The kids stopped believing in the guardians

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In england in the park today was easter and it was an easter egg hunt for the children but sadly easter was ruined because pitch sends his nightmare army to destroy and crushed every egg in tunnels. Bunny was peaks through the bushes with his easter eggs in the basket and seeing the children. The children was giving up on easter hunt and stopped believing in the easter bunny and the guardians because they can't find the easter eggs in the park. The children decided to leave the park in defeat and while bunny checked his easter eggs basket and then looks back toward the kids and was about to approached the group of children.
British girl:Maybe he just hid them really well this year
Bunnymund:Kids! Oi!
British boy:I checked everywhere! There's nothing!
As bunny carrying the easter eggs basket in his hand approached the group of kid's who was seem to be wandering around searching halfheartedly, disappointed, and listless the easter eggs. While bunny steps towards the kid's and tries to get them that there still easter and his easter eggs.
Bunnymund:Yes there is! There is! I mean these aren't my best lookin' goggies, but they'll do in a pinch!
British girl:I can't believe it....
Bunnymund:I know
British girl:There's no such thing as the easter bunny....
As the british girl and the kids were giving up finding the easter eggs and the spark of childhood has already been extinguished in all of the children and don't believe in bunny and the guardians anymore.
Bunnymund:No! Wrong! Not...not true! I'm right in front of ya mate!
When bunny tries to get the kid's that there's still easter but suddenly a little british boy walk through bunny. Bunny was stunned and finally realized that the children doesn't believe in him anymore.
Bunnymund:They don't see me....they don't see me....!
As luna watching all of this all unfold and it's heartbreaking because she knows that it was her fault. Luna realized that it's too late the children stopped believing in bunny and the gives up on the easter egg hunt while tooth and jack flies to bunny's side and comforting bunny and luna hears a rustle in the bushes behind her.
North:Luna where were you? The nightmares attack the tunnels, they smashed every egg, crushed every basket, nothing made it to the surface
When luna seeing north and seeing his scimitars drawn and having just come from the battle and north was exhausted, wild-eyed, and distraught from the battle.
When jack and tooth rejoined the group, when they did tooth gasped as she and jack notices luna was holding up her memory box in her hand, and jack asked luna where did she got it and starting to think that luna betraying him and the guardians.
Jack:Where did you get that?
Luna looks down at her memory box in her hand and then looks back at tooth and jack and tries to explained to them about what happened.
Lunar girl:I...I's-?!
Luna was interrupted by tooth who was notices that baby tooth and her pets silk moth's wasn't with luna and starting to think that luna betraying her and the guardians too.
Toothiana:Where's baby tooth?! And your moth's?!
As soon the guardians realizes and think that luna was with pitch, they think that luna gave away baby tooth and her pets silk moth's for her memories, and jack think that luna helped pitch and his nightmares destroyed easter and made the children stopped believing in jack and the guardians.
Toothiana:Oh luna...what have you done?
North:That is why you weren't here? You were with pitch?!
Lunar girl:No! Will yeah...but I was-?!
Luna was interrupted by jack who was believing that luna betrayed him and the guardians and thinking that luna helping pitch and his nightmares destroyed easter and made the children stopped believing in him and the guardians.
Jack:You helped him did all of this?!
Lunar girl:No! Listen! Listen! Listen! I'm sorry! I...I didn't mean for this to happen! I...I was just-?!
Luna was interrupted by bunny who was believing that he and the guardians were right about luna. Bunny believes that luna betrayed the guardians and destroyed easter and lost the trust in luna before bunny tells the guardians that luna has to go.
Bunnymund:She has to go!
Luna turns to see bunny and seeing that bunny was disheartened and felt betrayed by luna got her memory box from pitch and destroying easter.
Lunar girl:What...? Bunny...
Bunnymund:We should never have trusted you!
Bunny got too angry at luna for betraying him and the guardians and destroying easter, but bunny saw the tears in luna's eyes and thinks that he acting like he's threatening her, and bunny calming himself down and also explained to luna about his center is hope.
Bunnymund:Easter is new beginnings, new life...that's how I saw you luna, easter is about hope...and now it's gone
As bunny turns away and moves toward the park, luna looks back at the others when she did jack, north, and tooth turns away and signifying that they agreed with bunny, north was disappointed, too hurt, and felt betrayed by luna and him and the guardians lost trust in luna, then luna realized that she had lost the trust in the guardians and luna reaches into her inuit pocket and pulls out the tiny russian nesting doll that north have given her, and luna dropped the tiny russian nesting doll to the ground and she used her levitation spell on herself and makes a portal to antarctica to throw her memory box into the ocean because she don't deserved to get to know her memories. While jack notices that luna used her levitation spell on herself and flies towards the portal to antarctica and jack tries to stopped her.
But it was too late, luna has already goes through the portal and throws her memory box into the ocean in antarctica, meanwhile in burgess town in jamie's house jamie's friends were sad and realizes that easter bunny, santa claus, jack frost, and the tooth fairy isn't real and starts gives up on the easter egg hunt and stopped believing in the guardians, but jamie hasn't gives up searching the easter egg hunt and trying to tell them what he saw he saw the easter bunny, santa claus, jack frost, and the tooth fairy last night.
While jamie was atop of a ladder and straining for looks like an easter egg hiding from the rain gutter. But the ladder tottered and jamie loses his balance and beginning to falls,
Jamie:Whoaaa! Whoa! Whoa....aaaah!
When jamie grabs the gutter but the gutter breaks loose and sending jamie crashing down into a mound of snow. As jamie gets up off the ground and he see's that the easter egg was in fact a dirty old tennis ball. Jamie stands up, bewildered, and dusted himself off as his friends wasn't being their themselves and having their few have empty easter baskets.
Jamie:Let's check the park again!
Claude:For what? The easter bunny?
Jamie:Guys I told you! I saw him! He's way bigger than I thought! And he's got these cool boomerang things!
Caleb:Grow up jamie
Claude: *sighing* Ah man seriously
Jamie:What happened to you guys?
Caleb:It was a dream! You should be happy you still get dreams like that and not...
As jamie's friends begins to turn away from jamie and decided to go home in defeat and depressed and gives up on the Easter egg hunt and pippa drops the tennis ball into jamie's easter basket as she leaves.
Pippa:Forget it jamie...there's just no easter this year
As pippa and the others leaves jamie backyard and goes home and not believing in the easter bunny, santa claus, jack frost, and the tooth fairy anymore. While jamie tries to tell his friends that the easter bunny is real.
Jamie:He really is real! I know he is...
As jamie's friends trailing away and goes home jamie doesn't know what to believe and he hangs his head down and looks into the easter basket and still believes that the easter bunny is real with all his hopes and faith in his heart he knows that the easter bunny, santa claus, jack frost, and the tooth are real.

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