Trapped in solitude/Luna's memories

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In antarctica luna used her levitation spell on herself and flies over to the floating iceberg because she wants to throw her memory tooth box away to the ocean because she doesn't deserve to get to know her lost past life and her lost memories. While luna had her inuit hoodie on her head, holding her memory tooth box in her hand, she quietly cries about letting the guardians down after easter was ruined and losing the trust in luna, and luna blamed herself for not being for helping the guardians protecting the easter eggs in bunny's tunnels and felt never been more alone in her life. As luna flies down to the edge and stopped using her levitation spell on herself and as runs to the edge of the floating iceberg and ready to throw her memory tooth box into the ocean. But luna resists and looks down at her memory tooth box as she clutched it in her hands and she wiped the tears away from her sad eyes and her cheeks. Until pitch suddenly shows up to antarctic and was about to convinced luna to join him by fighting the guardians and making children believe in them with luna's powers and pitch's nightmares.
Pitch:I thought this might happen, they never really believe in you, I was just trying to show you that...but I understand
As luna puts her memory tooth box in her inuit pocket and angrily takes out her moonlight shamshir sword from her moonlight purple sheath waist holder and whips around and shoots a bursted of moonlight blue dust at pitch. But pitch quickly used his nightmare sand and quickly deflected from luna's moonlight blue dust.
Lunar girl: *yelling* You don't understand anything!
Luna continues to attack and lashed out with her moonlight shamshir sword, pitch blocks the attack of moonlight blue dust, and his control over the nightmare sand has gained considerable strength.
Pitch: *shouting* No?! I don't know what it's like to be cast out?!
As pitch strikes back and putting luna on the defense, luna jumps in the air and until her and pitch shrouded in a blanket of moonlight blue dust, nightmare sand, and wind, and as the wind, moonlight blue dust, and nightmare sand settles down and while luna looks around stern and alert to pitch.
Pitch:To not be believed in! To long for...a family....
Luna turns around to find pitch and there's a look of compassion on luna's face as she listens to pitch.
Pitch:All these years in the shadows I thought no one else knows what this feels like...but now I see I was wrong
As luna and pitch locks their eyes and a moment of true connection between them and before pitch begins to convicting luna to join him and this isn't a trick pitch is making a real offer here to luna.
Pitch:We don't have to be alone luna, I believe in you, and I know children will too
Lunar girl:Really...? In me...?
Pitch:Yes! Look at what we can do!
When pitch gestures the fantastical giant pillar of  moonlight blue dust and nightmare sand that pitch and luna created when luna attack him. Luna gasped quiet as she looked at the giant pillar with her moonlight blue dust that turned into ice moonlight blue dust and with pitch's nightmare sand and luna looks at the fractured reflection of her and pitch. Before pitch tells luna that they can make the children believe in them if luna joins pitch to defeat the guardians together with they're powers.
Pitch:What goes together better than light and dark? We can make them believe! We'll give them a world where everything! Everything is-?!
Pitch was interrupted by luna who was thinking pitch could make the children believe in him not luna with his nightmares and fear if she joins him.
Lunar girl:Pitch black...?
When pitch realized how this looks, clarifies, and while he still tries to convicting luna to join with him.
Pitch:And luna girl too they'll believe in both of us
Lunar girl:No they'll fear both of us! And that's not what I what!
Luna stares at pitch considering the offer that she don't want to get fear of her and pitch and refuses to join him while luna turns away and walks away from pitch.
Lunar girl:Now for the last time pitch! Leave me alone!
As luna walks away pitch looks confused and hurt that luna rejected him, this isn't the response he was expecting, and then pitch's eyes flame with anger and he made himself vulnerable, and no more negotiating now.
Pitch:Very well, you want to be left alone? Done! But first...
Lunar girl:Oh yeah? What's...?
When luna turns around and heard a familiar twitter and a familiar squeak, pitch reaches into his black robe to pulls out baby tooth and mothiana, and luna gasped when she saw baby tooth and her pet mothiana was clenched by pitch's fist.
Lunar girl:Baby tooth! Mothiana!
