The guardians meeting/Choosing a new guardian

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In the globe room north was waiting for the other guardians to get here until he heard of a biplane noise and then realized that it was sandy's biplane before jack, bunnymund, and toothiana came to north's globe room about the emergency. While sandy's biplane circles around the massive chamber and leaving some trails of dream sand while north offers his friends of cookie's and eggnogs of their guests.
North:Cookies? Eggnog? Anyone?
Bunnymund:Oh this better be good north
Jack:Yeah north what's up?
As jack balanced himself on his staff not paying much attention not noticing he was agreeing with bunny and bunnymund goes up to north's fireplace to warm up his feet. While toothiana tells her mini fairies to collecting the teeth's in each state of the meeting.
Toothiana:Montreal sector six: ten premolars, eight incisors and twelve canines, steer clear of the wild goose migration
When toothiana tells her mini fairies to collecting the teeth's in each state of the meeting north saw sandy in his biplane and thanking him to come into the meeting with the guardians.
North:Sandy thank you for come
When north thanking sandy for coming into the meeting with the guardians sandy descended from the biplane and floats on to the ground. He join north, jack, bunny, and toothiana to the meeting as they walked through the globe room and sandy sand glyphs appears on his head communicating to north that he was too much work to do.
North:I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here you all here unless it was serious
North, jack, bunnymund, toothiana, and sandy reach the center of the room while toothiana does her best to shushing her mini fairies about the emergency.
Toothiana: *shushing* Shh!
As toothiana shushing her mini fairies about the emergency north tells his friends about the emergency of "pitch black" was here at the pole.
North:The boogeyman was here! At the pole!
North point at the globe and showed the others that "pitch black" was here the others guardians turned to look at each other about "pitch black" before jack turned to north about "pitch at the globe".
Jack:What? The boogeyman north?
Toothiana: *gasp* Pitch?! Pitch black?! Here?!
As toothiana was shocked about "pitch black" was here at the north pole before north explains to the other guardians about pitch's black sand covering the globe.
North:Yes! There was black sand covering the globe
Bunnymund:What, what...what you mean black sand?
North:And then a shadow!
Jack:Wait north? A shadow?
Bunnymund:Hold on, hold on, I thought you saw pitch
North:Well, ah, not exactly...
Jack: "Not exactly" north?
Bunnymund: "Not exactly"?  Can you believe this guy?
Bunny and jack turned to sandy about north while sandy shrugged and forming a dream sand question mark above his head. Jack chuckled and goes over to the elve with a plate of christmas
cookie's while bunny goes back on painting one of his easter egg.
North tells the other guardians about pitch is up to something very bad and tells them while toothiana's fairies followed north's gesture about pitch.
North:Look he is up to something very bad...I feel my belly
North touched his belly and feeling it that "pitch was up to something very bad" jack and bunnymund couldn't believe that north called the them and the other guardians here because of north's belly.
Jack:Wait so that's why you called us north?
As jack came up to north with a mischievous smirk on his face when he realized that north called him and the other guardians. While bunny couldn't believe that north called him over for north's belly bunny still got two million easter eggs to finish up for three days of easter and he was angry that north called him here all because of north's belly.
Bunny:Hang on, hang on, you mean to say you summoned me here three days before easter?! Because of your belly?! Mate if I did this to you three days before christmas-?! AHHHH?!
Bunnymund was hit by a magical snowball by jack and turned to jack with anger and frustration when he got hit. Jack smile grin on bunny's face on hitting him with one of his magical snowball and bunny growled at him and came to him closer about hitting with jack's magical snowball while jack leaned his staff and tries to lighten the mood with bunny after hitting him with his magical snowball.
Jack:Oh come on kangaroo lighten up it was just a snowball
Bunnymund:Lighten up?! I still got a million eggs to finish up frost! And I'm not a bloody kangaroo! I'm a bunny!
Bunny got up to jack about hitting him with a magical snowball and started to argue with him while toothiana tells her fairies to collecting the teeth's in each state of country.
Toothiana:Argentina priority alert! A batch of bicuspids in buenos aires
While toothiana tells her fairies to collecting the teeth's in each state of country bunny and jack tries to argues about "snow day are way better than easter" but north came in and joins bunny's and jack's argument while sandy was being served eggnog by north's yeti.
Jack:Oh come on kangaroo! Snooow day are way better than easter! Kid's like having fun!
