Tooth collecting mission!

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In the night of shanghai luna and the guardians were in shanghai town in the middle of the night to collecting the teeth's for tooth to get believe in from the children around the world while north booms up out of the chimney and dashing along rooftops.
North: *laughing* Quickly! Quickly!
While north booms down around chimney as luna, luna's pets silk moth's, and bunny were racing into the view a rooftop away.
Lunar girl:Whoa! This place is cool!
Bunnymund:Here we go! Here we go!
As jack zipped into the view and calling out to bunny while luna used her levitation spell on herself and flies right over to jack and bunny.
Jack:Hop to it rabbit! I'm five teeth ahead!
Bunnymund:Yeah right look, I'd tell you to stay out of my way but really what's the point? Because you won't be able to keep up anyway
Jack:Is that a challenge cottontail?
Bunnymund:Oh you don't wanna to race a rabbit mate
Lunar girl:A race? What kind of a race? I love races!
When luna, jack, and bunny starts a challenge when who's ever has the most biggest big of children's teeth wins. While north burst up out from another nearby chimney and hears that luna and the guardians except tooth and baby tooth were having a race.
North:A race? Is it a race?
As north jumps into one of the another then shoots out from another across the way as excitement to join into the challenge of tooth collecting race.
North:This is going to be....!
When north disappears down yet another chimney only to emerge with another bang out the top of another chimney.
As north leaps out of the chimney, while tooth darts into the view of shanghai in hummingbird overdrive, and dazzling by the lights and traffic. While baby tooth struggles to keep up with tooth in tooth's bubbly personality.
Toothiana:Four bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're everywhere! Oh! Ow!
When tooth was overwhelmed jets off without paying attention, then suddenly tooth smacked into a toothpaste billboard with a thoomp, while luna and her silk moth's jumps up into the billboard to check on tooth.
Lunar girl:Tooth! You okay?
Toothiana:I'm fine! Sorry! It's been a really long time since I've been out in the field
Lunar girl:Uh? How long is a long time?
Toothiana:Four hundred forty years give or take
When suddenly tooth gasped and her eyes widened when she saw a little girl's bedroom window and spotted a tiny glow from the under of the little girl's pillow and marks of a freshly planted tooth before tooth flies over to the little girl's window of excitement. While luna and her pets silk moth's looked at baby tooth in a curious look.
Lunar girl:Hmm...?
Baby tooth shrugged of not knowing that tooth hasn't been more excited since tooth got out of the tooth palace before baby tooth looks away of embarrassed. While jack goes over to the little boy's window as jack cocksure and arrives at the little boy's outside an open window until jack's smile suddenly disappears when he saw a rabbit hole opened up in the little boy's bedroom floor and bunny hops out. Bunny holding up the little boy's tooth in his paw and turns to jack then chuckled at him and rubbed it in while jack wasn't amused and zaps bunny with a burst of frost from his staff.
Bunnymund: *screaming* Aaahhh!
Meanwhile luna and the guardians flies over to the middle eastern city in north's sleigh as the full moon lights up to the night sky. While north was in the twins sisters room and north pulls two teeth one with each hands of the twins sisters teeth's.
North: *whispering* Twins! Yipa!
Meanwhile in the little boy's bedroom bunny was in the little boy's bedroom to get the little boy's teeth's while bunny pulls out his hand from under the pillow and revealing a several teeth's.
Bunnymund: Oh jackpot!
When bunny notices that the little boy's was snoring and bunny see's the little boy's mouth was knocked out and showed his several teeth's in his mouth. Bunny saw the little boy's hockey trophies, hockey posters, and paraphernalia everywhere while bunny grins at the little boy's.
Bunnymund:Looks like you're a bit of a brumby eh mate?
Meanwhile in the little girl's bedroom north stands at the side of the little girl's when he was about to get the little girl's teeth.
North:Is piece of pie!
Until north suddenly falls into a rabbit hole and find himself face to face with bunny while north and bunny tries to get out the rabbit hole with each other before sandy enters the little girl's bedroom and takes the girl's tooth for himself.
North:Ed-did-did-did-di! That's my tooth! Sandy! Sandy!
While sandy rubbing north and bunny's face and showing the little girl's tooth in his golden hands. Meanwhile luna and jack were racing to the parkours between two buildings and into the child's bedroom and racing to through the window.
Lunar girl:I'm gonna get that tooth first jack!
Jack: *laughing* Not a chance kiddo!
Luna and jack flies in the through the window then suddenly a rabbit hole appears, as luna and and jack disappears through the rabbit hole, and bunny appears through an adjacent hole and laughing at jack for freezing him when bunny got the little boy's tooth and didn't except luna got falls through the rabbit hole with jack in it. Meanwhile in a child's bedroom tooth reaches under a pillow and pulls out a tooth with a european mouse attached to the other but suddenly baby tooth tackles the european mouse and sending the mouse to walls and kicking the european mouse's face with her feet before tooth stopped baby tooth.
Toothiana:Woah! Woah! Woah! Take it easy there champ he's one of us! Part of the european va?
When tooth offers the european mouse the child's tooth for the apology but the european mouse was gestures back angrily. Meanwhile in paris luna and the guardians rides in north's sleigh exit the wormhole as they fly over to the city. While bunny was in child's bedroom getting the tooth but when bunny pulls a note from under the pillow instead of a tooth before was confused about the note. The note shows an arrow and pointing at towards the window.
