Dreamsand miracles/Pitch's defeat

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In burgess town after luna, the guardians, jamie and his friends defeat pitch's nightmares, sandy returns back of belief from jamie and his friends and after sandy knocks out pitch with his dreamsand and cause pitch to fall asleep and dreaming about adorable butterflies, as sandy floats into the air and shoots streams of dreamsand in every direction. A wisp of dreamsand floats into a boy's bedroom and touches his forehead while he's sleeping and suddenly a dreamsand figure forms above the boy's head and it was the tooth fairy, while the boy dreams about tooth in his sleep. Meanwhile in pitch's lair after luna's pets silk moth's got the mini tooth fairies out of the cages, until they notices that the lights begin to appear on the globe and they perks up at pitch's globe, baby tooth's her wings starts to flutter and the other fairies begins to fly again and the mini tooth fairies shoots down to the children tooth boxes and begin to opening them, while girl was in her bedroom and was sad to happy as her fondest memories flood back to her head. As baby tooth and the mini fairies continues to opening the children's tooth boxes, the silk moth's flies out of pitch's lair to reunite luna again and flies over to burgess town, meanwhile sophie peers out of her bedroom window and watched as streams down of dreamsand dance along the burgess skyline, and as the silk moth's was in burgess town and mothiana flies over to sophie's window to see sophie again, while sophie smiles at mothiana and watched her flies off to see luna again.
Meanwhile in burgess streets more and more windows begin to shine bright with gold as swirls of dream sand filled the night sky, while luna used her levitation spell on herself and flies herself in the streams of dreamsand, as she touched the dream sand an adjacent turns the stream into shapes of flying moonlight blue dust moth's into the sky, luna laughs and until she notices that her pets silk moth's came back flies over to her, and as luna's smiles grows big and flies over to her pet silk moth's with joy and hugs them, while luna had mothiana in palm and hugs her in her cheek.
Lunar girl: *laughing* Moth's! Oh, I'm so happy that you girls came back!
As the silk moth's snuggles luna's cheeks and hugging her, luna and her pets silk moth's flies over to the flying moonlight blue dust moth's and having fun with them, while a nightmare comes barreling towards cupcake and it screeches a halt and inches from cupcake's face, and cupcake taps the nightmare on the nose and turns into a dreamsand unicorn, while cupcake snuggles the dreamsand unicorn with joy. Meanwhile a gigantic dreamsand dinosaur foot comes down and revealing a dreamsand brontosaurus, and as the dreamsand creatures filled the streets, the guardians and the kids rejoice. While luna, her pets silk moth's, and some one of the moonlight blue dust moth's flies over to jamie, and as they did luna floats down to ground next to jamie and stopped using her levitation spell on herself with a smile on her face.
Lunar girl:Jamie, we did it!
When luna and jamie were holding hands on each other and smiling at each other, when suddenly jamie hits in the head with a snowball and him and luna turns to look and see's jack who was smiling at them and tossing the snowball on his hand. Luna and jamie laughs and as starts a snowball fight with their friends, the guardians, and the guardians helpers.
Lunar girl: *laughing* Snowball fight, everyone!
As luna and jamie picks up a snowball and throws it at their friends, almost instantaneously in a snowball fight ensures. Jamie and his friends, the guardians and their work helpers were having a snowball fight with each other and having some fun, after sandy finish his work done he salutes luna and north while they're standing off to the side while the snowball fight escalates.
North:Your center?
Lunar girl:Yeah, I mean I see you have faith in me. And I see have faith in everyone. So, yeah, my center is...faith!
When north smiles at luna after hearing about her center and he tossed her a small item, luna catches it and looks to opened her palm. It's a russian nesting doll in the image of luna and similar to those found in north's workshop. Luna smiles at north and north gives her a wink in return, when north was suddenly hit by a snowball and turns around to see claude, caleb, and an elf who was holding a snowball in his hand, while claude and caleb immediately pointed at the elf.
North: *laughing* You're all on naughty list. Bunny, think fast!
North throws the snowball at bunny and which it hits bunny smack in the face, meanwhile pitch groans in pain and rises up to see the town crawling with dreamsand creatures and snowball flying and the guardians and children playing. Pitch whips around to seeing the kids having the time of their lives and no fear in their eyes, he rises up, his entire body shaking with rage, and he screams at the children.
Pitch: *screaming* You dare have fun in my presence! I am the boogeyman! And you will fear me!
When pitch runs over at jamie, his hands outstretched, and tries to get jamie and get him to scared again. Luna notices that pitch heading towards jamie and she tries to get jamie's attention.
Lunar girl:Jamie, look out!
But jamie wasn't listening to luna he was laughing joyous and having fun with his friends, and when jamie running towards to pitch and he just runs right through pitch, while he continues to laughing joyous.
Pitch:Noooo! No...
Pitch realizes that he is no longer has any powers over the children and the devastation plays across his face, he sees the guardians approach and standing side by side with one another, while pitch turns and flee into the forest. As pitch runs through the shadows in terror, he comes crashing through the trees of the forest, and out onto the ice of the pond and he looks over his shoulder to see if the guardians are on his tail. But when pitch smacks into north's chest, he slips on the ice and falls backwards, and he see's north smiling at him, luna and the guardians walks through the portal and towards pitch before the portal closed itself.
North:Leaving the party so soon?
Toothiana:You didn't even say goodbye
When tooth tossed something to pitch and which pitch catches it, when he looks down and sees it's a quarter in his hand, and pitch looks up at tooth with a question look on his face.
Pitch:A quarter?
Then suddenly tooth punched pitch right in the jaw and a single tooth goes skittering across the ice. And as pitch wince in pain that his tooth came out after tooth punch him, he looks up and only seeing luna just standing there close to him, and then she punched him in his eye and sending pitch thud to the ground. While pitch rubbed his eye and looks up to tooth was shakes out her hand and her angrily mini tooth fairies was standing next to her and luna stares angrily at pitch and her angrily pets silk moth's were standing next to her too.
Toothiana:And that's for my fairies
Lunar girl:And that's for my moth's!
As the silk moth's squeaks and the mini tooth fairies tweets angrily at pitch for kidnapping them and hurts them. While pitch gots off the floor and tells luna and the guardians that's he can't get rid of him.
Pitch:You can't get rid of me! Not forever! There will always be fear!
North:So what! As long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear!
Pitch:Really? Then what are they doing here?
When a hundreds of nightmares emerged from the woods and surrounding the pond, but guardians seem to unphased except luna, and as luna was about to take out her moonlight shamshir sword from her moonlight purple sheath waist holder but north stops her when puts his hand on her shoulder.
North:They can't be my nightmares, I'm not afraid
Jack:Looks like it's your fear they smell
Lunar girl:Awwww! Is the big bad grandpa is afraid of his own nightmares?
As pitch's eyes get huge with terror as the nightmares move in on him, pitch begins to back away but the nightmares up speed as they charge towards him.
Pitch:Ahhh, no...AAAAAHHHHHH!
Pitch tries to run but it's possible to get his footing on the ice, he falters and is swept up in the stampede of nightmares. The streaks of black sand whip and latched themselves onto pitch as the black sand cloud carries him through the forest.
Pitch:No, no, nooooooo!
As pitch struggles to escape but the mass of black sand pulls him deep into the forest, under the frame of the broken bed and back down into the dark depths of the unground. And as he looks up at the moon as he disappears and the hole in the earth seals itself up.

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