Bunnymund:Easter it's better than snow day frostbite! Kids like my easter eggs! They have fun with my easter alright!
North:Please bunny...easter is not christmas
Jack:Hey! I thought you'd on my side on snow day north!
North:Christmas is more fun than easter and snow day jack
Jack frown at north for saying that "christmas is more fun than easter and snow day" while north grabs bunny's painting egg and casually juggling it in his hand as he walked off. Bunny laughed on north and jack about snow day and christmas is better than easter while sandy was being served eggnog by north's yeti.
Bunny: *laughing* we go...north, jack, I don't have time for this! I've still got two million eggs to finish up!
While bunny was arguing with jack and north while sandy was trying to listen to north, bunny, and jack argument until he notices a eggnog lover elve was drinking his eggnog and he snatched it away from the eggnog lover elve and watched the elve hit the ground. Until suddenly sandy notices something above in the sky it was the man in moon rises into the view, high up in the ceiling, it's ray of the light begin to shine brightly through as they cascade down the wall of the globe room. Mim came to warned the guardians about pitch is back to bringing fear to children again and tells them that he's choose luna girl as a new guardian before sandy dropped his eggnog and tries to get the guardians attention to the man in moon while bunny was still arguing with north and jack about easter.
Jack:Relax cottontail it's only a egg you can still finish up before easter
North:Jack is right no matter how much you paint is still egg!
But when sandy pointed it to the man in moon unsuccessfully to get the guardians attention but the others didn't listen to sandy because he was silences while bunny was still arguing with north and jack about easter.
Bunny:Look mates I'm dealing with perishable, right you've got all year to prepare!
Toothiana:Pittsburg, boy eight, two molars, saltwater taffy
While bunny was still arguing with north and jack about easter sandy was struggling to get the guardians attention to man in moon was here. Sandy puts his two fingers in his mouth to whistle but it was silent musical note forming a dream sand above his head.
North:Why are always so nervous?
Bunnymund:And why are you and frostbite always such a blowhard?
While bunny was still arguing with north and jack sandy waves a dream sand flag above his head, pointing and jumping up and down to get the guardians attention but they didn't hear or listen to him. As the moonlight continues to fill the room while toothiana was busy telling her fairies to collecting the teeth's in each state.
Toothiana:Ontario, sector nine: five canines, two molars, and fourteen incisors, is that all in one house?
North:Tooth! Can't you see we're trying to argue?
North asked tooth about they're trying to argue with each other jack grin at tooth about their argument while holds his staff on his neck while bunny was goes back on painting his egg.
Toothiana:Sorry not all of us get to work one night a year, am I right sandy?
Toothiana turned to sandy about "work one night a year" sandy tries to signal a golden dream sand arrow, pointing towards the ceiling, but to no avail as the others continue their bickering. Toothiana gasped for a second but when sandy thinks she notices that the man in moon was here in the room for a second but then she was just telling her fairies to collecting the teeth's in different ways in each other states.
Toothiana:San Diego, sector two! Five incisors, a bicuspid and a really loose molar on stand-by
As toothiana was telling her fairies to collecting the teeth's in different ways in each other states bunnymund didn't notice sandy's signal a golden dream sand arrow and dust it off on focusing on painting his egg while he was mocking north that "pitch went out with the dark ages in fear on earth of the children with his fear on them.
Bunnymund:Come on mate, pitch went out with the dark ages alright we made sure
Jack:I agree with the kangaroo and the old grumpy man did give up on dark ages. You've must of been imagine by the shadows north
Sandy got frustrated with the guardians not getting attention to the man in moon was here until he notices that the eggnog lover elve was still licking the eggnog drink off the ground then sandy goes to the elve to get everybody's attention to him before he's tapping his feet for impatient of the guardians while north was telling jack and bunny about what he saw about pitch.
North:I know it was him jack we have serious situation!
Bunnymund:Well I've got a serious situation with some eggs!
Toothiana:Hey I hate to interrupt the, "we work so hard once a year club", but could we concentrate on the matter of-?!