Luna charges forward and tries to get baby tooth and mothiana from pitch but the terror looks on baby tooth and mothiana's eyes and as baby tooth and mothiana squeaks as pitch clenched them tight with his pitch. While luna threatened pitch to let go of baby tooth and mothiana and she clenching her moonlight shamshir sword.
Lunar girl:Let them go pitch! Or I'll-?!
Luna was interrupted by pitch who wants to trade luna's moonstone opal for baby tooth and mothiana before pitch wants her moonstone to trade for mothiana and baby tooth.
Pitch:The moonstone luna!
Luna settled her moonlight shamshir sword down and confused what pitch wants her moonstone opal for. Before pitch explained to luna that her moonstone opal has a bad habit of interfering and tells her that he let baby tooth and mothiana go if luna gives him her moonstone.
Pitch:You have a bad habit of interfering, now hand it over, and I'll let them go
Baby tooth twitters and mothiana squeaks tells luna that don't give the moonstone to pitch but
baby tooth and mothiana struggles to get loose and pitch only tightens his griped and baby tooth and mothiana hardly breathe, finally luna has no choice but give her moonstone to pitch for mothiana and baby tooth, then luna puts away her moonlight shamshir sword in her moonlight purple sheath waist holder and then she reached her hand inside of inuit blue coat and grabbed her moonstone opal in her body, and when she did luna took the moonstone opal out of her body and gives it to pitch. While she still a half moonlight and half human spirit and pitch grips luna's moonstone opal in his right hand.
Lunar girl:Alright now let them go
Lunar girl:What...? But...but you said-?!
Luna was interrupted by pitch who was telling that she wants to be alone while he's stopped tighten mothiana and baby tooth from his griped.
Pitch:You said you wanted to be be alone!
Baby tooth and mothiana were shocked at pitch because pitch tells luna "so be alone' that made them angry and baby tooth puncturing pitch's thumb with her beak. Pitch shrieks and throws baby tooth and mothiana in the air and down into the crevasse.
Lunar girl:No!! Girl's!!!
Luna was enraged when pitch throws mothiana and baby tooth into the chasm, she see's pitch was tightened the moonstone opal with his grips, pitch gripping the moonstone opal even tighter and causing the moonstone opal to break, cracking, and light explodes from pitch's palm and the terror comes to luna's eyes, and as luna clutching into her chest and luna suddenly turned back into a inuit human spirit and wasn't a moonlight spirit anymore. Pitch suddenly sends a burst of nightmare sand, blasting luna, and slamming her into the iceberg wall behind her as the ice cracks, and as luna comes loose and falls forward into the chasm below. While pitch looks down into the ice fissure chucking, he throw the broken stones of luna's moonstone opal down into the crevasse, and casually walks away and disappearing on the horizon. Meanwhile in the ice fissure it's cold and dark down here and luna is more alone than she's ever been battered from the fall, luna slowly looks up and looks at her inuit moonlight clothes, luna's inuit moonlight clothes was now back to normal human inuit clothes, luna's eyes aren't light blue now her eyes are brown, and her dark blue hair now her hair was black. As luna notices that baby tooth and mothiana was lying lifelessly on the ground and before luna pulls herself to mothiana and baby tooth and cradles them in her hands.
Lunar girl:Mothiana! Baby tooth! You girls alright?
Mothiana and baby tooth nods but they're hurt and cold, luna does her best to shield baby tooth and mothiana from the cold, but baby tooth just sneezed and mothiana just shivering in the cold.
Lunar girl: *sighed* Sorry girl's...I don't think if I ever going to get us out of here...
As luna sit up and holding mothiana and baby tooth in her hands while she tears up and realizing that pitch was right about her she does makes a mess of everything before luna sniffs.
Lunar girl: *sniffing* Pitch was right, I make a mess of everything...
Luna is devastated and felt like giving up as tears rolls down her cheeks, mothiana and baby tooth never seen luna like this, but baby tooth gets a thought and her expression hardens, and as she wriggles deep into luna's inuit pocket while mothiana follows her.
Lunar girl:Hey...?