Bunny looks up to the window and saw north having the child's tooth in his hand and with a grin on north's face before he leaps off the ledge and laughing at bunny. Meanwhile bunny lands on a rooftop, holding up a tooth in his paw, and proud of himself.
When suddenly bunny sliding down on the side of a roof on a sheet of ice, jack grabs the tooth from bunny's paw, as jack slides past and holds the tooth high in the air.
Jack: *laughing* Yes!
When jack holds up the tooth, but within the moment sandy snatched the tooth from jack's hand, and then jack looks at sandy waving 'bye-bye' at jack while sandy flies off on his dream sand.
While sandy grins himself and got the tooth from jack, when suddenly a mysterious portal got next to sandy's left shoulder and luna's hand came up to sandy's shoulder, then tapped on his shoulder to get sandy's attention and sandy notices that something is on his shoulder while turned to see what it is, luna's hands slips away and the portal disappears before sandy turns around but there was nothing, when sandy keeps searching to find out what something on his left shoulder when all of a sudden luna flies through the portal and used her levitation spell on herself while she snatched the tooth away from sandy's hand, then sandy felt the tooth was missing on his hand and turned back around to see the tooth but that the tooth was gone in his hands, and when sandy was shocked that the tooth was missing in his but until sandy heard of luna's voice and sandy looked above to the sky and saw luna and luna's pets silk moth's were flying towards the portal of a child's bedroom while sandy angry silence of luna for tricking him.
Lunar girl: *laughing* Hahahahahahahahahaahaha! I got the tooth from you sandman! Hahahhahahahhahahahahaa!
As luna and her silk moth's got into the portal to get child's tooth from the child's bedroom while north dances across the rooftop and quickly drops into the chimney to enters the house. But inside of the house bunny lights up a fireplace and bunny grins demonically in the firelight for getting back at north for stealing his getting the child's tooth from him.
Bunny: *laughing* Haha! Ho! Ho! Ho!
When suddenly a large burst of fire shoots out of the top of the distant chimney while north screams in pain.
North: *screaming* AHH!!!!!!!
Meanwhile in new york in the rooftop luna, jack, north, sandy, and bunny stand proudly, each one of them reliving their own bag filled with teeth to tooth, and tooth was overwhelmed by luna and the boys collecting the tooth.
Toothiana:Wow! You guys collect teeth and leave gifts as fast as my fairies
When luna and the boys realizes that they forgot to leave gifts for the children while tooth was suddenly panicked stricken.
Lunar girl:Gifts? What gifts?
Toothiana:You guys have been leaving gifts right?
Sandy nodded enthusiastically then pause and shakes his head dejectedly while luna and the boys turned to each other and sinking their heads and biting their lips in embarrassment.
Lunar girl: *cringing* Oh yeah right...the gifts
Meanwhile in the laundromat luna and the boys standing in line and waiting for their turn to put a dollar bills into the a coin dispenser while luna was first in line then grabbed some coins and used her levitation spell on herself and makes a portal leads her and her pets silk moth's to a child's bedroom while sandy was next to get some coins. While baby tooth was in a child's bedroom and puts a coin under the pillow, then luna quietly floats down onto the child's bedroom and puts a coin under the pillow, then jack was in child's bedroom and puts a coin under the pillow, then north was in a child's bedroom and puts two pair of candy canes, then bunny was in child's bedroom while he stomped his feet and falls through a rabbit hole and leaving a pair of easter eggs atop of a child's bed, and sandy walks through a doggy door with a coin in his hand but until sandy was shocked when he saw north and while north arranged christmas decorations in the child's bedroom and laughing at sandy before sandy wasn't amused and tossed the coin over his shoulder. Meanwhile a young boy was holding his stuff giraffe animal toy and his sippy cup in his hand and looks at his bedroom window and saw the guardians except luna, cast in the moonlight, bound across the adjacent rooftop, and while the young boy was dumbfounded and dropped his juice. And while luna and the guardians fly across the night sky only disappears through the snow globe portal, nearly a nightmare horse observes as the sleigh vanished, the nightmare leaps off the roof, through the drain down into the sewer, and the spy nightmare horse flies down into a dark cavernous space, a large steel cages hang all around and trapped inside are the mini fairies, and the nightmare heads towards to pitch while pitch standing at his own globe and which is conspicuously covered the lights.
Pitch:The lights...why aren't they going out?
The nightmare approaches from behind and let's out a soft whiney when pitch understands his nightmare horse and heard that luna and the guardians are collecting the teeth's.
Pitch:They're collecting the teeth?
As when the tooth fairies heard pitch that luna and the guardians are collecting the teeth's the mini fairies perks up and starts chipping excitedly.
Pitch:Oh! Pipe down or I'll stuff a pillow with you!
When the mini fairies begins to settle down, pitch looks at his nightmare with frustration and scowls at his nightmare, the nightmare winces and disperses into a tiny particles, when a stand of nightmare sand from the nightmare twirled in the air, and pitch twirls it with his fingers and turning it into a crude image of the sandman sandy.
Pitch:Fine have your last hurrah, for tomorrow, all your pathetic scrambling will be for nothing
As pitch crushes the image of sandman and pitch was coming for sandy and the others to end sandy first then the guardians for he can finally rule the world with his fear and nightmares of children to believe in him.

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