks.  " Why did you do such a thing?" 

" Hm? It seems interesting is all." 

" Interesting? Killing innocent people is interesting?" 

She scoffed. " You should have seen the way Beatrice killed your family members before. She didn't show them any mercy." 

" Killed them before? What are you talking about? My parents and family members are very much alive to me. After all the years I have spent with them, none of them seemed dead at all." 

She looked at me and sighed. " You'll never understand. The youth these days are nothing but clueless. But, I guess I should give you some time to cool off for a bit." 

She snapped her fingers and the scenery changed. I was in the garden that we all used to play in when we were younger. Always getting scolded by our parents, playing games out here--everything was perfect back then. I sat down on the chair that was the farthest away from all the trouble. 

" Do you understand what you're sin is?" 

I looked up to find a girl whom looked about the same age as Jamie. She had short jet black hair, but gray eyes wearing a black blouse and purple skirt that reached down to her thighs. 

" What sin? And who the hell are you?" 

" You may call me Kaede for now." 

" Kaede? I see, then you can call me-" 

" I know your name," she interjected, " but you haven't answered my question. A sin, that you committed long ago that made something like this happen." 

" My sin made all this happen? My family being murdered?" Kaede nodded. 

" No, there's no way what I've done caused something like this. This is all Bernkastel! She killed my  cousins, my aunts, and my friends!" 

Kaede didn't seem convinced as I talked. She only stood there silently until I got all my anger out. " That won't do you anything. Bernkastel likes to see people suffer, almost like Beatrice did." 

" I understand what the hell you people are talking about! What the hell is Beactrice?! Some witch that killed my family over and over again? If that's the case, then I will tear her limb from limb." 

Kaede examined me before taking a deep sigh. " I don't know what to tell you, but there is a way to beat Bernkastel, and you have to beat her at her own game." 

" That's impossible," I muttered. " It seems like she's been doing this for years, but everything just felt the same to me. Playing around with my cousins and family, when I came here it all almost seemed like a dream." 

Kaede snapped fingers, making a scene by the garden. A girl with golden locks sprinted through the garden with a boy close behind her. 
" You can't catch me!" she shouted. Behind the boy, there were four more people running--two boys and two girls. 

The girl with the golden locks passed right by me. " That's me....when I was younger. And the others, they all look so happy compared to today." 

" Of course, children have their own little world. Parents would always stress out from work or businesses, but I'm amazed at how children's minds work." 

I put my hand on my cheek and smiled. It almost seemed like yesterday that we first met each other. Jamie was a shy girl back then, always hiding behind Jason when she talked to any of us. Angela, on the other hand, was out of control most of the time. Jimmy had to hold her back because their grandparents had spoiled them with candy. Jason was quite rude to everyone during this time. He tried to fight Daiki one time, wanting to see which one of them was stronger. He ended up getting a broken nose from that incident. 

" I wish time can go back," I mumbled. 

" Everyone does," Kaede spoke, " but there isn't anymore time for you to be fantasying any longer. Bernkastel will start another game, and I know you can win this." 

" Why? I'm not smart enough to face her. With all these tricks and puzzles that she comes up with, there's no way to beat her." 

Kaede looked at our younger selves running through the garden to the beach. They all disappeared in the distance. " Remember why you chose to do this. Your reason was so that your family can't suffer anymore. If you beat Bernkastel, then that dream will come to reality." 

" But there's also a price to pay," I added. 

" Yes, but it is better than seeing them like this forever." 

I stood up, " I guess you're right. Thanks for the advice Kaede." I looked at her once more. " You look a little like Jamie." 

" Like that depressed girl? I won't lie to you, we do have similar appearances, but I am not her that's for sure." 

With a snap of her fingers, I was sent back to Bernkastel, who sat down in her chair, drinking some tea. " Oh, are you back already?" 

" Yeah, and this time I know what I'm doing." She rested the teacup on the plate and looked at me. 

" You know what you're doing? Seems like you're not boring after all. Very well, I was gonna start the game without you anyway." 

I smiled confidently.

There was no way I could lose now.

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