Luna leans back and curling up onto the ground with her arms around her legs and her head on her arms, and begins to close her eyes as she starts crying again and feel her tears coming up into her eyes, but until she hears the little boy's memory voice again from her memory tooth box in her inuit pocket.
Little boy's memory voice: Taqqiq....taqqiq
And then luna feels something in her inuit pocket and she looks down and saw there's a soft golden glow coming from her inuit pocket while mothiana stares at the golden glow from luna's memory tooth box. Luna jumps taken aback and she reached in and pulls out her memory tooth box and her memory tooth box was pulsing with light before she wiped out her tears in her eyes.
Little boy's memory voice:Taqqiq...
When baby tooth motions to the memory tooth box, then she and mothiana looked at luna, luna reached to the memory tooth box but as she does it's top magically unfolds to reveal a handful of baby teeth and then the memory tooth box and everything else glows bright with intense light. Then the walls of the fissure seem to suddenly fall away and in the brief flashes the colonial settlement taqqiq visited the inuit children's as they played tagged and they playfully running around into the woods.
Taqqiq's big brother:Come on little sis! You can't have fun all the time!
While the inuit children laughes as taqqiq was hanging upside down from a tree limb and having fun.
Toklo:Taqqiq! Get down from there!
Meanwhile a happy inuit family was inside their igloo home and laughed at taqqiq while taqqiq was preparing to a penguin and walking around like a penguin.
Taqqiq's father: *laughing* Taqqiq!
Toklo: *laughing* You're funny taqqiq!
Meanwhile outside of the igloo house turns out that taqqiq akerolik was actually was lunar girl who was saved her little inuit brother before she became lunar girl. Taqqiq was ten years old and she was wearing her original inuit clothes, her skin was tan, her hair was black, and her eyes were brown. And her little inuit brother name was toklo akerolik and he's seven in half years old who was dragging his big inuit sister to the frozen lake into the forest to ice skate with their ice skating shoes. While taqqiq and toklo's mother named silla akerolik who was telling her inuit children to be careful while they're skating.
Silla:Be careful you two!
Taqqiq: *laughing* We will mom!
As taqqiq and toklo say bye to their mother and they runs off to the forest to the frozen lake to ice skating. When taqqiq and toklo has arrived at the forest and came to the frozen lake for ice skating toklo was too excited to ice skate and having some and taqqiq was helping toklo put on his ice skating shoes. When she did taqqiq takes toklo over to the frozen lake to ice skate and when they arrived at the frozen lake and taqqiq tells toklo that she needs to put her ice skating shoes on first and then she and her little inuit brother goes ice skating. While toklo was about to starts ice skating but until him and taqqiq hears an ice crack underneath toklo and taqqiq gasped when spotted a ice spider's web of cracks emanated from where toklo standing. Toklo gasped when saw the ice spider's wed of cracks underneath him and toklo startes to panicked and he was scared that he might fall into the frozen water. While taqqiq tells toklo that he's going to be alright and she removes the second of two rudimentary ice skate shoes.
Taqqiq:It's okay toklo, it's okay, it's okay, don't look down just look at me!
Toklo:Taqqiq...I'm scared...!
As the ice below toklo's splinters more while toklo wobbles as the ice cracks starts separate and toklo starts to cry as tears were coming up to his eyes.
Taqqiq:I know, I know...don't cry, you're gonna be alright, you're not gonna fall in, we're gonna have a little faith instead!
Toklo:No we're not!
Taqqiq:Would I trick you?
Toklo was so frightened and so scared that some tears rolled down on his cheeks and as the ice continues to crack underneath toklo.
Toklo:Yes! You and inuksuk always play tricks on me!
Taqqiq:Well alright, well not, not this time, I promise, I promise you're gonna're gonna be have to believe in me and have faith in us
As taqqiq fixes the gazes on toklo's face and toklo pauses a moment and then smiles through his fear and as his tears stopped rolling down on his cheeks. Taqqiq's demeanor changes and a light is switched on inside her and the last thing that could be happening is that an idea pops up in her head and taqqiq casually playful at toklo.
Taqqiq:You wanna play a game? We're going to play hopscotch! Like we play everyday! It's as easy!!!!!