Toothiana was interrupted by sandy who grabbed the an eggnog lover elve by his hat and vigorously shaking it's bell to get everyone's attention about the man in moon. The other guardians finally silenced and all turned and looked at sandy with an eggnog lover elve on his hand while jack mischievous smirk and enjoying watching sandy shaking the eggnog lover elve to get the guardians attention. When sandy finally got everyone attention he dropped the dizzy eggnog lover elve on the ground and then pointed up a dream sand crescent moon forming above his head and pointed to the moon to get the others guardians to turned to see the shaft of moonlight while the dizzy eggnog lover elve stick of tongue on the eggnog drink. The guardians turned to the man in moon as they see the shaft of moonlight as it concentrates on the circle between them.
North:Aah! Man in moon! Sandy? Why didn't you say something?
North looked at sandy about "say something" about the man in moon was here while sandy gives a deadpan stare at north for serious about trying to get him and the others guardians attention and then he blows out a dream sand smoke shoots out of his ears in furious while north goes back to mim and asked what's the big news all about.
North:It's been a long time old friend! What is big news?
As north asked mim about the big news the guardians looks to the center of the intense spot of moonlight, the lights ebbs away, leaving a dark spot. Which resolves into the shadowed silhouette of pitch the guardians looked each other in shocked and stunned that pitch was back with his nightmares to take fear on children.
Bunnymund:It is pitch...
North pats his belly and gives bunny and jack a look that's he was right about "pitch black" before he turned back to mim asked him what they do to stopped pitch.
North:Manny...what must we do?
When north asked mim about what they do to stopped pitch the in answer in north's question the shadow of pitch disappear and the circle of moonlight intensifies and shrinks into a concentrating further illuminating an ornate symbol on the floor at the center of their circle. The symbol rises out of the ground revealing a large gem at the head of a pair while the guardians realizes that mim has chooses a new guardian to helped them to stopped pitch and his nightmares.
Toothiana:Ah? Guys? You know what this means?
When toothiana asked the guardians about the large gem pair of mim choosing a new guardian the moonlight suddenly refracts through the large gem pair casting light all over the chamber.
North:He's choosing a new guardian
Bunnymund:What?! Why?!
North:Must be big deal! Manny thinks we need help!
Bunnymund:Since when do we need help?!
Jack:I agree with the kangaroo! We can take the old grumpy man all by ourselves!
Toothiana:I wonder who it's gonna be?
Toothiana was excited about who's gonna be the new guardian sandy was thinking about the new guardian until he guest it's gonna be the leprechaun while he makes a dream sand four-leaf clover forms above his head.
Toothiana:Maybe the leprechaun?
Bunnymund:Please not groundhog, please not groundhog
Jack:What's up with you and the groundhog kangaroo?
Jack asked bunny with mischievous smile on face look at bunny about him and the groundhog before bunnymund turned to jack and replied about jack's question with a muttered darkly.
Bunnymund: *muttered darkly* Let's just say rabbits and groundhogs don't mix frostbite
Jack chuckled and goes back on the large gem pair and wondering who's gonna be the new guardian then a bright flashlight, a rush of wind of moonlight blue dust and a figure resolves over the central pair. The moonlight hologram of luna girl with her hoodie on her, hands on her back, and with her moonlight purple sheath on her wrist the guardians was shocked and confused about mim choose luna girl as a new guardian.
North:Lunar girl...'ve got to kidding me....
The guardians looked at each other in confused about lunar girl as their new guardian. Luna girl was only eight hundred ten years old she wasn't ready to be battling with the nightmare king.
Bunnymund:Ah...I take it back! The groundhog's fine! long she helps to protect the children right...?
Toothiana looked around at the guardians about luna girl being a new guardian sandy nodded at toothiana for might be a nice idea to let luna girl in to be a guardian. Jack smirked and looked at the hologram of luna girl and always wanted to play and fun with a child in the meetings and nodded at the others guardians while bunny was so shocked about luna girl being a new guardian and tries to convince his guardians that luna girl was a bad idea.
Bunnymund:Lunar girl?! Why?! She just kid! She doesn't take care of children! I mean all she is talked to bloody moth's and messed with my eggs hunts! Right?! She's an irresponsible, selfish-?!
Bunnymund was cut off by north who was thinking that luna girl was a great idea for her to be a new guardian of the team.
Bunnymund:Luna girl is many things but she is not a guardian
The guardians all agreed that luna girl was a best idea of her to be a new guardian but except for bunny he thinks that luna was irresponsible, selfish, and childish spirit moonlight girl just like jack. But Luna girl was sweet, kind, and loves to play with children and hangout with jamie and his friends and all she wants is to be believed in.

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