Toklo looks more reassured but when taqqiq showed her little inuit brother the first leap, but mugs for toklo and he laughed, and taqqiq almost losing her balance then catch herself and while toklo was laughing.
When taqqiq jumps out of the ice crack and she turns toward toklo with her arms spread out before taqqiq spotted a long stick on the ice right next to her and gotta an idea of saving her little inuit brother.
As Taqqiq reaches down to pick up the long stick off the ice and extends it towards toklo to grabbed the long stick so she can save her little inuit brother.
Taqqiq:Now it's your turn toklo! I want you to grabbed the stick and I'm going to pull you out of the cracks on the countof three okay?
Taqqiq:Good! Now one...
As toklo looks down and trying to gather his courage while taqqiq has faith that toklo will be saved and she never breaking gazed with toklo. While toklo hops, wobbling, and catching his balance.
Taqqiq:You got it toklo! That's it, that's it...two...
Toklo almost there and he finally managed to grabbed the long stick so taqqiq can pulled him out of the ice cracks.
As taqqiq pulled the long stick with toklo and in one massive effort she slinging toklo with all her might to safety but the movement propels taqqiq into the cracking ice. She looked up to see her little inuit brother with a big smile on toklo's face and when she was about to approach him to see if he's alright. Suddenly taqqiq was thrust back onto the lake, she crashed through the ice, and into the dark and freezing cold water.
Toklo: *shouting* Taqqiq!
Taqqiq looking up through the ice and to make sure that her little inuit brother was safe and she then begins to sink underwater. taqqiq dead when she saved her little inuit brother and then that night when she sinks down into the water but until the moonstone opal crashed into the frozen lake and it goes into taqqiq's body. Then the full moon appears from behind the clouds as the moonstone opal got into taqqiq body and starts transformed her into a moonlight spirit and the moon glows bright and brighter. And taqqiq's body begins to glowed and bathe in moonlight her tan skin became beige skin, her black hair was dark blue hair, and as she became brighter and brighter until her brown eyes became bright light blue eyes now. The icy walls rushed back in as taqqiq as lunar girl was pulled out from her memory tooth box and before she see's mothiana and baby tooth were just standing and waiting on luna to reeling from her memories.
Lunar girl:Did you...did you girls see that?!
Mothiana and baby tooth shakes their heads and they haven't seen luna's long lost memories from her memory tooth box.
Lunar girl:It-It was me! I had a family! I had a little brother! I saved him!
As luna's excitement suddenly turned to realization and she looks up at the opening above she see's the moon peeks out from the clouds.
Lunar girl: *whispering* That's why you chose me...I'm-I'm a guardian!
When the moon seems to shine a little brighter and mothiana and baby tooth tries to take flight but they sputtering and lands back in the palm of luna's hands.
Lunar girl:We have to get out of here!
As luna looks down at her broken pieces of her moonstone opal, she picks them off the ground and tries to fixed it back together, when she fixed her moonstone opal and waiting for it to be working again but nothing happened, then she tries again to be working again and puts it closer to chest and having faith that she'll fixed it and used every ounce of strength left in her, and then luna, mothiana, and baby tooth watched and then their eyes widened as a spark of light blue shoots off the moonstone opal, and luna opened her hands and her, mothiana, and baby tooth see's that the moonstone opal was fixing itself and the broken pieces were closely putting it back where it was moonstone opal was. While the moonstone opal was already fixed and it was brighter than ever and luna smile as she puts the moonstone opal back into her human spirit body. When she did the moonstone opal transformed luna back into her moonlight spirit again and when she became a moonlight spirit again luna happily used her levitation spell on herself and shoots up out of the fissure high into the sky and through the clouds while mothiana and baby tooth tucked safely in luna's inuit tunic.
Lunar girl:Come baby tooth! Me and mothiana own you on!
Mothiana squeaks at baby tooth for agreeing that she and luna owed baby tooth for helping luna to know about her past life. Before luna makes a portal to pitch's lair and rescuing the mini tooth fairies and luna's pets silk moth's and while luna goes right the portal to pitch's lair and starts freeing the the silk moth's and the mini tooth fairies.

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